Architectural Guidelines

For the Convenience of residents of Park West, the following Guidelines have been affirmed by the PWCA Board of Directors in outline form below. These Guidelines are not to be construed as a waiver of the provisions of the PWCA Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.

PWCA Architectural Guidelines (page 8)

Click here to download an Architectural Control Committee Modification Form in PDF.

Click here for the terms found within documentation provided by the ACC.

ACC Inspector File - click here. This provides pictures and names different constituents of a residence as noted in ACC Recommendations and Required Items.

No exterior alteration or modification, either under the above stated guidelines or with the PWCA Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be permitted without prior written approval from the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). Requests should be mailed to PWCA, Attn: Summit Management Services, 8405-A, Alexandria, VA 22039. Approval or disapproval will occur within sixty (60) days of submission of written request.  The ACC shall maintain a file of approved decks, sheds and paint/roofing colors for review.


   Art Gile Architectural Control Committee Chair

Park West Community Association
c/o Summit Management Services
Attn: Lori Randall
8405-A Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA 22039