Main Pool Closed

All – the main pool pump motor failed today.  The distributor will not have a spare available until Monday.

As such – the main pool is closed until further notice.  The Wading Pool and Pool Deck remain open if you’d like to utilize them.



Asphalt Crack-fill; Specific Space, Yellow Curb, and White Curb Painting and Marking – TOMORROW, 5 JULY 2024 

All – our contractor was held up on another job on 3 July 2024.  They will be in the community tomorrow (5 July 2024) to accomplish what aspects of the project they can and return sometime next week to finish the project.

For those with assigned spaces to be renumbered; if you are able to leave your space open tomorrow then they will try to get you accomplished during the day.  For those who cannot support this request, we will send another letter and update the signs once we have a date and time to complete the project.

The white curbs are marked as No Parking areas for tomorrow.  If possible we’d like to get all the white and yellow curbs accomplished tomorrow along with as many spaces as we can to minimize the time needed next week to complete the project.

Thanks for your flexibility supporting this aspect of the overall project.

I’ll send out a full message once I have clarity on the way forward with the railings for the overall project.

Enjoy the July 4th evening!



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (January 2024, Message #1) 

Good morning!  Please see below for several items for your review.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Meeting Packets:

ACC Documents:

Parking Documents:


Quarterly Assessment Timeline:

Trash and Recycling Information:


Director Application for Candidacy:

2023 – 2024 Snow Removal Policy: 

2024 Annual Assessment Notice and Timeline: 

MLK Day of Service Flyer:


1.  MLK DAY OF SERVICE; COMMUNITY AND RABBIT BRANCH PARK CLEANUP; MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 2024; 9:00 AM; EITHER POOL PARKING LOT OR TAPESTRY DRIVE AT FOOTPATH.  THIS MONDAY!!!!!!!  Our District Supervisor will be at the Tapestry Drive location to kick off the event  Whether you walk over there to participate or just come down to the pool to grab a bag and select an area of our community please give an hour or two of your time Monday to help keep our grounds clear of the loose trash that has collected and thereby help lessen the impact of our environment and those downstream of us.  Please come prepared to walk through naturalized areas – some areas will be wet.  Gloves are highly recommended.  There will will trash bags, maps of our common area, and trash grabbers at the pool for you to use.  Please return the grabbers when you are finished – You may either bring the trash collected back to the pool or just deposit it at one of the trash collection points for removal on the Tuesday collection.  See the flyer in the Seasonal Links list above.  Here’s the email from KPW Road Raiders on this and several other park improvements occurring in our immediate vicinity – the flyer referenced in the email is the flyer in the Seasonal Links section: 


From: Tom McCook <>
Date: Sun, Jan 7, 2024 at 8:44 PM


KPWCA is sponsoring  again this year our annual “discover nature” in a small & great area of KPW.

Rabbit Branch Park, off Tapestry weaves it way south with walking footpaths all the way to Crooked Creek Park (off Commonwealth) and maybe by this time next year, we’ll have an established trail from Commonwealth all the way to Royal lake (in planning stages, will be done, just no guarantees on timelines).  WOW!!

AND … the renovation is (almost) complete on Shane’s Creek, the “other watershed” to Royal Lake – WOW, I walked with my dogs on Saturday morning before the rain from the Lake to Roberts Road … as soon as the vegetation gets a foothold and begins to grow – we will have another DYNAMIC small park and numerous footpaths around the lake!!!!  [please note – the vegetation has just been planted, needs time to establish and begin to grow; so we will not have any organized activities in this area for a while – but … check it out when you can].

For Monday, January 15 @ 9AM, please plan to stay as long as you can to support the community & parks.

We’ll be holding our annual “clean the park”  that elusive plastic trash is usually not next to the easy walking paths, but hidden and away from the beaten path – PLEASE come prepared and dressed for walking in the woods, tall grass and bush areas.

NO rain is in the forecast for next weekend; hopefully the area will dry before Monday.

Martin Luther King day, a day of service, not just a day off (federal, state and school holiday).

Please help us out & please see/post the attached flyer, so that we can maximize the event.

I hope to see you there.

If you’d like to join us, please send me an email @ 

AND if you have an area of our community neglected by VDOT or sidewalks and Parks that need special attention, please let me know!

Any questions or concerns, please let me know.  

Tom McCook


2.  TREE AND GROUNDS CARE WORK.  Our Fall 2023 Tree Pruning activity will occur over the next couple of weeks.  Contracted leaf removal for Fall 2023 is complete.  For those who did not take advantage of the visits to move your leaves to common ground please clean your yards and deposit into bags for removal.  

3.  YARD DEBRIS COLLECTION.  Any yard debris you generate now should be placed out with regular trash.  Our contractor recommends placing yard debris into your trash containers to ensure the debris gets picked up during the next two months.  Regular Yard Debris collection will resume on March 6, 2024.

4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2024; 7:00 PM; VIRTUAL.  The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. For the virtual meeting information, see the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2024), then the meeting (20240116). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

5.  2024 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE AND ASSESSMENT TIMELINE.  As presented at the Annual Meeting, the Annual Assessment for 2024 has increased to $440.00 per quarter due on the first day of each quarterly assessment period – the first quarter’s payment was due on January 1st. The 2024 Assessment Notice and the Quarterly Assessment Timeline have been mailed/emailed to you and may also be found on the website – link provided above in the Seasonal Links section.

6.  COLD WEATHER PREPARATION.  With the change of weather occurring next week on us, I thought I’d keep this item in for one more message.  Check the November newsletter for an article on this important subject.  Each year there are challenges faced by homeowners – consider taking the identified steps to take to be prepared for winter and limit potential damage to your home. The PWCA snow policy is posted on the website and is linked above in the Seasonal Links section; please read and understand it before any snow emergency might be declared for the Community.  If/when snow or ice storms occur all residents are requested to shovel and de-ice the sidewalks in front of your home. Help your neighbors and your community by assisting others if needed, clearing around fire hydrants, and clearing the mail boxes

7.  BRADDOCK ROAD STOP SIGN AND MESSAGE BOARD, POOL PARKING LOT STOP SIGN.  We are awaiting better weather to repair the stop signs and message board.

Enjoy your day – hope to see you on Monday!

