Upcoming Tree Work Throughout the Community

Good evening.  Just a reminder that tree work will start tomorrow morning.

All impacted areas were marked last Friday.  All assigned spaces received a letter in their front door.

Non-assigned curb parking on the Carriagepark Court island and visitor spaces on upper Gainsborough Drive are impacted by the work tomorrow and potentially Wednesday.  All visitor parking on the island edge that borders 4714 through 4720 are impacted along with the two visitors spaces opposite 4715.

Please have your vehicles removed by 0730 tomorrow morning or you risk being relocated with the charge applied to the address associated with the vehicle.

Because the parking load is rather low currently the pool parking lot IS NOT open for parking.

Additional tree work will be occurring next week.  I do not yet have the impacted spaces and non-assigned parking fully assessed yet but those notices and markings will be set up by the end of the week.

Thank you as always for your help in supporting the efforts!



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (November 2023, Message #2) 

Good morning.  Please see below for several items for your review.

PWCA Website: https://parkwestcommunity.org/
PWCA Meeting Packets: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UQIfzyb72xFD9Y7_mshcRNVRE5wv8m5h?usp=share_link

ACC Documents:  https://parkwestcommunity.org/architectural-control-committee/

Parking Documents: https://parkwestcommunity.org/parking/

Newsletters: https://parkwestcommunity.org/newsletters/

Quarterly Assessment Timeline: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LpwaIZ5NVobKPDzCmuTnOy20KcwpxXXg?usp=share_link

Trash and Recycling Information:  https://parkwestcommunity.org/our-environment/


Director Application for Candidacy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cnn33EERkBdAG-qMTEiiV4PWyHv3BnxJ/view

2023 – 2024 Snow Removal Policy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gtAkDqOQlg3InT0bmEnm6rrHYRaQrdnr/view?usp=sharing 

2024 Annual Assessment Notice and Timeline:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QxBqENaj8L2i8worak-rQyBrnLPSp6GB?usp=drive_link 


1.  2023 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION, SYNOPSIS.  The Annual Meeting was held on November 14th at St. Mary of Sorrows Church (the Parish Center) in a parallel in-person/virtual format.  My thanks to those who physically attended the meeting.  Stephen Lubore and Kevin Murphy were elected for another three-year term of office while the third position is currently open.  Marguerite Wiese was appointed as the 2023-2024 Nominating Committee Chair.  See the website for the meeting slide deck and other supporting documentation.  The draft Annual Meeting minutes will be posted to the website after being provisionally approved by the Directors at the December Board of Directors meeting

2.  POOL HOUSE HOLIDAY LIGHTING SETUP; SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2023; 10:00AM; POOL PARKING LOT.  In preparation for the social occurring at 5:00pm that evening, we need some volunteers to come help set up the lights on the pool house and fence.  If you are interested please email me – I’d like to get the lights set up earlier in the week in case there are complications with the setup.  At a minimum setup will occur at 10:00AM – possibly the entire setup if we cannot determine any dates and times in advance.  Without volunteers to accomplish the setup it’ll be a strange social that evening….. 

3.  HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING SOCIAL; SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2023; 5:00PM; POOL PARKING LOT. Please come enjoy the start of our holiday season at the pool parking lot. If you’d like, please consider adding an ornament or two to the tree we have on Saturday afternoon (or once the tree has it’s lights installed).  Limited refreshments will be provided.  Please contact the Social Committee if you’d like to help with this event.

4.  TREE AND GROUNDS CARE WORK.  Colonial Pipeline has completed the easement pruning and removal work with the exception of one tree that will be dropped within a naturalized area.  We just completed the planting of eleven trees at four locations around the community with one additional transplant to follow.  Pruning and removal work will occur over the next several months.  The third leaf removal visit will occur through the end of this week.  Both tree care and grounds care crew days will also occur during the month of December.  End result – you will be seeing different types of crews and vehicles throughout the community through the end of December so please keep that in mind as you walk, ride or drive through our community.

5.  HOLIDAY TEMPORARY PARKING REQUESTS – AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17,2023.  Please provide your temporary parking permit requests as soon as possible for visitors you may have through the New Year. We would like to provide our volunteers who create those passes for you the time to spend with their families and several of them are departing the local area during the holiday weeks so you will not have them as assets. Please see the website for a current list of parking officials – link provided in the permanent links above. If you miss the deadline listed above, have patience as it will probably take longer to generate passes for you.

6 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2023; 7:00 PM; VIRTUAL.  The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. For the virtual meeting information, see the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2023), then the meeting (20231219). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

7.  YARD DEBRIS COLLECTION, FINAL 2023 COLLECTION OCCURS DECEMBER 20, 2023.  The final yard debris pickup for 2023 will occur December 20, 2023.  Yard Debris collection will resume on March 6, 2024.

8.  HOLIDAY TRASH, RECYCLING, AND CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP/YARD WASTE SCHEDULE.  Each trash or recycling day will change for the weeks of Christmas and New Years. All pickups are delayed one day for those two weeks.  See below for specific dates.

  • Wednesday, December 27, 2023:  Trash Pickup #1
  • Thursday, December 28, 2023:  Recycling Pickup
  • Saturday, December 30, 2023:  Trash Pickup #2
  • Wednesday, January 3, 2024:  Trash Pickup #1
  • Thursday, January 4, 2024:  Recycling Pickup and Christmas Tree Collection #1
  • Saturday, January 6, 2024:  Trash Pickup #2

Christmas trees will be collected on THURSDAY during the first week of January and on WEDNESDAY (January 10, 2024) during the second week of January.  All trees must be placed on the curb with all tinsel/decorations removed and trees should not be placed in plastics bags.  See the website for further details.

9.  2024 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE AND ASSESSMENT TIMELINE.  As presented at the Annual Meeting, the Annual Assessment for 2024 will increase to $440.00 per quarter due on the first day of each quarterly assessment period. The 2024 Assessment Notice and the Quarterly Assessment Timeline have been mailed/emailed to you and may also be found on the website – link provided above in the Seasonal Links section.

10.  OCTOBER 2023 COMMUNITY RULES.  The updated Rules may be found on the website under the ‘Rules and Regulations’ sub-page.  New residents to our community receive a copy when they are getting their initial set of parking permits.  If you would like to have a hard copy of the Rules and are not a new resident, please email parking@parkwestcommunity.org and communications@parkwestcommunity.org to coordinate a time to receive a copy.

11.  COMMUNITY SECURITY.  With the holiday season upon us please remember to secure your packages, vehicles and homes. Keep your assets locked and thereby prevent a thief from having an easy opportunity. As a reminder, if any out-of-the-ordinary events occur or if you are concerned for your safety or security please call the Police non-emergency number at (703) 691-2131 to report the occurrence or incident – or 911 in an emergency.  Finally, please consider leaving your porch lights on throughout the night.

12.  COLD WEATHER PREPARATION.  Check the November newsletter for an article on this important subject.  Each year there are challenges faced by homeowners – consider taking the identified steps to take to be prepared for winter and limit potential damage to your home. The PWCA snow policy is posted on the website and is linked above in the Seasonal Links section; please read and understand it before any snow emergency might be declared for the Community.  If/when snow or ice storms occur all residents are requested to shovel and de-ice the sidewalks in front of your home. Help your neighbors and your community by assisting others if needed, clearing around fire hydrants, and clearing the mail boxes

13.  OWNER ACCOUNT PORTAL.  As I’ve had a couple of questions on this – each owner has the ability to access their account through a portal Summit Management offers.  To access the portal, please go to our website and select the ‘Living in PWCA’ tab.  Scroll down the page to the button ‘Vantaca Owner Login’.  If you have not already done so, Vantaca will prompt you to create a login.  Once you login you’ll be able to access your owner information to include the status of your account.  This also provides an avenue to pay any balances due on the account.  

14.  BRADDOCK ROAD STOP SIGN AND MESSAGE BOARD, POOL PARKING LOT STOP SIGN.  No change in status but we have not forgotten about these items.  We have started the replacement work for the stop sign and assessment of the message board with our local contractor.  Dominion is not open to installing any kind of protection system for the distribution box so we are proceeding with the stop sign replacement as located in the past at the Braddock Road and Carriagepark Road intersection.

Enjoy your day – while it continues to be cold we are in store for a warming trend over the weekend – hope to see you at the setup and at the social this Saturday!



Extended Pool Operations, 9 and 10 September 2023 Information

Good evening.  This email is focused on the upcoming pool weekend.


PWCA Website: https://parkwestcommunity.org/


Pool Sign-In System: https://www.signupgenius.com/tabs/13576df05a6cdeac1aa3-pwcasign#/

2023 Puppy Plunge:   https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12IMDaPc0fYfv4j8CJjPwFAPYYdHfeC3y?usp=drive_link


1.  EXTENDED POOL OPERATIONS; SEPTEMBER 9 AND 10, 2023.  The operating hours will be:  Saturday; September 9, 2023:  11:00 AM to 7:00 PM and Sunday; September 10, 2023:  11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. On September 10, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM will be the annual Puppy Plunge – no humans allowed in the pool during this last hour of the season.  On Sunday you will find less and less furniture for use as the day wears on.  Please be flexible in your requirements on this day.  If you are planning to enjoy our pool from Sunday mid-afternoon to the close and you want to sit, please consider bringing your own chairs.

2.  SUNDAES ON SUNDAY; SUNDAY; SEPTEMBER 10, 2023; 5:00PM, POOL.  We are planning to host one more Sundaes on Sunday for the 2023 season!  We’ll have various ice creams and toppings that are sure to please both the young and young-at-heart!  This also might be a nice break for those who are bringing furniture into the pool house around this time.  

3.  PUPPY PLUNGE; SUNDAY; SEPTEMBER 10, 2023; 6:00PM; POOL.  During the final hour of the season we’re hosting a Pool Pawty!!!!  Please review the rules for this event  Bring proof of your 2023 Fairfax County dog license with you. This can either be the current tag or the current receipt from the County. The tag or receipt will be returned to you after review. You will also need to sign the Puppy Plunge Agreement prior to entering the pool deck with your dog. We will have two dog egress locations (the permanent steps and a temporary dog ramp) in the main pool. The main pool and the wading pool will both be available for your dogs’ enjoyment during the 6:00 PM through 7:00 PM hour.  Recommend you bring your own chair if you’d like to sit down during this event as the furniture will be in the process of being stored by our volunteers.

4.  SATURDAY; SEPTEMBER 9, 2023; INFORMATION.  This will be the last regular day of the season.  If you want to relax and enjoy all the pool offers this is the day for tanning, playing basketball, and other such activities.  This is also the last day for pool reservations.   

5.  SUNDAY; SEPTEMBER 10, 2023; INFORMATION.  We could use volunteers throughout the day on this last day of our season.  Please contact the Pool Committee Pool@ParkWestCommunity.org to volunteer and see what times you would be most useful.  

5A.  MORNING.  During the morning we aim to wash down all the furniture to clear them of Crepe Myrtle leaves and the other items that get stuck over the course of the season.  This needs to occur in the morning to allow the furniture to dry before being stored.  Up to four volunteers could be very effective in getting this accomplished quickly.

5B.  EARLY AFTERNOON.  The basketball goals will be disassembled in the early afternoon to allow the various pieces to be both cleaned and dried before being stored.  The children’s furniture in the wading pool area will probably not be available around this time also.  At least two volunteers are needed for these actions.

5C.  LATE AFTERNOON (~4:00PM).  Storage of the furniture will probably begin around 4:00PM – this varies based on the level of activity at the pool.  Once this starts the rear entrance to the women’s bathroom will be locked and the double doors will be opened.  If you need to use the restroom once these events occur please ask the volunteers to stop working while you to use the facilities. As many volunteers as we can get can be used during this time period.

Marguerite Wiese will be coordinating the various actions and events.  Please see her to volunteer and receive direction on where you can assist.  Thank you in advance for all those who come out to help us store our equipment so it’ll be ready for the 2024 season!

To all – enjoy the upcoming last weekend of our pool season – hope the weather stays nice for you!  



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (August 2023, Message #2)

Good afternoon.  There is a larger than normal quantity of information below due to the time of year.


PWCA Website: https://parkwestcommunity.org/

PWCA Meeting Packets: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UQIfzyb72xFD9Y7_mshcRNVRE5wv8m5h?usp=share_link

ACC Documents:  https://parkwestcommunity.org/architectural-control-committee/

Parking Documents: https://parkwestcommunity.org/parking/

Trash and Recycling Information:  https://parkwestcommunity.org/our-environment/

Newsletters: https://parkwestcommunity.org/newsletters/

Quarterly Assessment Timeline: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LpwaIZ5NVobKPDzCmuTnOy20KcwpxXXg?usp=share_link


2023 Pool Application:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X5vE-ynAfWoDrMIIYwTpEgVq7obm8MtE/view?usp=share_link 

Pool Sign-In System: https://www.signupgenius.com/tabs/13576df05a6cdeac1aa3-pwcasign#/

2023 J&J Individual Home Maintenance Program:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jVoOGfz0pZBZCO78YPB16S6FY–syCk3/view?usp=share_link

2023 Puppy Plunge:   https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12IMDaPc0fYfv4j8CJjPwFAPYYdHfeC3y?usp=drive_link


1.  SCHOOL’S BACK IN SESSION; MONDAY; AUGUST 21, 2023.  Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) begin the 2023-2024 school year and George Mason University begins the Fall 2023 semester tomorrow.  As such, there will be many more people on our streets, whether to the University for classes or young children heading to and from the school bus stops in our community.  Here’s a portion extracted from the latest Braddock Supervisor’s Advisory:  “Please prepare for more traffic and be patient with school buses and student drivers on the roads.  The County’s Department of Emergency Management and Security (DEMS) offers a few safety reminders for the first week back to classes:  #1 – Stop and wait for school buses to safely load and unload children; #2 – Slow down and take extra care in school zones and in neighborhoods; #3 – Make eye contact with drivers and pedestrians at stoplights and intersections before proceeding; #4 – Make sure children know who to call in case of an emergency, their home address, and a parent/guardian’s phone number.

2.  SPEEDING THROUGH OUR COMMUNITY.  With the start of the school years – a reminder that the speed limit in our community is 15 miles per hour.  Stop signs and speed bumps are located at major intersections and in drive lanes to remind you to stay at-or-under the speed limit.  Fairfax County police have the authority to enforce traffic and motor vehicle laws on our private streets and are in the community on a regular basis.  There are many children and walkers in the neighborhood – please follow our traffic rules.  You really won’t save much time by blowing through stop signs or speeding on our streets – the potential cost to you and to the pedestrian you hit far outweigh those seconds. 

3.  POOL OPERATING HOUR CHANGE; MONDAY; AUGUST 21, 2023.  With the start of the FCPS school year, our pool will be open from 4:00 PM on all Fairfax County public school days.  Closing times remain as normal (9:00PM on Thursdays and Saturdays, 8:00PM all other days).  The 9:00PM closing times equate to August 24th, 26th, 31st, and September 2nd.  We will open at 10:00AM on September 4th as that is Labor Day.  The weekend after Labor Day is planned to occur but is dependent on weather.  See the Pool section of the website for the specific daily schedules to the end of the season.

4.  EXTENDED POOL OPERATIONS; SEPTEMBER 9 AND 10, 2023.  We plan to operate our pool for the weekend after Labor Day.  The hours will be:  Saturday; September 9, 2023:  11:00 AM to 7:00 PM and Sunday; September 10, 2023:  11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. On September 10, 2022 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM will be the annual Puppy Plunge – no humans allowed in the pool during this last hour of the season. 

5.  SUNDAES ON SUNDAY; SUNDAY; SEPTEMBER 10, 2023; 5:00PM, POOL.  Due to some challenges beyond our control, the Farewell to Summer / Community Potluck will not occur this year.  However, we are planning to host one more Sundaes on Sunday for the 2023 season!  We’ll have various ice creams and toppings that are sure to please both the young and young-at-heart!  As always, a volunteer or two for this event would be greatly appreciated.

6.  POOL FURNITURE STORAGE; SUNDAY; SEPTEMBER 10, 2023; 5:30PM; POOL DECK.  We will store our furniture for the 2023-2024 off-season starting at this time.  Please consider giving us a few hours of your time to get our pool ready for the off-season.

7.  PUPPY PLUNGE; SUNDAY; SEPTEMBER 10, 2023; 6:00PM; POOL.  During the final hour of the season we’re hosting a Pool Pawty!!!!  Please review the rules for this event  Bring proof of your 2023 Fairfax County dog license with you. This can either be the current tag or the current receipt from the County. The tag or receipt will be returned to you after review. You will also need to sign the Puppy Plunge Agreement prior to entering the pool deck with your dog. We will have two dog egress locations (the permanent steps and a temporary dog ramp) in the main pool. The main pool and the wading pool will both be available for your dogs’ enjoyment during the 6:00 PM-7:00 PM hour.

8.  FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING; TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER 12, 2023; 7:00PM; VIRTUAL.  The September 2023 Finance Committee Meeting will focus on the line-item review of the Draft 2024 PWCA Budget presented to the Board and residents on August 15, 2023.  Please consider attending as we discuss the future orientation of the Association in consonance with the Governing Documents as articulated through our Strategic Plan. 

9. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2023; 7:00PM; VIRTUAL.  The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2023), then the meeting (09 – 20230919). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting. 

10.  ELECTRONIC CONSENT FORMS.  For Owners/Members of the Association who may not know, electronic consent forms provide the Association the ability to send certain communications to you electronically only, thereby saving us the cost of printing and mailing those documents.  The form is available on our website within Policy Resolution 17-04 and in the August newsletter.

11.  ANNUAL MEETING – CALL FOR NOMINATIONS. In preparation for our Annual Meeting in November we attached a nomination form in the August newsletter.  At each Annual Meeting there are three of our nine-member Board of Directors are up for election.  Please consider submitting your name for consideration by the membership.  If that seems to large a step, consider volunteering for any one of our committees.  I KNOW they’d be happy for any assistance you could provide.

12.  TRASH AND RECYCLING.  With the turnover to new tenants and owners, if everyone could review the trash and recycling rules we would greatly appreciate it.  We are starting to have:  #1 – items placed out that require advance notice to Patriot, #2 – items out at incorrect days and times, and #3 – items placed out after pickup.  Some of these items placed out also carry a fee for disposal.  If you have items to dispose of please be considerate to your neighbors and to the community and take the responsibility to get rid of such items correctly.  Please refer to the website for current information on trash and recycling.

13.  PARKING.  I thought I’d just give you a couple of thoughts based on our change of community composition.  #1 – When parking in any curb-side parking ensure both your front and rear wheels are on the concrete gutter.  #2 – Do not park in any yellow painted curbs, nor any white painted curbs during any snow-emergency designated days and times by the Association.  #3 – The entire community (assigned and unassigned spaces) is permit parking only – have a permit in your vehicle or risk the vehicle being towed.  #4 – If you are parked in any visitor space or at any curb-side parking, remember to move your vehicle every week, after ten days your vehicle is subject to towing.  #5 – No parking or storage of any vehicles (e.g. trailers, motorcycles) on common areas.  #6 – no parking at the pool parking lot unless actively using the pool or upon approval from the Association.  If you have questions or need more information, please review the Community Rules on our website.

14.  2023 POOL PASS DISTRIBUTION.  If you have passes ready for distribution, please coordinate a designated date and time to receive your passes with our Pool Committee Chair.

15.  WINE AND CHEESE MINGLE WITH NEW RESIDENT WELCOME; SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 2023; 7:00PM; POOL.  Thanks to all those who participated in our event last night!  We had fantastic weather and a great turnout – I hope everyone enjoyed themselves!  Thank you to our amazing volunteers:  Diane, Tammi, April, David Sharon, Jacen. Lisa, and Jesus – your help ensured the success of this event. 

16.  PARK WEST PAGES, AUGUST 2023 EDITION.  The August 2023 edition of Park West Pages has been released – please see the website for the document.  The Communications and Hospitality Committees each have hard copies of the edition if you’d like a printed copy.  There will also be a copy at the pool house in the ‘Newsletters’ binder near the entry door.

17.  BRADDOCK ROAD STOP SIGN AND MESSAGE BOARD.  We have started the replacement work for the stop sign and assessment of the message board with our local contractor.  We are also working with Dominion to assess the viability of installing some kind of protection system  (e.g. a guard rail, stanchions) for the transformer.   The results of that discussion will impact when and where the stop sign is re-installed as our preference would be to have inside the protected zone if possible.

18.  INDIVIDUAL GROUNDS CARE OFFER FROM J&J LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  I’m keeping this in my messages due to our new residents as this offer has options for fertilization and leaf removal for your yards.  Our grounds care contractor is offering residences in our community the ability to have the private yards maintained.  Please refer to the link listed above for details or contact myself if you cannot access the form. If you would like to advantage of the offer please contact them as soon as possible.

19.  STREET LIGHTS.  All street lights should be operating normally.  Reminder, while we have periodic contractor visits to check our street lights we don’t always notice in a timely manner when street lights malfunction.  Please let the Streets and Sidewalks Committee at  streets@parkwestcommunity.org know if you notice something I haven’t spoken about in a message.  Street light status may also be found in the board packets.

Enjoy the upcoming week!

Have a great rest of your weekend – for those starting your academic year tomorrow, may your upcoming year contain accomplishments and enjoyment!  

