PWCA Information for Members and Residents (March 2024, Message #1)

Good evening – please see below for several items for your review.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Meeting Packets: 

ACC Documents:

Parking Documents:


Quarterly Assessment Timeline: 

Trash and Recycling Information:


Director Application for Candidacy: 

2023 – 2024 Snow Removal Policy: 

2024 Annual Assessment Notice and Timeline: 

2024 J&J Individual Home Maintenance Program: 

2024 Parking Permit Renewal for Resident and Non-Resident Owners:

2024 Pool Application:


1.  GROUNDS CARE WORK, WEEK OF 25-29 MARCH 2024.  There will be activity throughout the week at various locations in our community next week with crews working on erosion control systems and tree/landscape bed planting.  Our first mow of the season should also occur next week.

2.  INDIVIDUAL GROUNDS CARE OFFER FROM J&J LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, APPLY BY MONDAY; MARCH 25, 2024.  Our grounds care contractor is again offering residences in our community the ability to have your private yards maintained.  The care options include turf care, lawn care, and leaf removal.  Please refer to the link listed above in the Seasonal Links section, just scroll down the page to the applicable information, or contact myself if you cannot access the information.

3.  EASTER EGG HUNT; SATURDAY MARCH 30, 2024; 11:00 AM; PLAYGROUND.  Thanks to a few volunteers that stepped forward we will be having our first event of the year!   Children under 12 are invited to participate in the hunt.  We ask your understanding for the older children to eve the eggs left on the playground surface for the younger children participating.  Additional volunteers to help set up and perform some logistics-related actions would be greatly appreciated.  Setup to occur at 9:30AM.  Contact to volunteer.

4.  RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT RENEWAL (STICKERS AND HANG TAGS); For Resident and Non-Resident Owners ONLY.  If you have not applied by this time please do not expect to have passes ready for your residence during the distribution windows – the longer you delay will delay your pass issuance past the May 1st towing date.  I recommend you should consider alternate parking arrangements until your passes are ready for pickup.  All Resident and Non-Resident owners must apply in order to receive new permits.  REMINDER – this IS NOT applicable to tenant permits.  If needed, please follow the link listed above in the Seasonal Links section.  Permits will be distributed on Saturday, April 13, 2024  between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and on Sunday, April 21, 2024  between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. at the Pool Parking Lot.  The new permits are valid as soon as you receive them.  All current permits MUST be removed from your vehicle(s) and replaced with the new permits by May 1, 2024.  After May 1, 2024 all vehicles with the now current permits are subject to towing/removal.

5 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2024; 7:00 PM; VIRTUAL.  The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. For the virtual meeting information, see the link listed above in the Permanent Links section.  Scroll down the the Meeting Materials and Minutes section, select the year (2024), then the meeting (20240416). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

6.  ACC SPRING 2024 HOME INSPECTION; SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2024.  Our spring inspection is just over one month away.  Inspections will be conducted by teams if sufficient volunteers are present.  Each team will be led by either a Director or a Summit Management representative.  All teams will have at least one person with previous experience accomplishing the inspection.  Please consider giving us a few hours of your time to assist on an inspection team – no experience necessary.

7.  PARK WEST PAGES, FEBRUARY 2024 EDITION.  The February 2024 edition of Park West Pages is available in soft copy and hard copy format.  This edition focuses on environment-related topics along with our normal sections.  The pool application is also found within this edition.  The website will have the electronic version – link is above in the Permanent Links section.  The Communications and Hospitality Committees have hard copies of the edition if you’d like a printed copy.

8.  YARD DEBRIS COLLECTION HAS RESUMED; WEDNESDAY; MARCH 6,2024.  Thank you to our residents utilizing the Yard Waste capability.  A reminder – that truck is usually through just after 6:00AM so if you have paper bags for the pickup please get them out the evening before.  Please refer to the Trash & Recycling link above for further information on Yard Waste collection requirements.

9.  BRADDOCK ROAD STOP SIGN AND MESSAGE BOARD, POOL PARKING LOT STOP SIGN.  Replacement actions are complete.  The pool sign was again knocked in to and will be repaired shortly.

10.  POOL SEASON, 2024; POOL PASS APPLICATIONS DUE NO LATER THAN APRIL 30, 2024.  We are about 2 months away from our pool opening for the season. The Pool Application link is listed above and it may also be found on our website.  The applications have started to to arrive – please send them in at your earliest convenience to assist our volunteers who have to create the passes for you.  If you have any interest in helping with this process please contact the Pool Committee.

Enjoy your evening and you weekend!



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (February 2024, Message #3)

Good evening – I trust your leap day went well!  Please see below for several items for your review.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Meeting Packets: 

ACC Documents:

Parking Documents:


Quarterly Assessment Timeline: 

Trash and Recycling Information:


Director Application for Candidacy: 

2023 – 2024 Snow Removal Policy: 

2024 Annual Assessment Notice and Timeline: 

2024 J&J Individual Home Maintenance Program: 

2024 Parking Permit Renewal for Resident and Non-Resident Owners:

2024 Pool Application:


1.  RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT RENEWAL (STICKERS AND HANG TAGS); COMPLETED APPLICATIONS DUE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  For Resident and Non-Resident Owners ONLY.  Your application along with a copy of the current registration for each vehicle being registered was due on February 21st.  All Resident and Non-Resident owners must apply in order to receive new permits.  REMINDER – this IS NOT applicable to tenant permits.  If needed, please follow the link listed above in the Seasonal Links section.  Please return the completed application as soon as possible or you may not be able to receive permits during the distribution windows.  Permits will be distributed on Saturday, April 13, 2024  between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and on Sunday, April 21, 2024  between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. at the Pool Parking Lot.  The new permits are valid as soon as you receive them.  All current permits MUST be removed from your vehicle(s) and replaced with the new permits by May 1, 2024.  After May 1, 2024 all vehicles with the now current permits are subject to towing/removal.

2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2024; 7:00 PM; VIRTUAL.  The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. For the virtual meeting information, see the link listed above in the Permanent Links section.  Scroll down the the Meeting Materials and Minutes section, select the year (2024), then the meeting (20240319). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

3.  EASTER EGG HUNT; SATURDAY MARCH 30, 2024; 11:00 AM; PLAYGROUND – POTENTIAL CANCELLATION.  As broadcast in the February 2024 Park West Pages, this event is in danger of being canceled for this year as the volunteers who have historically assumed responsibility for the event are not available.  Please consider volunteering to lead – or even just participate in the setup actions should another volunteer step up to lead – the event.  If no one comes forward, this event will be canceled for this year.  Contact to volunteer.

4.  INDIVIDUAL GROUNDS CARE OFFER FROM J&J LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, APPLY BY MONDAY; MARCH 25, 2024.  Our grounds care contractor is again offering residences in our community the ability to have your private yards maintained.  The care options include turf care, lawn care, and leaf removal.  Please refer to the link listed above in the Seasonal Links section, just scroll down the page to the applicable information, or contact myself if you cannot access the information.

5.  PARK WEST PAGES, FEBRUARY 2024 EDITION.  The February 2024 edition of Park West Pages is available in soft copy and hard copy format.  This edition focuses on environment-related topics along with our normal sections.  The pool application is also found within this edition.  The website will have the electronic version – link is above in the Permanent Links section.  The Communications and Hospitality Committees have hard copies of the edition if you’d like a printed copy.

6.  YARD DEBRIS COLLECTION RESUMES; WEDNESDAY; MARCH 6,2024.  Yard debris collection will resume next Wednesday.  Please refer to the Trash & Recycling link above for further information on Yard Waste collection requirements.


8.  POOL SEASON, 2024.  We are less than 3 months away from our pool opening for the season. The Pool Application link is listed above and it may also be found on our website.  The applications have started to to arrive – please send them in at your earliest convenience to assist our volunteers who have to create the passes for you.  If you have any interest in helping with this process please contact the Pool Committee.

Enjoy your evening.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (February 2024, Message #2)

Good evening!  Please see below for several items for your review.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Meeting Packets: 

ACC Documents:

Parking Documents:


Quarterly Assessment Timeline: 

Trash and Recycling Information:


Director Application for Candidacy: 

2023 – 2024 Snow Removal Policy: 

2024 Annual Assessment Notice and Timeline: 

2024 J&J Individual Home Maintenance Program: 

2024 Parking Permit Renewal for Resident and Non-Resident Owners:

2024 Pool Application:


1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2024; 7:00 PM; VIRTUAL.  The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. For the virtual meeting information, see the link listed above in the Permanent Links section.  Scroll down the the Meeting Materials and Minutes section, select the year (2024), then the meeting (20240220). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

2.  RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT RENEWAL (STICKERS AND HANG TAGS); COMPLETED APPLICATIONS DUE WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY 21, 2024.  THIS IS DUE IN TWO DAYS.  REMINDER – this IS NOT applicable to tenants.  For Resident and Non-Resident Owners – you should of received a letter and a parking application form either through the mail or via electronic means. If you did not please follow the link listed above in the Seasonal Links section.  Please return the completed application by the date listed above so our volunteers have appropriate time to generate all the packets necessary to conduct the distribution windows at the pool in April.  Further details to follow on times and dates for those distribution windows.

3.  INDIVIDUAL GROUNDS CARE OFFER FROM J&J LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, APPLY BY MONDAY; MARCH 25, 2024.  Our grounds care contractor is again offering residences in our community the ability to have your private yards maintained.  The care options include turf care, lawn care, and leaf removal.  Please refer to the link listed above in the Seasonal Links section, just scroll down the page to the applicable information, or contact myself if you cannot access the information.

4.  PARK WEST PAGES, FEBRUARY 2024 EDITION.  The February 2024 edition of Park West Pages will be released imminently.  This edition focuses on environment-related topics along with our normal sections.  The pool application is also found within this edition.  The website will have the electronic version – link is above in the Permanent Links section.  The Communications and Hospitality Committees will each have some hard copies of the edition if you’d like a printed copy.  The hard copies will be available on-or-after February 12, 2024.

5.  YARD DEBRIS COLLECTION.  Any yard debris you generate now should be placed out with regular trash.  Our contractor recommends placing yard debris into your trash containers to ensure the debris gets picked up.  Regular Yard Debris collection will resume on March 6, 2024.

6.  2024 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE AND ASSESSMENT TIMELINE.  If you have some kind of manual payment occurring to pay your assessments – please remember to adjust your payment.  We have several accounts that have paid last year’s amount and therefore still have an account balance.  As presented at the Annual Meeting, the Annual Assessment for 2024 has increased to $440.00 per quarter due on the first day of each quarterly assessment period – the first quarter’s payment was due on January 1st. The 2024 Assessment Notice and the Quarterly Assessment Timeline have been mailed/emailed to you and may also be found on the website – link provided above in the Seasonal Links section.


Enjoy your evening.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (February 2024, Message #1)

Good evening!  Please see below for several items for your review.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Meeting Packets: 

ACC Documents:

Parking Documents:


Quarterly Assessment Timeline: 

Trash and Recycling Information:


Director Application for Candidacy: 

2023 – 2024 Snow Removal Policy: 

2024 Annual Assessment Notice and Timeline: 

2024 J&J Individual Home Maintenance Program: 

2024 Parking Permit Renewal for Resident and Non-Resident Owners:

2024 Pool Application:


1.  TREE AND GROUNDS CARE WORK; WEDNESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY; FEBRUARY 7 – 9, 2024.  Our Fall 2023 Tree Pruning actions and the 2023 Bartlett Crew Day will occur through the remainder of this week.  Residences impacted have been notified for the first couple of days of work.  A large section of the lower (4800-addresses) island has been blocked off along with a section of Treasure Court.  There will be additional assigned parking required on Carriagepark Court for Thursday and Friday – those will be marked and notices placed in impacted homes doors tomorrow.

2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2024; 7:00 PM; VIRTUAL.  The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. For the virtual meeting information, see the link listed above in the Permanent Links section.  Scroll down the the Meeting Materials and Minutes section, select the year (2024), then the meeting (20240220). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

3.  RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT RENEWAL (STICKERS AND HANG TAGS); COMPLETED APPLICATIONS DUE WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY 21, 2024.  REMINDER – this IS NOT applicable to tenants.  For Resident and Non-Resident Owners – you should of received a letter and a parking application form either through the mail or via electronic means. If you did not please follow the link listed above in the Seasonal Links section.  Please return the completed application by the date listed above so our volunteers have appropriate time to generate all the packets necessary to conduct the distribution windows at the pool in April.  Further details to follow on times and dates for those distribution windows.

4.  INDIVIDUAL GROUNDS CARE OFFER FROM J&J LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, APPLY BY MONDAY; MARCH 25, 2024.  Our grounds care contractor is again offering residences in our community the ability to have your private yards maintained.  The care options include turf care, lawn care, and leaf removal.  Please refer to the link listed above in the Seasonal Links section, just scroll down the page to the applicable information, or contact myself if you cannot access the information.

5.  PARK WEST PAGES, FEBRUARY 2024 EDITION.  The February 2024 edition of Park West Pages will be released imminently.  This edition focuses on environment-related topics along with our normal sections.  The pool application is also found within this edition.  The website will have the electronic version – link is above in the Permanent Links section.  The Communications and Hospitality Committees will each have some hard copies of the edition if you’d like a printed copy.  The hard copies will be available on-or-after February 12, 2024.

6.  YARD DEBRIS COLLECTION.  Any yard debris you generate now should be placed out with regular trash.  Our contractor recommends placing yard debris into your trash containers to ensure the debris gets picked up.  Regular Yard Debris collection will resume on March 6, 2024.

7.  2024 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE AND ASSESSMENT TIMELINE.  If you have some kind of manual payment occurring to pay your assessments – please remember to adjust your payment.  We have several accounts that have paid last year’s amount and therefore still have an account balance.  As presented at the Annual Meeting, the Annual Assessment for 2024 has increased to $440.00 per quarter due on the first day of each quarterly assessment period – the first quarter’s payment was due on January 1st. The 2024 Assessment Notice and the Quarterly Assessment Timeline have been mailed/emailed to you and may also be found on the website – link provided above in the Seasonal Links section.


Enjoy your evening.

