PWCA Information for Members and Residents (August 2019, Message #1)

Good afternoon to all. Here are several items for your consideration.

1. COMMUNITY POTLUCK (currently planned for Sunday, September 1st, 5PM, Pool): The potluck is approaching fast and we do not have a lead individual to manage the event. If you are interested please let me know as soon as possible. This event is relatively straight forward to manage – it just needs someone to step forward to take it on.

2. POOL SEASON. Our pool season also normally comes to a close on Labor Day weekend. However, this year we are again going to extend our pool season for one additional weekend! On Saturday, September 7th the pool will be open from 11:00AM to 7:00PM. On Sunday, September 8th the pool will be open from 11:00AM to 6:00PM. The final hour on Sunday is planned for a Puppy Plunge but that’s unclear whether it will occur or not

3. SCHOOL’S BACK IN SESSION. George Mason University begins the Fall 2019 semester tomorrow (Monday, August 26th). Additionally, all Fairfax County Public Schools also start tomorrow (Monday, August 26th). As such, there will be many more people on our streets, whether to the University for classes or young children heading to and from the school bus stops in our community.

4. OPEN DIRECTOR POSITION: Don Malkowski has had to resign his Director position. My thanks to him both personally and on behalf of the board for his willingness to work to help our community. With this resignation we now have a vacant Director position on the board. Request your consideration to place your name forward to fill the open
position. We are looking for people who are interested in helping work towards making a better community for all who reside here. If you are interested please complete and submit an Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website and is attached to this message. The Nominating Committee will reach out to you after you complete that step.

All for now, drive safe.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (July 2019, Message #1) – JULY 4th BARBEQUE!!!

Good morning,

Our Fourth of July BBQ is tomorrow – hope you are able to make it out to enjoy our biggest social event of the year.

We still have spots available for volunteering with setup, food prep once the delivery occurs (about 12:00), and for cleanup.

If you have not already done so, please take a moment to visit the link below for one of the volunteer slots.

Schedule of Events
9:00 – 10:30: Set up
11:00: Pool opens
12:00 – 1:00: Hotdogs served
12:30 – 2:00: BBQ and Dessert Potluck served
2:30: Door prizes announced
4:00 – 5:00: Clean up
9:00: Pool closes

If you have specific questions about volunteering, please contact Marguerite Wiese at 703-362-9228 or

Enjoy the holiday and for some of you – the extended weekend. Safe safe!



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (June 2019, Message #2) – JULY 4th BARBECUE!!!

Good afternoon!

I hope you all are looking forward to the Fourth of July BBQ, our biggest social event of the year.

The party will be held at the pool on Thursday the fourth from noon to 5pm. We will have hot dogs, barbecue delivered from Red Hot & Blue, and great door prizes, as well as our traditional dessert pot luck table.

Schedule of Events
9:00 – 10:30: Set up
11:00: Pool opens
12:00 – 1:00: Hotdogs served
12:30 – 2:00: BBQ and Dessert Potluck served
2:30: Door prizes announced
4:00 – 5:00: Clean up
9:00: Pool closes

To make this event a success, we also need volunteers! And Desserts!

Please take a moment to visit the link below, and consider signing up for one of the volunteer slots.

If you have specific questions about volunteering, please contact Marguerite Wiese at 703-362-9228 or

Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable holiday!



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (June 2019, Message #1)

Good evening to all,

I realize this is late for the day but I wanted to relay one item:

Our recycling contractor (Patriot Disposal) came by at the beginning of their window this morning – approximately 6AM.

This is why we request you place your trash/recycling out the night before.

A significant amount of recycling was placed out this morning after Patriot completed today’s collection. If your recycling was not picked up, please retrieve it to put out next week.

If not retrieved, your recycling is subject to the Association Rules and Regulations governing trash/recycling placed out after collection has occurred. Please refer to our Rules and Regulations; Common Area, Trash, and Recycling Rules and Regulations; Trash and Recycling; Rule K (page 21).

As a reminder, to ensure that your trash or recycling is collected, please put it out between 6PM the night before and 6AM the day of the scheduled pickup.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter to help keep our community more clean.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (May 2019, Message #2)

Good afternoon to all. Hope you are enjoying the non-rainy weather. Some items for your consideration:

  1. POOL INFORMATION: The pool opens in less than a week! Several
    items on this to discuss.
    — First, the guest passes were not included in the packet those who submitted applications received. This was inadvertent. The Pool Committee requests you either come down to the pool on Saturday between 11:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. to pick up your guest pass. Otherwise please contact to arrange an alternate time for pickup.
    — See our website or the Pool Rules and Regulations for the adjusted hours of operation during the first few weeks while Fairfax County Public Schools are still in session.
    — Pool passes are required for entry.
    — Passes are not allowed to be kept overnight in the box at the
    pool. Please remember to take your pass with you when you leave the pool.
    — Guest passes must be used for individuals who do not have a pass for themselves
    — If you plan to host a party at the pool please send your request
    in as early as possible as some dates fill up quickly during the season.
    We will commence our 2019 pool season with a cookout and first Sundaes on Sunday/Saturday. Volunteers are needed – setup is planned for 11:00 A.M., cookout is planned for 11:30 A.M. Sundaes will follow afterwards (dependent on the number of volunteers to handle the various tasks to making these events successful). Please contact to volunteer.
    Is still needed. If you see sod drying out please put some water on
    A post card has been mailed to all residents and all non-resident owners officially notifying all of the recycling pickup day change to
    WEDNESDAY. I realize many of you reading this are doing the right thing – the post cards provide certainty all residences and all owners have been notified in accordance with our governing directives. Please see attached the revised Trash and Recycling Rules of Trash and Recycling Rules (Final).pdf – they may also be found on our website under the ‘Living in PWCA’ section.

All for now. I realize this is a little early but may you and yours
have a safe Memorial Day weekend. Please take some time during your upcoming extended weekend to honor and remember those who gave everything in service to our country.

All the best,
