PWCA Information for Members and Residents (April 2020, Message #1)

Good afternoon to you all. All items from the March 2020, Message #3 remain in force. Please see below for additional information and a couple of requests. For those who are new to this distribution, Message #3 may be found on our website.

Various links provided for your awareness of the current situation with the novel coronavirus pandemic.

CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins GLobal COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


  1. TRASH, RECYCLING AND YARD WASTE PICKUP. We received some additional clarification of this. Yard waste debris will be picked up in conjunction with regular trash pickup on TUESDAY and FRIDAY. Recycling pickup remains on WEDNESDAY. Do not place out large amounts of yard waste for one pickup – Patriot Disposal is working with us on this, do not abuse the privilege. Also, we are experiencing large issues with people placing out trash/recycling after pickup or on non-pickup days. All trash and recycling needs to be out NO EARLIER THAN 6:00 PM the night before pickup and NO LATER THAN 6:00 AM the day of pickup. Recycling has been coming early for the last few weeks and people are placing out recycling after the pickup has occurred. Please be aware of your surroundings. If you missed the pickup, take your items back until the next pickup date. Additionally, we have people placing out trash on non-pickup days during the week. If you notice this, remind people of the correct days for pickup. Also, let environment@parkwestcommunity know of ongoing problems. We have ways you can assist us with helping to keep our community clean.
  2. COMMUNITY SUPPORT REQUEST. Our thanks to those who have responded to the support request we sent out on April 2nd. The request is either attached or linked to this message if you did not receive previously.
  3. COMMON AREA CLEANUP REQUEST. I have seen several families out picking up loose trash around our community recently. My thanks for your efforts. For everyone, please consider giving some of your time to get outside and get a little exercise while also helping our community out. If we can just get a person or two to clean up their town home block our community would look so much more clean. Please consider this.
  4. “FREE A TREE” REQUEST. If the trash request doesn’t interest you, perhaps this might. While we have made great strides taking care of our common areas we still have some trees throughout the property that are getting overtaken by vines. If you could take a pruner and cut the vines at the base of those trees that would “Free the Tree” and help the community. Recommend you wear long sleeves and jeans or take care not to touch the plants as we have a mixture of invasive plants in our community – some which will cause an allergic reaction.

Thank you for taking the time to review this. Stay safe and well.

