PWCA Information for Members and Residents (October 2023, Message #2)

Good morning.  Please see below for several items for your review.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Meeting Packets:

ACC Documents:

Parking Documents:


Quarterly Assessment Timeline:

Trash and Recycling Information:


2023 J&J Individual Home Maintenance Program:–syCk3/view?usp=share_link

2023 Annual Meeting Documents:

Director Application for Candidacy:

2023 – 2024 Snow Removal Policy: 


1.  FALL FEST; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2023; 3:45 PM; POOL.  THIS OCCURS THIS AFTERNOON!!!  Come join us for our fall social event!  There will be a pet costume contest, a child costume contest, and best child and pet costume contests. Please arrive between 3:45 PM and 4:00 PM if you are competing in the costume contest. Judging will start at 4:00 PM and will be followed by a parade. At 5:00 PM – or possibly before – a food truck will open to serve tacos, burritos and more from 3 to 10 dollars.  The food truck accepts both cash or credit cards for purchases.  The Association will supply some treats for dessert.

2.  ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL COMMITTEE (ECC) MEETING; MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2023; 6:45 PM; VIRTUAL  This ECC Committee Meeting will focus on grounds and tree care potential improvements.  This meeting will be held on the RingCentral framework.  Please see the current Board of Directors meeting packet for the virtual meeting link and call-in numbers for the meeting.

3.  COLONIAL PIPELINE EASEMENT TRIMMING, STARTING IN OUR COMMUNITY NEAR THE END OF OCTOBER.  The flags on the pipeline easement correspond to various aspects of the easement trimming.  The last trimming occurred nine years ago – going forward Colonial plans to return on five-year cycles.  Work is expected to take around ten working days and as always is weather dependent.  The easement will be vertically pruned to the easement boundary and mowed.  Some limited work will be undertaken beyond the exact boundary line – all such work has been coordinated with the respective owners.  The mowing is only pertinent to our land across Roberts Road.

4.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2023; 6:35 PM; ST MARY OF SORROWS CHURCH (PARISH CENTER, FARRELL HALL) AND VIRTUAL.  The Parish Center is located at 5222 Sideburn Road.  There will be signs to guide you to the room for the meeting.  This month’s board meeting will be conducted in an abbreviated manner before the Annual Meeting later that night.  The meeting will be available as usual via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. For the virtual meeting information, see the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2023), then the meeting (20231114), and finally select “BoD”. Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

5.  2023 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2023; 8:00 PM; ST MARY OF SORROWS CHURCH (PARISH CENTER, FARRELL HALL) AND VIRTUAL.  The Parish Center is located at 5222 Sideburn Road.  There will be signs to guide you to the room for the meeting.  All documents will be either electronically or physically mailed to Members of the Association on Monday, 23 October 2023.  Those documents may also be found on the website.  The meeting will be available virtually in the same manner as our monthly Board of Director meetings via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. For the virtual meeting information, see the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2023), then the meeting (20231114), and finally select “Annual”. The document “2023 Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting Information” contains the information to join the meeting.  If you are a renter residing in our community please feel free to attend – you’ll receive a report of what has been accomplished in the last year and where we are going over the next year.   There will be some limited refreshments available for all attendees.

6.  2023 PROXY FORMS, PLEASE RETURN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  For our Owners (Members), please consider completing your proxy form and returning it to us – even if you plan to attend the meeting.  If you do attend you will have the option to leave your proxy in place or vote at the meeting.  As a reminder – arrears in excess of $30 preclude you from voting.  If you are unsure your financial status with the Association you can log-in to the Vantaca portal from our website.  See item #9, Owner Account Portal, for additional information.

7.  ANNUAL MEETING – CALL FOR NOMINATIONS. In preparation for our Annual Meeting in November we attached a nomination form in the August newsletter.  At each Annual Meeting there are three of our nine-member Board of Directors are up for election.  Please consider submitting your name for consideration by the membership.  If that seems to large a step, consider volunteering for any one of our committees.  They would be happy for any assistance you could provide.

8.  ELECTRONIC CONSENT FORMS.  For Owners/Members of the Association who may not know, electronic consent forms provide the Association the ability to send certain communications to you electronically only, thereby saving us the cost of printing and mailing those documents.  The form is available on our website within Policy Resolution 17-04 and in the August newsletter.

9.  OWNER ACCOUNT PORTAL.  As I’ve had a couple of questions on this – each owner has the ability to access their account through a portal Summit Management offers.  To access the portal, please go to our website and select the ‘Living in PWCA’ tab.  Scroll down the page to the button ‘Vantaca Owner Login’.  If you have not already done so, Vantaca will prompt you to create a login.  Once you login you’ll be able to access your owner information to include the status of your account.  This also provides an avenue to pay any balances due on the account.  

10.  BRADDOCK ROAD STOP SIGN AND MESSAGE BOARD.  We have started the replacement work for the stop sign and assessment of the message board with our local contractor.  We are also working with Dominion to assess the viability of installing some kind of protection system  (e.g. a guard rail, stanchions) for the transformer.   The results of that discussion will impact when and where the stop sign is re-installed as our preference would be to have inside the protected zone if possible.

11.  INDIVIDUAL GROUNDS CARE OFFER FROM J&J LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  I’m keeping this in my messages due to our new residents as this offer has options for fertilization and leaf removal for your yards.  Our grounds care contractor is offering residences in our community the ability to have the private yards maintained.  Please refer to the link listed above for details or contact myself if you cannot access the form. If you would like to advantage of the offer please contact them as soon as possible.

Enjoy your weekend and hope you enjoy the social this afternoon!

