PWCA Information for Members and Residents (January 2022, Message #1)

Good evening. Several items for your consideration on this rather cold evening.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Parking Link:

2021-2022 Snow Removal Policy:

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins Global COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


  1. POOL HOUSE HOLIDAY LIGHTING PROJECT; SATURDAY; JANUARY 15, 2022; 10:00 AM; Pool Parking Lot. We will be removing the holiday lighting strings from the pool house at this time. Thanks to those who have already volunteered, we could use a couple more volunteers so please consider giving us 30 minutes of your morning to help with the teardown.
  2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; JANUARY 18, 2022; 7:00PM. The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2022), then the meeting (20220118). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.
  3. STORM DAMAGE CLEANUP. The damage incurred in our community was much less than other communities in the nearby area. A tree crew is currently planned to be in our community starting Thursday; January 13, 2022 to remove and chip and damaged limbs and boughs throughout the community. This of course is both weather and any other more critical tasks jumping in front of us. Reminder, we only remove storm debris up to the fence line of a home unless alternative arrangements have been made in advance with the Association.
  4. TREE WORK. The already programmed tree work is still planned to occur over the next couple of months. Reserved parking spaces impacted by this work will be notified and non-reserved spaces and curbs marked prior to the commencement of work.
  5. MLK DAY OF SERVICE; MONDAY; JANUARY 17, 2022; 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Please consider giving some time to clean up Rabbit Branch Park. This is the park that adjoins our property on Roberts Road and Tapestry Drive – the meeting location will be on Tapestry Drive at the Rabbit Branch Park sign. Please see below for the invitation.


Meet at 9AM at Rabbit Branch Park, off Tapestry Drive.

Spend two hours discovering nature, clean up this park and improve our community.

Please be prepared to clean up and walk through wooded and potentially wet areas of the park. Please wear boots, work-gloves and appropriate weather related clothing. We will have trash bags to distribute.

We ask that everyone practice appropriate social distancing and wear face coverings (mask/bandanna).

  1. 2022 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT TIMELINE. For those who may have forgotten, the first quarter of the 2022 Annual Assessment was due January 1st. The assessment for 2022 is $375.00 per quarter.
  2. OPEN DIRECTOR POSITIONS. Request your consideration to place your name forward to fill open Director positions. We are looking for people who are invested in making a better community for all who reside here. If you are interested please complete and submit an Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website. The Nominating Committee will reach out to you after you complete that step. If you have questions I’m also available to speak with you about more specifics.
  3. REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS. The Communications Committee is looking for a volunteer or two to help with the message board updates at both entrances. The Pool and Social Committees are also in great need of some additional volunteers to help make the activities they are responsible for a success – so far we have had had one volunteer step forward to help with the Social Committee – THANK YOU.

Have a great rest of your week and hope you both enjoy and take some time for service on this long weekend.



2021-2022 Winter Event #2, Information

Good evening to all. We received around 2.5″ here – the official Fairfax amount was 2.65″. Plows were in early this morning and then this afternoon for final cleanup.

TRASH – Patriot will be by either later today or tomorrow for the trash pickup. There’s no need to return your containers or bags to your residence.

Storm debris cleanup – possibly next week for our debris pickup.

TONIGHT – watch out for black ice as the sun melted our snow but the below=freezing temperature is freezing the melt water in place.

Stay safe and warm,


2021-2022 Winter Event #1, Update #2

Good evening. I anticipate this to be the final update on this storm in this format. Follow-on information will flow through the routine messages I send out each month.

Today’s Actions:

  1. Last night a plow truck did make it in and plowed the streets.
  2. Today had the sun melting away some of the snow.
  3. Patriot canceled all service today due the inclement weather and resulting road conditions. We’d REALLY appreciate if you brought your bags back to your residences – especially the white bags as they will be damaged by our local wildlife over the next several days.


  1. We are not anticipating bringing another truck in this evening. Driving and walking in the community will remain treacherous tonight – please be careful if you venture outside tonight.


  1. RECYCLING: Patriot does not have a notice about tomorrow on their website. For tomorrow’s scheduled recycling service, I would again caution against pulling items to the curb as I’m not sure we will get service tomorrow. Patriot (or the county to all haulers) may cancel due to road conditions again. If you do take items out – please take them back in again if service does not occur.
  2. FCPS is again closed tomorrow – another reason I’m not confident we are getting recycling collection tomorrow.

Beyond Tomorrow:
As I stated above – I anticipate this is your final update for this weather event. For those with downed boughs and limbs around their properties. We will get our companies in to remove the downed debris however that may take some time due to the widespread damage this storm caused. You are always free to remove any debris that is on your property.

Additionally, we’ve received several requests from owners about people to shovel snow. I know several people were out generating some cash by helping yesterday – I applaud your efforts. If you’d like to be part of a list for potential future work on other’s walkways and such please email me your information.

Have a great evening – stay warm and be careful should you venture out.


Trash Pickup, 4 January 2022 – Officially Canceled

All – we have confirmation that trash pickup is canceled for today.  If you took bags or containers out yesterday, please bring them back inside your property line

From Patriot Disposal (a portion of the message):

Due to inclement weather and poor road conditions, all scheduled services for today (1/4) have been suspended….

Trash service will resume on your next regularly scheduled trash day and recycling service will resume on your next regularly scheduled recycling day.



Trash Pickup, 4 January 2022

All – to be clear – if you can wait till Friday (7 January 2022) for pickup I STRONGLY recommend you wait. I DO NOT believe the trash truck will be able to navigate our streets safely.
