RESIDENT and NON-RESIDENT OWNER – Parking Permit Renewals


To those who have mailed or handed in their applications – thank you.

If you have not – it is IMPORTANT you get the application turned in AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Specifically, if you have not turned in your applications by MARCH 12TH (via mail or hand delivery) you are at risk of not receiving your permits before your current permits expire.

Expired permits will be towed once the implementation window has passed.

Tenants, you are NOT impacted by this renewal – your permits continue to follow the standard process.

The letter explaining the details of the process may be found in the “FEBRUARY 2019 NEWSLETTER AND INSERTS” post.

Thanks again to those who have turned in their documents and read this entire email – to the others, please get this taken care of in the next few days.


Mark Griffin


For Resident and Non-Resident Owners.
Forms are due TODAY – February 28th. The Parking Committee has
been reminding individuals that a hard copy is needed for this renewal.
This form can be mailed or placed in their entry door. We are targeting
a mid-April dissemination of passes. Tenants, you are NOT impacted by this update. The letter explaining the details of the process may be found in the


From Patriot Disposal (edited)

Last August we reached out to notify you about new regulations the local recycling market is facing. This communication was to inform you about the issues we are experiencing as a hauler in disposing of residential recyclable materials.

In the past month we have experienced extremely high levels of contaminated recycle loads due to the use of plastic bags. The use of plastics bags causes many issues, mainly by clogging the machinery at the recycling facilities. We request (and implore) you to no longer use plastic bags to bundle your recycling or recycle plastic bags all together.

The practice of removing plastic bags from our local recycling stream will reduce strain on our recycling facilities and landfills. Contamination is the primary reason why recycling is ending up in the landfills. Please help increase our local recycling footprint while reducing pressure on our local haulers and disposal facilities.


Patriot Disposal

PWCA Information for Members and Residents (February 2019, Message #3)

Good evening to you all. This update mainly concerns the parking permit renewals for those effected. I’ve also kept the other upcoming items as reminders for you.

1. PERMIT PARKING PASS RENEWALS: For Resident and Non-Resident Owners. Your form is due TOMORROW – February 28th. The Parking Committee has been reminding individuals that a hard copy is needed for this renewal. This form can be mailed or placed in their entry door. We are targeting a mid-April dissemination of passes. Tenants, you are NOT impacted by this update. The letter explaining the details of the process may be found in the “FEBRUARY 2019 NEWSLETTER AND INSERTS” post.

2. ACC INSPECTION: is planned to occur on March 9th. Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time to accompany one of the inspection teams and learn some of the processes we use to help keep our community looking great.

3. SPRING TREE WORK: the first phase is complete. The second phase will occur 11-13 March. Those impacted will get a letter in their door(s) before that time if their assigned spaces are impacted. For visitor and curb parking, those areas will be signed and taped off the day prior. If you park a car in a no parking zone at the times specified on the notices your vehicle will be relocated and relocation fee charged to your account. This covers all parking spaces in the community (assigned and non-assigned).

4. ROAD RAIDERS CLEANUP EVENTS: please consider helping us and the greater Kings Park West activities through the following. We’ll be cleaning up our land on Tapestry Drive adjacent to Roberts Road and part of the Rabbit Branch park on March 9th from 7:15AM – 8:00AM. Additionally, the Spring Parks and Lake cleanup at Royal Lake will occur on April 27th.

5. NEW WEBSITE: Lastly, as several noted, there was a extra character in the link I provided last time. Our website is: That’s three ‘w’s…

Thanks for taking to time to read this, have a great evening.

