Wine and Cheese / New Resident Welcome Social, TODAY! 5:30PM Setup, 7:00PM Social, Pool

All – our next social is this evening – in just under 4 hours!!!

Please come down to the pool and enjoy some time meeting your neighbors and some of the volunteers (Directors and others) who work to make our community a better place to live.

If wine, cheese, and grapes are not your favorite, we’ll also have lemonade and cookies.

A children’s activity table will be available.

An information table will also be there for you to grab various forms and other documents you might find useful in communicating with the Association or understanding how the community operates.

Hope you can attend!



Power Outage; Upper CPR, portions of Lower CPR, and portions of Upper GD; 4 August 2023

Good morning to all.  I’ve had several questions on a power outage in our community.

There is a power outage in our community impacting 81 residences due to a vehicle accident.  Crews are working the solution.  Power is currently estimated to be brought back online for the impacted customers between 0800 and 1100 this morning.

I’ve attached a screenshot from the Dominion Energy Power Outage map.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (July 2023, Message #1) 

Good evening.  Please see below for current items for your review.


PWCA Website:

PWCA Meeting Packets:

ACC Documents:

Parking Documents:

Trash and Recycling Information:


Quarterly Assessment Timeline:


2023 Pool Application: 

Pool Sign-In System:

2023 J&J Individual Home Maintenance Program:–syCk3/view?usp=share_link


1.  JULY 4TH SOCIAL EVENT; TUESDAY, JULY 4, 2023; SETUP – 10:30AM; EVENT 12:00PM (noon); POOL.  Our largest event of the season is TWO DAYS AWAY!!!!  We will be accomplishing this event in the same manner (though slimmed down in the variety of items) as in 2019 – a catered meal from Red Hot & Blue.  There is no rain date planned for this event – should adverse weather cancel the event we will request you to come down to the pool house with some storage containers to grab food so the meal doesn’t go to waste.  Thank you to the volunteers who have stepped forward and as always – more volunteers are always helpful, please email Diane Barnhard at for further information.

2.  NO TRASH PICKUP!!!!!; TUESDAY, JULY 4, 2023.  Due to the Fourth of July holiday there will be NO trash pickup on Tuesday.  Please keep your trash within your back yards until Thursday evening.  Trash collection will resume on Friday.  Recycling and Yard Waste pickup is not effected.

3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2023; 7:00PM; VIRTUAL.  The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2023), then the meeting (07 – 20230718). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting. 

4.  SUNDAES ON SUNDAY; SUNDAY, JULY 23, 2023, 3:00PM, POOL.  Please come join us for our second of two Sundaes on Sunday planned for the 2023 season!  We’ll have various ice creams and toppings that are sure to please both the young and young-at-heart!  As always, a volunteer or two for this event would be greatly appreciated.

5.  TREE AND GROUNDS CARE WORK.  The Spring 2023 Arbor Care work is completed.  We’ve also been working on removal of several trees that rapidly failed or have been recently storm damaged.  The remaining timber for the Willow Oak on lower Carriagepark Road is planned to be removed on Wednesday, July 5th.  We will also be parking on Gainsborough Drive and using a track loader to remove the remainder of the leads still standing in the stream bed.

6.  2023 POOL PASS APPLICATIONS.  For those who haven’t submitted, please do so when you can.  Please see the separate message providing the on-or-after date your passes will be ready for pickup barring any holds active at the time.  Please submit either electronically or by dropping your completed pass applications.  

7.  INDIVIDUAL GROUNDS CARE OFFER FROM J&J LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  Due to numerous requests, our grounds care contractor is offering residences in our community the ability to have the private yards maintained.  Please refer to the link listed above for details or contact myself if you cannot access the form. If you would like to advantage of the offer please contact them as soon as possible.

8.  COMMUNITY SECURITY.  While I have not heard of anything lately I thought I might remind everyone of the following.  If out-of-the-ordinary events occur and you are concerned for your safety or security please notify the Police non-emergency number (703) 691-2131 to report the occurrence.  While we advertise a Neighborhood Watch on our signs there has been a lack of interest in the past to actually set one up.  If you are interested in participating please let me know.  If we have sufficient interest we will restart the process with the County but not before we see sufficient volunteers to make the effort worthwhile.  As always, please consider leaving your porch lights on throughout the night, remember to lock your vehicle doors, and notify the non-emergency number should you experience some kind of security event in the future.  

9.  STREET LIGHTS.  All street lights should be operating normally.  Reminder, while we have periodic contractor visits to check our street lights we don’t always notice in a timely manner when street lights malfunction.  Please let the Streets and Sidewalks Committee at know if you notice something I haven’t spoken about in a message.  Street light status may also be found in the board packets.

10.  TRASH, RECYCLING AND YARD WASTE.  Reminder – please have your containers or paper bags out no later than 6:00AM the day of pickup.  Especially with yard waste – the truck has been through here during the last two weeks shortly after 6:00 AM and I’ve noticed multiple people setting out their bags after pickup, resulting in paper yard waste bags that sit a week on the curb.  Also – please check what kinds of items are special pickup items.  Pallets, grills, exercise equipment, refrigerators and multiple other items are special items.   See the website for the process to get those kinds of items removed for you.

11.  VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR WEBSITE AND INFRMATION TECHNOLOGY FRAMEWORK SUPPORT.  We have had two volunteers step forward to offer to help – thank you!  We could still utilize another person to share the load in maintaining the website and several of our support structures.  We have relied on volunteers in the past and while that’s great in principle when we lose that support things start to go sideways.

Have a great rest of your evening  – hope to see you at the pool on Tuesday!  

