Tree Removal; All Residences from 4823 through 4851 Carriagepark Road Parking Spaces Impacted, Friday, June 30, 2023, from 7:30AM until complete 

All – due to the amount of parking that is required (spaces 181 through 208) and the visual aspect of a large crane operating in the community I wanted to notify everyone about the upcoming work.  Due to the location of the tree in question the crane is the optimal way to remove the tree without impacting surrounding homes located on portions of Treasure Court, Gainsborough Drive and Carriagepark Road.

Due to the area requirements to support the crane and associated support vehicles, all parking at the lower end of the large island of lower Carriagepark Road will be impacted.  Three spaces (185 through 187) will be impacted through Thursday of next week for timber storage of portions of the tree that are unable to be removed on Friday.

All impacted residences have received letters on their doors this afternoon.  Spaces are marked and signs installed in all areas.

While I’m normally much more diplomatic on the parking aspects of tree work , this time I will be direct.


If you live in the area, please remind your neighbors.  Renting a crane is a massive expense – literally every minute on our clock is around ten dollars so there cannot be work slowdowns or stoppages caused by our inaction.  I do not plan on knocking on doors Friday morning – we will just relocate your vehicle if it is parked in any of the spaces (181 through 208) and charge the residence identified on the permit.

Thank you in advance for your support in making this project a success…



PWCA Pool Information for the 2023 Season 

This is a late post due to lack of volunteer support with these kinds of actions…..

Good evening.  I thought I’d provide you full information on pool pass distribution and some information on pool operations for the season in a separate message.

PWCA Website:
2023 Pool Application:


1.  2023 POOL PASS APPLICATIONS, APPLY NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 2023.  Please submit either electronically or by dropping your completed pass off by April 30th.  If you do not make the April 30th deadline your passes will not be ready for Opening Day or any of the Memorial Day weekend.  All electronic submissions should have a response email acknowledging receipt.  If you have any questions whether your application is in the process please check the pool pass application status reports on the website as described in Item #2.

2.  POOL PASS APPLICATION STATUS REPORTS.  Current status of pool passes may be found on our website.  Go to ‘Living in PWCA’, then select ‘Pool”.  Scroll down to below the map and you will see a sentence referencing the pool pass application status.  Select that link to see several reports that provide a status by address of the applications in process as of the date of the report.

3.  2023 POOL PASS HOLD CRITERIA.  Most applications that are on the hold list mainly fall in to two categories.  #1 – for renters, we need a copy of your current lease with the names of the lessees and the end-of-lease date.  #2 – assessments in arrears of more than $30.  Owners (both resident and non-resident) – recommend you verify your arrears status if you see your address on the hold list.

4.  2023 POOL PASS DISTRIBUTION; WEDNESDAY; MAY 3, 10, 17, 24, AND 26, 2023; 6:30PM – 7:00PM, POOL PARKING LOT.  If your application is submitted by April 30th and is not being held for a specific reason your passes will be ready for pickup at any of the dates and times listed in this item.  All residences will be listed on the document “2023 Pool Pass, Residences with Passes for Pickup”.  This document may be found with the other Pool Pass Application Status Reports as delineated in Item #2 of this message.  

5.  POOL ADMISSION.  We are utilizing the SignUpGenius framework again this year.  Recommend you create an account to allow you to sign in easily on your phone.  The lifeguards will be enforcing this – please do not plead your case for why you don’t have to sign-in.  This is an integral part to our operations – make it easy on yourself and the guards and just create the account.

6.  POOL RULES.  Please familiarize yourself with our pool rules prior to the start of the season.

7.  2023 POOL OPENING DAY; SATURDAY, MAY 27, 2023; 11:00AM.  You will need a pool pass to enter the pool deck over the Memorial Day weekend – April 30th is fast approaching if you have not submitted your application.

8.  FOLLOW-ON POOL PASS DISTRIBUTIONS; WEDNESDAYS; VARIOUS DATES; 6:30PM – 7:00PM, POOL.  Follow-on distribution dates will occur on Wednesdays from 6:30PM – 7:00PM.  These dates assume that your residence does not have a hold associated with the property.  For example, if you submit after April 30th and by May 27th; your passes will be ready on May 31st.  If you submit between May 28th and June 7th, your passes will be ready on June 14th.  For all dates within the season please see below:

  •     – May 27:  May 31   
    – June 7: June 14
        – June 21:  June 28
        – July 5: July 12
        – July 19: July 26
        – August 9: August 16
    • – August 23:  August 30

Hope this clarifies some of the questions raised this year.  We look forward to a great season – please let us help you enjoy it from Opening Day by getting your applications in by tomorrow.  



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (March 2023, Message #1) 

Good afternoon.  Please see below for several items for your review. 

Two items are from our current Association contractors. 

There is one request from Atlantic for seasonal lifeguards so if you have anyone who might want to earn money and spend some time at a pool this summer this might be for them!  

The second item is an offer from J&J Landscape Management.  This is the contractor we employ for our community grounds care work.  They are offering to care for your private yards for the season – see the item and link below…  

CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins Global COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


1.  TREE AND GROUNDS CARE WORK.  The Spring 2023 Arbor Care work will occur over the next two months.

2.  ENVIRONMENT SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING, SYNOPSIS; FOCUSED ON 2023 TRASH AND RECYCLING COLLECTION CHANGES.   Effective January 1st, all bulk and/or special items incur a fee for pickup.  The Environmental Control Committee sub-group initially met on February 13, 2023 to address changes to our pickup rules to minimize impact to the Association of the changes in our bulk and special item pickups in 2023.  Minutes from that meeting may be found in the February 2023 BoD meeting packet and will be attached as an Appendix to the meeting minutes.  

3.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 2023; 7:00PM; VIRTUAL.  The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2023), then the meeting (03 – 20230321). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

4.  INDIVIDUAL GROUNDS CARE OFFER FROM J&J LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, APPLY NO LATER THAN MARCH 27,2023.  Due to numerous requests, our grounds care contractor is offering residences in our community the ability to have the private yards maintained.  Please refer to the link listed above for details or contact myself if you cannot access the form. 

5.  EASTER EGG HUNT; SATURDAY APRIL 8, 2023; 11:00 AM; PLAYGROUND.  Our first social event of the year!  Children under the age of 12 are invited to participate in the hunt.  Volunteers to help set up the event are needed – setup will occur at 9:30AM at and near the playground.  

6.  RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT (HANGTAG) RENEWALS; SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 2023; 12:00PM to 2:00PM and SUNDAY, APRIL 16,2023; 12:00PM to 2:00PM; POOL PARKING LOT.  Our annual owner guest (“hangtag”) permit renewal will occur on April 15th and 16th this year.  Both dates will be from 12:00PM through 2:00PM.  See the February 2023 newsletter for additional information.  After April 23rd all vehicles using the current resident-owner guest and non-resident-owner hangtag permits will be subject to towing from the community.  Owners with questions may call or email the Parking Committee Chair for further information.

7.  CURRENT HANGTAG TOWING COMMENCES; APRIL 23, 2022.  Our annual resident and non-resident owner hangtag permit renewal will have occurred by this time.  Any vehicles using the current hang tags will be towed from the community starting on this date.

8.  LIFEGUARD EMPLOYMENT REQUEST.  Atlantic Pool Service is looking for lifeguards to work this season.  Please refer to the link listed above for details or contact myself if you cannot access the form. 

9.  POOL SEASON, 2023. We are less than 3 months away from our pool opening for the season. The Pool Application link is listed above and it may also be found on our website.  The applications have started to to arrive – please send them in at your earliest convenience to assist our volunteers who have to create the passes for you.  If you have any interest in helping with this process please contact the Pool Committee.

Winter is not yet finished so please do not let your guard down.  However, daffodils and some of our trees are blooming and Spring is well underway…    



MLK Day of Service – Rabbit Branch Park 9AM start

Good morning – a reminder of this Day of Service event.  If you cannot make it there then please consider giving some time today to pick up trash within our community.  The areas recently cleared of invasives have brought to light numerous items that have been dumped over the years on our property.

Supposed to be quite nice weather today for mid-January – sunny and a high of 50….  Hope to see you either at Rabbit Branch or within our community.



——– Original Message ——–

    —-Edited Thread—–

From: Tom McCook <>

Subject: KPWCA – MLK Day of Service – Rabbit Branch Park 9AM start

Date: Jan 11, 2023 at 8:54 AM

To: “undisclosed-recipients:;” <>

Good morning, I hope the new year is treating you well.

Our annual park & nature discovery, plus park & watershed clean-up is
scheduled for next Monday, Jan 16 starting at 9AM.  I hope you can
join us!!

Details in the attached and following:

Where:   Rabbit Branch Park (off Tapestry Blvd).

When:    9-11AM (please start at 9 and continue as long you can)

Who:      All members of our community

How;      trash bags will be available

Why:      _“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are
you doing for others?'”  Martin Luther King_

Scout & Student service hours can be earned, please use the sign-in
sheets so that we can track who participated (send notification
requests to Tom McCook,

Please note – Sarah Lennon will lead this initiative, I am out of town
this weekend.

According to the weather forecast, it looks to be a beautiful day,
please be prepared to walk through tall grass, potentially wet &
muddy.  This event is a “go” unless hazardous weather conditions and
then please stay safe, at home.

Any questions, please give me a call/text/email.

Tom McCook


Fwd: KPWCA – MLK Day of Service – Rabbit Branch Park 9AM start

Good morning – I did not get this in my message yesterday so wanted to forward to you as this is one of the important ways we can give back to our environment.

Please consider giving some time to help make our environment better for all who live around us….  As we own some of the land focused on during this cleanup this has even greater impact on our community….



——– Original Message ——–

    —-Edited Thread—–

From: Tom McCook <>

Subject: KPWCA – MLK Day of Service – Rabbit Branch Park 9AM start

Date: Jan 11, 2023 at 8:54 AM

To: “undisclosed-recipients:;” <>

Good morning, I hope the new year is treating you well.

Our annual park & nature discovery, plus park & watershed clean-up is
scheduled for next Monday, Jan 16 starting at 9AM.  I hope you can
join us!!

Details in the attached and following:

Where:   Rabbit Branch Park (off Tapestry Blvd).

When:    9-11AM (please start at 9 and continue as long you can)

Who:      All members of our community

How;      trash bags will be available

Why:      _“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are
you doing for others?'”  Martin Luther King_

Scout & Student service hours can be earned, please use the sign-in
sheets so that we can track who participated (send notification
requests to Tom McCook,

Please note – Sarah Lennon will lead this initiative, I am out of town
this weekend.

According to the weather forecast, it looks to be a beautiful day,
please be prepared to walk through tall grass, potentially wet &
muddy.  This event is a “go” unless hazardous weather conditions and
then please stay safe, at home.

Any questions, please give me a call/text/email.

Tom McCook
