Good evening to all,
I realize this is late for the day but I wanted to relay one item:
Our recycling contractor (Patriot Disposal) came by at the beginning of their window this morning – approximately 6AM.
This is why we request you place your trash/recycling out the night before.
A significant amount of recycling was placed out this morning after Patriot completed today’s collection. If your recycling was not picked up, please retrieve it to put out next week.
If not retrieved, your recycling is subject to the Association Rules and Regulations governing trash/recycling placed out after collection has occurred. Please refer to our Rules and Regulations; Common Area, Trash, and Recycling Rules and Regulations; Trash and Recycling; Rule K (page 21).
As a reminder, to ensure that your trash or recycling is collected, please put it out between 6PM the night before and 6AM the day of the scheduled pickup.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter to help keep our community more clean.