Good afternoon. As some of you know, my father has been fall prone. This string of falls culminated in a fall that took him to a surgical ICU for a burr hole procedure to reduce a subdural hematoma. Recovery has been slow but positive progress is being made. As such, I haven’t been around to handle the on-scene tasks and responsibilities. Here’s my hack on upcoming events and actions that may impact you I wanted to get this message out. Please review at your convenience…..
PWCA Website:
PWCA Meeting Packets:
ACC Documents:
Parking Documents:
Quarterly Assessment Timeline:
Trash and Recycling Information:
Director Application for Candidacy:
2025 J&J Individual Home Maintenance Program:
1. SPRING 2025 TREE WORK. Work continues tomorrow, 8 March 2025. Please do not park where the marked areas are as they are to support tree removals. Pruning is planned to be accomplished the week of 7 April currently. See the website (meeting packets) for further information.
2. TURF APPLICATION, 8 MARCH 2025. Our grounds care contractor will be out tomorrow to apply a turf application, weather permitting.
3. YARD DEBRIS COLLECTION, FIRST 2025 COLLECTION OCCURS MARCH 12, 2025. Spring is right around the corner – the first yard debris pickup for 2025 will occur next week! See the Trash and Recycling link above for further information.
4. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY; MARCH 18, 2025; 7:00 PM; VIRTUAL. The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. For the virtual meeting information, see the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2025), then the meeting (2025-03-18). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.
5. INDIVIDUAL GROUNDS CARE OFFER FROM J&J LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, APPLY NO LATER THAN MARCH 25,2025. Our grounds care contractor is again offering residences in our community the ability to have your private yards maintained. The care options include turf care, lawn care, and leaf removal. Please refer to the link listed above in the Seasonal Links section, just scroll down the page to the applicable information.
6. RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT (HANGTAG) RENEWALS; SATURDAY, APRIL 12 , 2025; 11:00AM to 1:00PM and SUNDAY, APRIL 27,2025; 1:00PM to 3:00PM; POOL PARKING LOT. Our annual owner guest (“hangtag”) permit renewal will occur in April again this year. Permits will be distributed on Saturday, April 12 , 2025 between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and on Sunday, April 27, 2025 between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. at the Pool Parking Lot. The new permits are valid as soon as you receive them. See the postcard that will be mailed on 15 March 2025 and posted on the website after this date for additional information. After May 1st all vehicles using the current resident-owner guest and non-resident-owner hangtag permits will be subject to towing from the community. Owners with questions may call or email the Parking Committee Chair for further information.
7. ACC SPRING 2025 HOME INSPECTION; SATURDAY; APRIL 26, 2025. Our annual inspection is less than two months away.
8. CURRENT HANGTAG TOWING COMMENCES; MAY 1, 2025. Our annual resident and non-resident owner hangtag permit renewal will have occurred by this time. Any vehicles using the current hang tags will be towed from the community after this date.
9. POOL SEASON, 2025. The pool opens in less then three months! I don’t have any further information for you at this time.
10. BRADDOCK ROAD STOP SIGN AND MESSAGE BOARD. The replacement of the assets is underway with installation to be scheduled once fabrication is complete. We are also replacing the message boards at the pool for the upcoming pool season on the same timeline.
11. COMMUNITY SECURITY. If out-of-the-ordinary events occur and you are concerned for your safety or security please notify the Police non-emergency number (703) 691-2131 to report the occurrence. While we advertise a Neighborhood Watch on our signs there has been a lack of interest in the past to actually set one up. If you are interested in participating please let me know. If we have sufficient interest we will restart the process with the County but not before we see sufficient volunteers to make the effort worthwhile. As always, please consider leaving your porch lights on throughout the night, remember to lock your vehicle doors, and notify the non-emergency number should you experience some kind of security event in the future.
12. OWNER ACCOUNT PORTAL. This is a recurring topic for many of our owners. Each owner has the ability to access their account through a portal Summit Management offers. To access the portal, please go to our website and select the ‘Living in PWCA’ tab. Scroll down the page to the button ‘Vantaca Owner Login’. If you have not already done so, Vantaca will prompt you to create a login. Once you login you’ll be able to access your owner information to include the status of your account. This also provides an avenue to pay any balances due on the account.
13. OPEN DIRECTOR POSITION. Request your consideration to place your name forward to fill our open Director position. We are looking for people who are invested in making a better community for all who reside here. If you are interested please complete and submit an Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website and is listed above in the links. The Nominating Committee will reach out to you after you complete that step. If you have questions I’m also available to speak with you about more specifics.