PWCA Information for Members and Residents (December 2021, Message #2)

Good evening.  A few items for your review tonight along with a repeat of several items as they remain pertinent.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Parking Link:

2021-2022 Snow Removal Policy:

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins Global COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


1. HOLIDAY TEMPORARY PARKING PASS REQUESTS – NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2021.  Please provide your temporary parking permit requests no later than December 19th (that’s TOMORROW) for visitors you may have through the New Year. We would like to provide our volunteers who create those passes for you the time to spend with their families and several of them are departing the local area during the week so you will not have them as assets either.  Please see the website for a current list of parking officials.  If you miss the deadline, have patience as it may take longer to generate passes for you.

2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, DECEMBER 21, 2021, 7:00PM.  The December board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2021), then the meeting (20211221). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

3. 2022 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT TIMELINE.  The Annual Assessment for 2022 will increase to $375.00 per quarter due on the first day of each quarterly assessment period. The 2022 Assessment Notice and the Quarterly Assessment Timeline have been mailed/emailed to you and may also be found on the website.

4.  TREE WORK.  We will be conducting arbor care work over the next couple of months.  Reserved parking spaces impacted by this work will be notified and non-reserved spaces and curbs marked prior to the commencement of work.

5. HOLIDAY TRASH, RECYCLING and YARD WASTE SCHEDULE.  There are no calendar changes for this year’s holidays.  Christmas trees are usually picked up during the first two weeks of January.  See our website for details on how to prepare the tree for pickup.

6. COMMUNITY SECURITY.  With the holiday season upon us please remember to secure your packages, vehicles and homes. Keep your assets locked and thereby prevent a thief from having an easy opportunity. As a reminder, the Police non-emergency number is (703) 691-2131 to report any suspicious activity or break-ins. Also consider leaving your porch lights on throughout the night.

7. REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS. The Communications Committee is looking for a volunteer or two to help with the message board updates at both entrances. The Pool and Social Committees are also in great need of some additional volunteers to help make the activities they are responsible for a success – so far we have had had one volunteer step forward to help with the Social Committee – THANK YOU.

8.  PAINT DISPOSAL.  Lastly, for Malone Court.  Request the owner who dumped the large quantity of paint cans please collect and dispose of them.  For all – please see the website for the proper ways to dispose of your used paint cans.  There are several options but putting out liquid filled containers for the trash collection is not one of them, nor will the other professional companies we have contacted pick them up.

Please have a safe and joyous holiday week.  As I in the last message, I really appreciate all of your efforts in making the holiday season bright and festive.  Thank you for taking the time and care to generate such a welcoming environment.

Stay safe and well,


PWCA Information for Members and Residents (December 2021, Message #1)

Good evening.  A few items for your review tonight along with a repeat of several items as they remain pertinent.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Parking Link:

2021-2022 Snow Removal Policy:

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins Global COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


1.  POOL HOUSE HOLIDAY LIGHTING PROJECT, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4,2021, 1:00 PM, POOL PARKING LOT.  We  will light the pool house and fence for the season this Saturday.  Thanks to those who have already volunteered, look forward to seeing you.  We could use a couple more volunteers so please consider giving us 30 minutes of your afternoon to help with the setup.

2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, DECEMBER 21, 2021, 7:00PM.  The December board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2021), then the meeting (20211221). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

3. OPEN DIRECTOR POSITION.  Request your consideration to place your name forward to fill the open position. We are looking for people who are invested in making a better community for all who reside here. If you are interested please complete and submit an Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website. The Nominating Committee will reach out to you after you complete that step. If you have questions I’m also available to speak with you about more specifics.

4. 2022 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT TIMELINE.  The Annual Assessment for 2022 will increase to $375.00 per quarter due on the first day of each quarterly assessment period. The 2022 Assessment Notice and the Quarterly Assessment Timeline have been mailed/emailed to you and may also be found on the website.

5. HOLIDAY TEMPORARY PARKING PASS REQUESTS – NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2021.  Please provide your temporary parking permit requests no later than December 19th for visitors you may have through the New Year. We would like to provide our volunteers who create those passes for you the time to spend with their families. Please see the website for a current list of parking officials.

6.  TREE WORK.  We will be conducting arbor care work over the next couple of months.  Reserved parking spaces impacted by this work will be notified and non-reserved spaces and curbs marked prior to the commencement of work.

7. HOLIDAY TRASH, RECYCLING and YARD WASTE SCHEDULE.  There are no calendar changes for this year’s holidays.  Christmas trees are usually picked up during the first two weeks of January.  See our website for details on how to prepare the tree for pickup.

8. COMMUNITY SECURITY.  With the holiday season upon us please remember to secure your packages, vehicles and homes. Keep your assets locked and thereby prevent a thief from having an easy opportunity. As a reminder, the Police non-emergency number is (703) 691-2131 to report any suspicious activity or break-ins. Also consider leaving your porch lights on throughout the night.

9. REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS. The Communications Committee is looking for a volunteer or two to help with the message board updates at both entrances. The Pool and Social Committees are also in great need of some additional volunteers to help make the activities they are responsible for a success.

I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving weekend.  The community continues to look more vibrant by the day/night as more homes are decorated for the season – thank you for taking the time and care to generate such a welcoming environment.

Stay safe and well,


PWCA Information for Members and Residents (November 2021, Message #1)

Good afternoon to all. As we’ve gone almost a month without a President Message there are a number of items for your review below.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Parking Link:

2021-2022 Snow Removal Policy:

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins GLobal COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:

1. 2021 ANNUAL MEETING EXCERPTS.   The Annual Meeting occurred on November 16th and was conducted from opening through the Director elections in a parallel in person/virtual format. The remainder of the meeting occurred in a fully-virtual format.  Art Gile and Matt Strain were elected for another three-year term while the third position remains open due to TJ Hanton’s retirement from the Board at the completion of this past term.  See the website for slide deck and other supporting documentation.  The draft Annual Meeting minutes will be posted to the website after being provisionally approved by the Directors at the December 2021 Board of Directors meeting.

2. OPEN DIRECTOR POSITION.   As I relayed in the last message, TJ Hanton has stepped down after nine years of volunteer service to our community. TJ – thank you personally and on behalf of the Board and the Association for your willingness to work and serve our community throughout your three terms of service. For everyone – request your consideration to place your name forward to fill the open position. We are looking for people who are interested in helping work towards making a better community for all who reside here. If you are interested please complete and submit an Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website and is attached to this message. The Nominating Committee will reach out to you after you complete that step. If you have questions I’m also available to speak with you about more specifics.

3. 2022 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT TIMELINE.  As briefed at the Annual Meeting, the Annual Assessment for 2022 will increase to $375.00 per quarter due on the first day of each quarterly assessment period. The 2022 Assessment Notice and the 2022 Quarterly Assessment Timeline have been mailed/emailed to you and may also be found on the website.

4.  POOL HOUSE HOLIDAY LIGHTING PROJECT.  We could use several volunteers to help light the pool house and fence for the season.  Please email if you are interested and we’ll set up a date and time to gather and accomplish the work.  This won’t take long if we can get four or five people to help with the setup.

5. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, DECEMBER 21, 2021, 7:00PM.  The December board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2021), then the meeting (20211221). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

6.  OCTOBER 2022 COMMUNITY RULES.  The updated Rules may be found on the website.  New residents to our community receive a copy when they are getting their initial set of parking permits.  If you would like to have a hard copy of the Rules and are not a new resident, please email to coordinate a time to receive a copy.

7. HOLIDAY TEMPORARY PARKING PASS REQUESTS – NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2021.  Please provide your temporary parking permit requests no later than December 19th for visitors you may have through the New Year. We would like to provide our volunteers who create those passes for you the time to spend with their families.  Please see the website for a current list of parking official phone numbers.

8.  TREE WORK.  We will be conducting arbor care work over the next month.  Reserved parking spaces impacted by this work will be notified and non-reserved spaces and curbs marked prior to the commencement of work.

9. HOLIDAY TRASH, RECYCLING and YARD WASTE SCHEDULE.  There are no calendar changes for this year’s holidays.  Christmas trees are usually picked up during the first two weeks of January.  See our website for details on how to prepare the tree for pickup.

10. COMMUNITY SECURITY.   With the holiday season upon us please remember to secure your packages, vehicles and homes. Keep your assets locked and thereby prevent a thief from having an easy opportunity. As a reminder, the Police non-emergency number is (703) 691-2131 to report any suspicious activity or break-ins. Also consider leaving your porch lights on throughout the night.

11. COMMUNICATIONS.  The November 2021 newsletter is digital-only and available on the website – if you would like a hard copy please contact

12. REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS. The Communications Committee is looking for a volunteer or two to help with the message board updates at both entrances. The Pool and Social Committees are in great need of some additional volunteers to help make the activities they are responsible for a success.

13.  DUMPING ON COMMON GROUNDS.  There has been an increase in yard debris and other fill being placed in the common areas.  While I greatly appreciate all of your efforts to care for your residences and yards please be considerate to your neighbors, the community, and the environment.  We have a yard waste collection for a reason – to collect and transfer excess yard debris from you to a proper recycling center.  Please do the environment and community a favor and do not dump excess debris in the common area surrounding your residence.  If you need a special pickup to handle debris generated by a project, call Patriot to work the details and schedule a specific pickup for your debris.

14. COLD WEATHER PREPARATION.  Check the newsletter for our article on this important subject.  Each year there challenges faced by homeowners – consider taking these steps to take to be prepared for winter and limit potential damage to your home. The PWCA snow policy is posted on the website; please read and understand it before any snow emergency might be declared for the Community. Lastly, if/when the snow or ice storms arrive all residents are expected to shovel and de-ice the sidewalks in front of their homes. Help your neighbors and your community by assisting others if needed, clearing around fire hydrants, and clearing the mail boxes.

Alright, that was quite a bit of information.  Thank you for taking the time to read the message.  May you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Stay safe and well,


PWCA Information for Members and Residents (October 2021, Message #2)

Good afternoon to all. Please see below for several items.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Parking Link:

SEASONAL LINKS: No links currently

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins GLobal COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:

1. HALLOWEEN 2021. Fairfax County issued the following guidance. “While trick-or-treaters under 12 aren’t eligible for vaccine yet, this fun tradition can be done safely if families keep activities outdoors, wear a cloth or surgical mask (don’t rely on a costume mask to protect you), avoid crowded doorsteps, and wash hands before eating candy.” For those participating in our community, please be mindful of whether homes are participating or not. As a general rule, if homes have active Halloween decorations or their porch light is on they are participating. Please see the following link for more information:

2. OPEN DIRECTOR POSITION. TJ Hanton will be stepping down at the end of his term this year after nine years of volunteer service to our community. TJ – thank you personally, on behalf of the board, and for the Association for your willingness to work and thereby help our community throughout your three terms of service. For everyone – we therefore have a vacant Director position on the board. Request your consideration to place your name forward to fill the open position. We are looking for people who are interested in helping work towards making a better community for all who reside here. If you are interested please complete and submit an Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website. The Nominating Committee will reach out to you after you complete that step. If you have questions I’m also available to speak with you about more specifics regarding the Director position.

3. ANNUAL MEETING, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16,2021, 8:00 PM; initially at the Pool Parking Lot, remainder Virtual. The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Members of the Association will occur in the same format as the 2020 Annual Meeting. The meeting will start in the Pool Parking Lot and is intended to be a short duration due to the environmental considerations. There will be a brief recess then the meeting will continue in the fully virtual format as currently employed for the Board Meetings. There will be no food or beverages served, there are no restroom facilities available, and if you need a chair please bring your own. The Annual Meeting Notice, Agenda, Proxy Form and Call for Candidates were mailed either physically or electronically last week. As I stated in the last item, please consider submitting your name for a Director position – fresh insight and enthusiasm is welcomed on the board.

4. ELECTRONIC CONSENT FORMS. For those who may not know, electronic consent forms provide the Association the ability to send certain communications to you electronically only, thereby saving us the cost of printing and mailing those documents. The form is available on our website within Policy Resolution 17-04 and within the PWCA Forms sub-section.

5. ROAD RAIDERS CLEANUP EVENT; MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2021, 8:00AM, Roberts Road 100 yards south of Commonwealth Blvd intersection. Please see the following from Road Raiders. More information may be found on our website. “Next Monday, November 1 we will be sponsoring a special clean-up day for Shane’s Creek (watershed to Royal Lake) from the Roberts Road dam (near Commonwealth Blvd) towards the lake. 8-10AM, please come dressed for the weather and walking in forested parklands with gloves. We are sponsoring this special clean-up since the FCPS school system has “fall break” (Mon-Tuesday) for students. If you are a student, parent, neighbor or retired community member, YOU can help us out on Monday morning (all activity levels including just “manning the table” for sign-ups).”

Thank you for taking the time to review this.



Upcoming Community Service Events

Good morning to all. A reminder of two different community service events taking place this weekend. Please consider joining one (or both!) of them.

1. VOLUNTEER WATERSHED MARKER PROGRAM; TODAY!!!; Saturday, October 9, 2021; 9:00 AM; Pool Parking Lot. Meet with us at the pool house to join two crews who will be going out to learn about local watershed protection and do our part by marking the Park West Community Association storm drain basins (sidewalks). Crews can receive volunteer hours for students or adults signed by our Environmental Committee for supporting the Fairfax County Program. The volunteering activities will include light walking, lifting, and application of drain markers. We have attached a one page write-up from the County which outlines our shared watershed responsibilities to watershed management and how it affects local environments, water and soil. If you have any questions, please contact

2. ROAD RAIDERS CLEANUP EVENT; Monday, October 11, 2021; 8:00 AM, Gainsborough Drive and Claridge Court intersection. See attached/linked files for further information.

Thanks in advance,
