Power Outage, PWCA, 13 April 2022

All – some of you are without power at this time. A transformer has blown to the rear of 4818 and 4828 Treasure Court. This caused one side of our main transformer to fail.

Dominion is on site isolating the damaged Treasure Court transformer from the circuit containing the other transformers effected.

Once the damaged transformer is isolated – and barring any other challenge at the main transformer – the circuit will be re-energized providing most impacted residences with power.

I am unclear which residences feed off which sub-transformers. If you are located between 4812 and 4846 Treasure Court you may be fed off the damaged transformer. Please monitor the Dominion outage map for updated information. Dominion currently estimates a restoral of power between 10:00PM and 1:00AM but this is just a forecast and may change depending on the severity of the damage to the transformer.

For all residences currently impacted but not fed from the damaged transformer. In order to isolate the damaged transformer the cable will be re-energized in a non-redundant configuration. Any further damage to the circuit will cause a loss of power that will take more effort to remediate. Just be aware and watch the outage map. Once power is fully restored we will back in a normal (redundant) configuration.

I have attached a snapshot of the outage map. This map may be found at:


Hope this clarifies the situation for those impacted. May our power be fully restored shortly….


Upcoming Community Service Events

Good morning to all. A reminder of two different community service events taking place this weekend. Please consider joining one (or both!) of them.

1. VOLUNTEER WATERSHED MARKER PROGRAM; TODAY!!!; Saturday, October 9, 2021; 9:00 AM; Pool Parking Lot. Meet with us at the pool house to join two crews who will be going out to learn about local watershed protection and do our part by marking the Park West Community Association storm drain basins (sidewalks). Crews can receive volunteer hours for students or adults signed by our Environmental Committee for supporting the Fairfax County Program. The volunteering activities will include light walking, lifting, and application of drain markers. We have attached a one page write-up from the County which outlines our shared watershed responsibilities to watershed management and how it affects local environments, water and soil. If you have any questions, please contact

2. ROAD RAIDERS CLEANUP EVENT; Monday, October 11, 2021; 8:00 AM, Gainsborough Drive and Claridge Court intersection. See attached/linked files for further information.

Thanks in advance,


PWCA Information for Members and Residents (September 2021, Message #2)

Good morning! Just a few quick items for you as I sit on my deck enjoying the gorgeous weather. Please find the latest information below.

PWCA Website: www.parkwestcommunity.org
PWCA Pool Link: www.parkwestcommunity.org/living-in-pwca/

Direct Pool Sign-In Link:

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Johns Hopkins GLobal COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
State-wide analysis and guidance: http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/
County-specific guidance: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/covid19/
County Emergency Preparedness: https://fairfaxcountyemergency.wpcomstaging.com/category/coronavirus-covid-19/

1. POOL OPERATING HOURS. While the water will be a little chilly, you still have two days to enjoy the sun on the pool deck! As with each end-of-season, we could use some help in storing furniture on Sunday and accomplishing other required actions throughout this weekend. Please contact either pool@parkwestcommunity.org or myself if you’d like to
take on or assist in any of these actions.

Specific Hours:
Saturday, September 11: 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Sunday, September 12: 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Sunday, September 12: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Puppy Plunge – no humans
allowed in the pool during this last hour.

2. PUPPY PLUNGE; SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2021; 6:00 PM; POOL. TOMORROW, our inaugural Puppy Plunge will finally occur! Attached/linked to this message are two documents for your review and for those wanting to attend with their dogs, to take action on. Key item to remember is to bring proof of the 2021 Fairfax County dog license with you. This can either be the current tag or the current receipt from the County. The license will be returned to you after review. You will also need to sign the agreement prior to entering the pool deck with your dog. We will have two dog egress locations (the permanent steps and a temporary dog ramp) in the main pool. The main pool and the wading pool will both be available for your dogs’ enjoyment during this hour.

3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; September 21, 2021; 7:00 PM; Virtual. The September board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2021), then the meeting (20210921). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

4. POOL PARKING LOT STREET LIGHT OUTAGE. We are aware of the parking lot light outage. Dominion is working the issue – the current plan is to replace the current metal-halide bulb with an LED lamp assembly.

5. COMMON GROUND UPCOMING WORK. For your situational awareness, fall turf maintenance actions are scheduled to begin next week. You’ll be seeing crews spreading topsoil and seed in various locations throughout the community. We’re starting earlier this year to give the seed a chance to root in before the leaf cleanups start next month. You’ll also see fertilization, erosion control work, retaining wall work, and general crew days in the near-term.

6. ANNUAL MEETING – CALL FOR NOMINATIONS. With our Annual Meeting coming up in November we attached a nomination form in the August 2021 newsletter. Each year three of our nine member Board of Directors are up for election. Please consider submitting your name for consideration by the membership. If that seems to large a step, consider volunteering for any one of our committees. I KNOW they’d be happy for any assistance you could provide.

Thank you for reading this, enjoy the weekend while also remember those we lost during the events that occurred 20 years ago.



Labor Day Social Specifics and Puppy Plunge Information

Good morning! One more email for you listing the specifics for the event today along with some information on the Puppy Plunge next Sunday.

The Labor Day Social is on for today, and we have beautiful weather for it! Setup is at 4:00 PM, and the Social starts at 5:00 PM at the pool. We would like to share a few points with regards to our protocols this year:

1) Following county and CDC guidelines, unvaccinated individuals should plan to wear a mask except when eating or when in the pool; we encourage vaccinated individuals to also wear a mask at those times.

2) We are not renting additional furniture for this event. If we get a large turnout you may consider bringing your own chairs or just sitting on the concrete.

2)Sign-in at the pool is still required for this event. You can sign in ahead of time at the Direct Pool Sign-In Link (http://www.signupgenius.com/tabs/13576DF05A6CDEAC1AA3-pwcasign) or on a sign-up sheet at the entrance to the event. Hand sanitizer will be available at the sign-in table for your use.

3) We’ll have boxed meals from Red Hot & Blue for you this year – think of this as our substitute for the Fourth of July social we normally have. The boxes include different combinations of meats and sides, which will include utensils and napkins. The boxes will be clearly labeled, so please only take a filled closed box. Do not sort through the boxes or open them until you return to your table. Please keep your forks for cakes, to reduce waste from the event.

4) We’ll have 5-gallon containers with iced tea, lemonade, and water. Hand sanitizer and wipes will be available on the table with the drinks for your use. Please consider bringing a reusable cup with you to reduce waste from the event.

5) We’ll have two cakes that will be cut and placed on plates by a gloved volunteer. Remember to hang on to your forks!

6) We have some activities for the children planned. Hand sanitizer will be available, and we ask that all children wear a mask while participating.

For those of you who volunteered, we will see you at the pool at 4:00pm. For everyone, please show your regard for your neighbors in following the guidelines above. If you are feeling unwell, please do not attend, and use your common sense and judgement when interacting with groups or touching surfaces.


PUPPY PLUNGE; SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2021; 6:00 PM; POOL. Our inaugural Puppy Plunge is finally on for this year! Attached/linked to this message are two documents (Letter and Agreement) for your review and for those wanting to attend with their dogs, to take action on. Key item to remember is to bring proof of the 2021 Fairfax County dog license with you. The license will be returned to you after review. You will also need to sign the agreement prior to entering the pool deck with your dog. We plan to have two dog egress locations (the permanent steps and a temporary dog ramp) in the main pool.

Look forward to seeing you later today and next weekend!



PWCA Asphalt Seal Coat Project, July 2021, UPDATE #1

Good afternoon to all.

George Mason University has approved our use of specific parking lots during the seal coat project.  Updated slides are attached for your review.

1.  Lot C is approved for use.  If Lot C is full Lot A may also be utilized.
2.  Do not park in any marked spaces
3.  Do not park in any coned or barricaded areas.
4.  PWCA PERMITS ARE REQUIRED.  You may request temporary parking permits as normal.  Those temporary permits may be used in the GMU parking lots.
5.  Properly permitted vehicles may park there starting July 17th.  All vehicles must be removed no later than July 31st.
6.  If you are towed from a GMU parking lot, please use their process to retrieve your vehicle.  Our tow company will not have visibility to the specifics of the event.

