Concrete Work Info – 7 October 2020 Status

Good evening all.

I have mostly good news this evening.

We are almost finished and will do the walk-through tomorrow.

The crew is still doing final clean-up and street/parking area cleaning.

Please continue to remain out of the restricted spaces.

All parking will be open tomorrow morning.

For those of you who have spaces with new concrete adjacent to them please keep your vehicles back from the concrete to allow inspection.

For all – please remember not to place vehicle tires on new concrete.

Thanks for your efforts – the parking challenge was handled by all those impacted in an excellent manner – really do appreciate that.



Concrete Work Info – 6 October 2020 Status

Good evening to all.

Day 1 on the concrete was a success and a major chunk of work was accomplished. There is still more work to accomplish so please remember the following:

1. Do not walk on fresh concrete
2. Parking space relocations are if effect tomorrow. If you are in a space impacted by the no parking rule, please have your vehicle out by 7:00AM tomorrow morning.

Our window for the parking relocations continues to last until Friday but I expect we will finish earlier than that.

Thanks for all of y’alls support – have an enjoyable and safe evening.



Concrete Work Info – Pool Parking Lot Status

All – for those impacted by the concrete work during this week:

The Pool Parking Lot is hereby opened for overflow parking if you wish to utilize it. We currently plan to have the pool parking lot open until 5:00PM on Friday, October 9, 2020. The concrete work should be completed before then – if so the pool parking lot will be closed for parking earlier than Friday.

All vehicles parking there are subject to all the permit parking rules for our community. If you are planning to be away from the community for the rest of the week please relocate your vehicle to non-restricted curb parking or non-restricted visitor parking spaces in the community, not the pool parking lot.

Several more assigned parking spaces were added to the list today. The applicable residences (one residence on Carriagepark Road, three residences on Treasure Court) received notices at the residence along with signs placed on the applicable parking spaces.

Reminder – towing begins tomorrow at 7AM and runs through 6PM – please relocate your vehicles this evening or we will have to relocate them tomorrow at your expense.

Thank you in advance for your help with this.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (October 2020, Message #1)

Good afternoon. Please find listed below several updates for you.

CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins GLobal COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


1. CONCRETE WORK, TUESDAY-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6-9, 2020. Concrete work around the community will start on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 and is anticipated to complete by Friday, October 9, 2020. Specific assigned parking spaces and effected residences will receive notices on their doors this weekend regarding the work. Any spaces (assigned, visitor, or curb) required for the project will be designated by markers and tape. Please vacate those spaces for the entirety of the week (from 7:00AM to 6:00PM) or your vehicle will be relocated within the community at your cost. Once work is complete another email announcement will occur and the markers/tape will be removed from the specific spaces.

2. SEAL COAT PROJECT. Due to the lateness of the season and pandemic-related complications we are delaying the seal coat and basketball court resurfacing until 2021.

3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, OCTOBER 20th, 7:00PM. The October board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2020), then the meeting (20201020). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

4. ANNUAL MEETING, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17,2020, 8:00PM. Due to the challenges in securing interior meeting locations the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Members of the Association will occur in the Pool Parking Lot. This is intended to be a short meeting due to the environmental considerations. There will be no food or beverages served, there are no restroom facilities available, and if you need a chair please bring your own. The Annual Meeting Notice, Agenda, Proxy Form and Call for Candidates will be distributed in the near future. Please consider submitting your name for a Director position – fresh insight and enthusiasm is welcomed on the board.

5. VEHICLES ON COMMON GROUND. There have been several instances of contractors driving vehicles across common ground to get close to their work areas. As a reminder, any vehicular traffic off the drive lanes and parking bays requires prior approval. For those residences bordering the pipeline easement, approval from Colonial Pipeline MUST also occur prior to vehicle movement. Owners will be held responsible for the cost to remediate any damage caused to common areas. Please refer to the Community Rules Section 3.3 for information.

6. CHILI COOKOOF AND ASSOCIATED EVENTS CANCELED. The events usually scheduled for the end of October are canceled for 2020.


7. ACC. All rules remain in effect. Out-of-cycle ACC violation processes are ongoing. The Spring 2020 Home Inspection has been canceled.

8. COMMUNICATIONS. The August 2020 newsletter is digital-only due to the COVID-19 impacts – if you need a hard copy please contact

9. ECC. All rules remain in effect.

9.1. BULK WASTE PICKUP. Advanced notice is required for any bulk item pickup. Fees will be increased slightly to cover the additional handling costs due to COVID-19. Bulk items include furniture, mattresses, appliances, grills, exercise equipment, construction debris,
or any other large item that would normally be collected with a rear-load trash truck.

9.2. GLASS RECYCLING (PURPLE CONTAINERS). Glass recycling has resumed and the purple recycling containers are throughout Fairfax County.

9.3. RECYCLING AND TRASH. Should you see someone placing trash or recycling out at an unauthorized time, feel free to take their picture (to include the residence they are coming from/returning to) and email the pictures to

9.4. YARD DEBRIS PICKUP. Yard Debris is picked up on TUESDAY and FRIDAY in a specific yard debris truck. All yard waste requirements and constraints are in effect as normal. See the Community Rules Section 3.7 for information.

9.5. TOT LOT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the playground was opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

9.6. BASKETBALL COURT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the basketball court was opened effective 17 June 2020. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Users must stay ten (10) feet apart.

9.7. LENDING LIBRARY PATIO. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the patio itself was opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

9.8. LENDING LIBRARY (CLOSED). In accordance with Phase 3 of the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the Library remains CLOSED due to the restrictions on shared equipment.

9.9. COMMON AREAS. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the common areas were opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

10. PARKING. All rules remain in effect. The Resident Owner and Non-Resident Owner Parking Permit (Hangtag) Renewals for 2020 are canceled. 2021 distribution remains planned for April 2021.

11. SOCIAL. We continue to assess viability of future events based on pandemic guidance issued through the state and county.

12. COMMUNITY SUPPORT REQUEST. This request remains active – thank you to those who have responded so far.

Stay safe and well,


PWCA Information for Members and Residents (September 2020, Message #1)

Good evening. Please find listed below several updates for you.

CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins GLobal COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


  1. CONCRETE WORK, MONDAY-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5-9, 2020. Concrete work around the community will start on Monday, October 5, 2020 and is anticipated to complete by Friday, October 9, 2020. Specific assigned parking spaces and effected residences will receive notices on their doors regarding the work. Any spaces (assigned, visitor, or curb) required for the project will be designated by markers and tape. Please vacate those spaces for the entirety of the week (from 7:00AM to 5:00PM) or your vehicle will be relocated within the community at your cost. Once work is complete you will receive another notice and the markers/tape will be removed from the specific spaces.
  2. SEAL COAT PROJECT. Due to the lateness of the season and pandemic-related complications we are delaying the seal coat and basketball court resurfacing until 2021.
  3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, SEPTEMBER 15, 7:00PM. The September board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2020), then the meeting (20200915). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.
  4. TRASH AND SPECIAL ITEM PICKUP. We are experiencing an increase in issues with residences discarding special items or placing trash/recycling/yard debris out in incorrect locations or on incorrect days. Please see the website for information on how to work the disposal of items in the community. For those seeing this on our website links on each of those words will take you to the pertinent information.
  5. POOL. The pool season ended on Labor Day, Monday, September 7, 2020. Thanks to all who helped get this season up and running and to those who participated during the season. We are currently working to fix a long-standing water leak from the Wading Pool and expect to have that sorted out during the off-season.


  1. ACC: All rules remain in effect. Out-of-cycle ACC violation processes are ongoing. The Spring 2020 Home Inspection has been canceled.
  2. COMMUNICATIONS: The August 2020 newsletter is digital-only due to the COVID-19 impacts – if you need a hard copy please contact
  3. ECC: All rules remain in effect.

8.1. BULK WASTE PICKUP. Advanced notice is required for any bulk item pickup. Fees will be increased slightly to cover the additional handling costs due to COVID-19. Bulk items include furniture, mattresses, appliances, grills, exercise equipment, construction debris, or any other large item that would normally be collected with a rear-load trash truck.

8.2. GLASS RECYCLING (PURPLE CONTAINERS): Glass recycling has resumed and the purple recycling containers are throughout Fairfax County.

8.3. RECYCLING AND TRASH. Should you see someone placing trash or recycling out at an unauthorized time, feel free to take their picture (to include the residence they are coming from/returning to) and email the pictures to

8.4. YARD DEBRIS PICKUP. Yard Debris is picked up on TUESDAY and FRIDAY in a specific yard debris truck. All yard waste requirements and constraints are in effect as normal. Some reminders: #1 – our window opens at 6:00AM and we are occasionally the first pickup community. #2 – our contractor WILL NOT pick up yard waste in plastic bags (Fairfax County requirement), please place yard debris in paper bags or containers labeled ‘YARD WASTE’.

8.5. TOT LOT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the playground has been opened as of 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

8.6. BASKETBALL COURT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the basketball court has been opened as of 17 June 2020. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Users must stay ten (10) feet apart.

8.7. LENDING LIBRARY PATIO. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the patio itself has been opened as of 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

8.8. LENDING LIBRARY (CLOSED). In accordance with Phase 3 of the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the Library remains CLOSED due to the restrictions on shared equipment.

8.9. COMMON AREAS. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the common areas have been opened as of 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

  1. PARKING: All rules remain in effect. The Resident Owner and Non-Resident Owner Parking Permit (Hangtag) Renewals remain postponed until further notice.
  2. SOCIAL: We continue to assess viability of future events based on pandemic guidance issued through the state and county.
  3. COMMUNITY SUPPORT REQUEST. This request remains active – thank you to those who have responded so far.

Stay safe and well,
