PWCA Information for Members and Residents (March 2019, Message #1)

Good evening to all. Several items for your consideration and potential
action tonight.

1. PERMIT PARKING RENEWALS: For Resident and Non-Resident Owners. The new PWCA owners’ parking permits will be distributed between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 7, 2019 and between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 13, 2019 at the Pool Parking Lot. TENANT PERMITS ARE NOT IMPACTED. A postcard has been mailed to you with additional information. There are 30+ resident owners who have not submitted at least their applications in at this time. EFFECTIVE MAY 1st – ANY VEHICLE WITH A GREEN PERMIT WILL BE TOWED AS THOSE PERMITS WILL BE EXPIRED. If you have not submitted at least your application in – please do so AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. You are at risk to not have new permits ready for you in time – if that is the case you will either need to get temporary visitor permits or park off community property until you obtain your new permits. Registrations are requested with the applications to ease the issuance process – if you elect to bring your registrations on the 7th and the vehicle registration address and name does not synchronize with the owners’ information exactly you may be asked to return on the 13th to pick up your permits.

2. 2019 SPRING TREE WORK: is in final stages. Sod will be placed over the stump locations. If you are near those locations we are looking for volunteers to potentially water the sod. The Association will supply a flow meter and all equipment to water the sod. Please contact either or if you are open to help.

3. ROAD RAIDERS CLEANUP EVENTS: please consider joining these broader community initiatives. They occur each month – speak to Matt Strain or myself for more information. The Spring Parks & Lake clean up at Royal Lake and Lakeside parks will be Saturday April 27th.

4. EAGLE SCOUT PROJECTS: Should any of you know aspiring Eagle Scouts, the Association has several projects that would fit the requirements. Please contact if you are interested.

5. POOL SEASON: multiple projects will be occurring at the pool over the next two months. With Joan’s passing we REALLY need people to step forward to help with the social aspects of the pool operations. Please contact or if you can give some time to help your community.

6. EASTER EGG HUNT: will occur on April 20th from 11AM to 1PM. I’ll include the flyer in the next message or see the website. There will be a cleanup event staged that morning – more information to follow.

Have a great evening!



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (February 2019, Message #3)

Good evening to you all. This update mainly concerns the parking permit renewals for those effected. I’ve also kept the other upcoming items as reminders for you.

1. PERMIT PARKING PASS RENEWALS: For Resident and Non-Resident Owners. Your form is due TOMORROW – February 28th. The Parking Committee has been reminding individuals that a hard copy is needed for this renewal. This form can be mailed or placed in their entry door. We are targeting a mid-April dissemination of passes. Tenants, you are NOT impacted by this update. The letter explaining the details of the process may be found in the “FEBRUARY 2019 NEWSLETTER AND INSERTS” post.

2. ACC INSPECTION: is planned to occur on March 9th. Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time to accompany one of the inspection teams and learn some of the processes we use to help keep our community looking great.

3. SPRING TREE WORK: the first phase is complete. The second phase will occur 11-13 March. Those impacted will get a letter in their door(s) before that time if their assigned spaces are impacted. For visitor and curb parking, those areas will be signed and taped off the day prior. If you park a car in a no parking zone at the times specified on the notices your vehicle will be relocated and relocation fee charged to your account. This covers all parking spaces in the community (assigned and non-assigned).

4. ROAD RAIDERS CLEANUP EVENTS: please consider helping us and the greater Kings Park West activities through the following. We’ll be cleaning up our land on Tapestry Drive adjacent to Roberts Road and part of the Rabbit Branch park on March 9th from 7:15AM – 8:00AM. Additionally, the Spring Parks and Lake cleanup at Royal Lake will occur on April 27th.

5. NEW WEBSITE: Lastly, as several noted, there was a extra character in the link I provided last time. Our website is: That’s three ‘w’s…

Thanks for taking to time to read this, have a great evening.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (February 2019, Message #2)

Good afternoon to all. With the current weather situation I strongly urge you to consider carefully your travel plans today. Here are several items for you consideration:

1. NEW WEBSITE: The Board approved implementing the new website at the meeting last night. This brings us to a different framework to ease information updates and provide a base for future capabilities to better serve our community. Please take a minute to review the new website.

2. PERMIT PARKING PASS RENEWALS: this is a repeat item from the last update. For Resident and Non-Resident Owners. Please complete and return the form by February 28th. We are targeting a mid-April dissemination of passes. Tenants, you are NOT impacted by this update.
The letter explaining the details of the process may be found in the “FEBRUARY 2019 NEWSLETTER AND INSERTS” post.

3. ACC INSPECTION: is planned to occur on March 9th. Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time to accompany one of the inspection teams and learn some of the processes we use to help keep our community looking great.

4. SPRING TREE WORK: is underway. For those areas impacted by the no parking notices earlier this week, that work did not occur due to maintenance issues. We are currently rescheduled to have that work performed on Friday, February 22nd. Those impacted will get a letter in their door(s) tomorrow if the work is still scheduled to proceed. As a reminder, if you park a car in a no parking zone at the times specified on the notices your vehicle will be relocated and relocation fee charged to your account. This covers all parking spaces in the community (assigned and non-assigned).

5. 2019 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES: the Pool and Social Committees have refined the list of social events the Association is supporting this year. The updated list is available on the new website under the “PWCA Welcome” tab.

6. PET WASTE: a topic of conversation around our community. We discussed this matter last night and here’s a quick summary: 1 – we have produced temporary signs that may be placed at problem areas. 2 – we’ll start to include some pointers in future newsletters as we can generate the content. 3 – we discussed purchasing additional permanent signs. 4 – we may generate a letter to all owners on this subject. For now, we’re soliciting your comments on this issue via email. If you
have any thoughts on how to address the issue, please send them to one or more of the following email addresses:,, or

7. ROAD RAIDERS CLEANUP EVENTS: please consider helping us and the greater Kings Park West activities through the following. We’ll be cleaning up our land on Tapestry Drive adjacent to Roberts Road and part of the Rabbit Branch park on March 9th from 7:15AM – 8:00AM.
Additionally, there is the 2019 Friends of Royal Lake meeting this evening (February 20th), 7PM, at Laurel Ridge Elementary. Lastly, the Spring Parks and Lake cleanup at Royal Lake will occur on April 27th.

I believe that covers all the points I wanted to relay to you. Have a great day, stay safe!



Pwca_info mailing list

PWCA Information for Members and Residents (February 2019, Message #1)

Good afternoon to all. A couple of items for your consideration.

1. SHORT NOTICE NOTIFICATION. COMMUNITY MEETING THIS EVENING. Our District Supervisor, Mr. John Cook, will be holding a Community Information Meeting on February 12th at the Oak View Elementary School at 7:30p.m. in regards to a proposed residential development at the northeast corner of the Roberts Road/Braddock Road intersection. This is one year to the date from the first community meeting.

Per the invitation email, “In late November, the Board of Supervisors adopted a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the 9.94-acre site which would retain a base density of 1 to 2 dwelling units per acre, but allow more intense development of this property if certain conditions are met, including consolidation of the parcels, environmentally sensitive design, and improved pedestrian connections. The developer is now proposing to rezone the property from the R-1 District to PDH-5. The proposed development would be a high-end residential community with 45 houses, centrally located community amenities, and open space. Access would be from a single entrance on Roberts Road. The applicant has proposed a tree save area and decorative screening wall along Braddock Road. An additional tree preservation area is proposed along the eastern property boundary with University Park.”

2. NEWSLETTERS: were distributed. Thank you to those who have opt’d in to receive these types of communications electronically. By doing so you saved the Association $2 for each hand delivered packet and $2 plus the cost of postage for each mailed packet. In just this information dissemination we saved more then $150. For those who haven’t opt’d in, I’ve attached a form for your consideration. UPDATE – some packets have not yet been distributed but should be in the next couple of days.

3. BOARD MEETING: will be next Tuesday, February 19th at Lord of Life.

4. PERMIT PARKING PASS RENEWALS: for resident and non-resident owners
– you received the letter and an application form in the latest packet. Please complete and return by February 28th. We are targeting a mid-April dissemination of passes. Tenants, you are NOT impacted by this update.

5. 2019 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES: the Pool and Social Committees have refined the list of social events the Association is supporting this year. The updated list will be available at the board meeting and on the website shortly thereafter.

6. SPRING TREE WORK: is around the corner. We currently anticipate work occurring in the March/April timeframe. Further information to follow.

That’s it for this evening – wanted to get the information out about this community meeting this evening if anyone is interested.

Have a great night!



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (December 2018, Message #1)

Good evening to all. As we focus on the holiday season I wanted to give
everyone some items for your consideration.

  • TRASH:
    — CHRISTMAS – Trash collection will not occur on Tuesday,
    December 25th. The next trash collection will occur on Friday, December
    — NEW YEAR’S – Trash collection will not occur on Tuesday,
    January 1st. The next trash collection will occur on Friday, January
    — CHRISTMAS – recycling collection will occur on Wednesday,
    December 26th.
    — NEW YEAR’S – recycling collection will occur on Wednesday,
    January 2nd.
  • CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION – will occur on Wednesday, January 2nd
    and Wednesday, January 9th. All tinsel and decorations must be removed
    and trees SHOULD NOT be placed in plastic bags.
  1. 2019 ASSESSMENTS: as a reminder, the first 2019 assessment is due
    on January 1st. The 2019 quarterly maintenance assessment is $335.00.
    See our website for further details.
  2. 2018-2019 ASSOCIATION ELECTION RESULTS: At the December 2018 Board
    of Directors meeting I was elected President for another year. Joe
    Underwood was elected Vice President, Steve Lubore was elected
    Treasurer, and Matt Strain was elected Secretary. Officers are elected
    for one-year terms at the meeting immediately proceeding the Annual
    Meeting. For Committees; as announced at the Annual Meeting – Don
    Malkowski will be the Nominating Committee Chair for 2019. He also
    takes over the Pool Committee chair position for the upcoming year. All
    other Committees remained as designated for 2018.
  3. OPEN DIRECTOR POSITION: As he stated at the Annual Meeting, Rich
    Juchnewicz has retired from the Board after 18 years of volunteer
    service to our community and many other previous years of volunteer
    service before that (all in addition to his years of service in uniform
    to our country). My heartfelt thanks to him both personally and on
    behalf of the Association for the years of selfless service he has
    provided our community. He will be missed. If you have a desire to
    volunteer some time and join our Board please complete and submit an
    Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website and is
    attached to this message. The Nominating Committee will reach out to
    you after you complete that step.
  4. JOAN MURPHY: As I released earlier, Joan Murphy has passed away.
    She also served our community with selfless service for years – she will
    be missed – especially considering the lack of foreknowledge we had on
    her passing. My thanks to those who attended her memorial service and
    to those who attended the reception at her daughter’s in Leesburg.
    December 14th was a hard day.
    residents of Treasure Court, the Hospitality Committee and Parking
    Committee are looking for individuals interested in becoming a Block
    Captain for the street. A Parking Official is also needed. This need
    is due to Joan’s passing so please consider stepping forward to help
    your neighbors.
  6. LEAVES: Lastly, if you have not taken care of the leaves in your
    front yards please do so. Help keep our community more neat and most
    probably, your neighbors more happy.

Life continues. Please enjoy the holidays but stay safe. My hope for
you is to drive carefully, consider your neighbors, and close out 2018
on a high note. I look forward to 2019, see you soon…

