2021-2022 Winter Event #2, Information

Good evening to all. We received around 2.5″ here – the official Fairfax amount was 2.65″. Plows were in early this morning and then this afternoon for final cleanup.

TRASH – Patriot will be by either later today or tomorrow for the trash pickup. There’s no need to return your containers or bags to your residence.

Storm debris cleanup – possibly next week for our debris pickup.

TONIGHT – watch out for black ice as the sun melted our snow but the below=freezing temperature is freezing the melt water in place.

Stay safe and warm,


2021-2022 Winter Event #1, Update #2

Good evening. I anticipate this to be the final update on this storm in this format. Follow-on information will flow through the routine messages I send out each month.

Today’s Actions:

  1. Last night a plow truck did make it in and plowed the streets.
  2. Today had the sun melting away some of the snow.
  3. Patriot canceled all service today due the inclement weather and resulting road conditions. We’d REALLY appreciate if you brought your bags back to your residences – especially the white bags as they will be damaged by our local wildlife over the next several days.


  1. We are not anticipating bringing another truck in this evening. Driving and walking in the community will remain treacherous tonight – please be careful if you venture outside tonight.


  1. RECYCLING: Patriot does not have a notice about tomorrow on their website. For tomorrow’s scheduled recycling service, I would again caution against pulling items to the curb as I’m not sure we will get service tomorrow. Patriot (or the county to all haulers) may cancel due to road conditions again. If you do take items out – please take them back in again if service does not occur.
  2. FCPS is again closed tomorrow – another reason I’m not confident we are getting recycling collection tomorrow.

Beyond Tomorrow:
As I stated above – I anticipate this is your final update for this weather event. For those with downed boughs and limbs around their properties. We will get our companies in to remove the downed debris however that may take some time due to the widespread damage this storm caused. You are always free to remove any debris that is on your property.

Additionally, we’ve received several requests from owners about people to shovel snow. I know several people were out generating some cash by helping yesterday – I applaud your efforts. If you’d like to be part of a list for potential future work on other’s walkways and such please email me your information.

Have a great evening – stay warm and be careful should you venture out.


Trash Pickup, 4 January 2022 – Officially Canceled

All – we have confirmation that trash pickup is canceled for today.  If you took bags or containers out yesterday, please bring them back inside your property line

From Patriot Disposal (a portion of the message):

Due to inclement weather and poor road conditions, all scheduled services for today (1/4) have been suspended….

Trash service will resume on your next regularly scheduled trash day and recycling service will resume on your next regularly scheduled recycling day.



Trash Pickup, 4 January 2022

All – to be clear – if you can wait till Friday (7 January 2022) for pickup I STRONGLY recommend you wait. I DO NOT believe the trash truck will be able to navigate our streets safely.


2021-2022 Winter Event #1, Update #1

Good evening.

Alright this is will short as it’s been a long day – alright I thought that but I’ve been typing so follow along with my tired brain… :).

Today’s Actions:

  1. I’ve measured between 10.5″ and 11″ on the ground for this event. At 1100 today I measured 9″ so that seems to track with the storm snowfall rates.
  2. We received a emergency lane pass with a snow plow around late morning/mid-day. The plow arrived in mid-afternoon to conduct widening/final clearing but broke just after starting.
  3. Numerous boughs and limbs are down throughout the community. Boughs and limbs impeding access to our streets have been moved from the roadways – thank you to all the volunteers who accomplished those actions as several were moved without my being around the location. FOR EVERYONE – we didn’t get much sun this afternoon to melt the snow from the trees. Tonight is going to be a challenge as I have no idea whether the trees can support that much weight on them overnight.
  4. THANK YOU to those who cleared their sidewalks and mailboxes. There are numerous areas within our community that have free sidewalks through their blocks and several that connected to their adjoining blocks. Truly appreciate your efforts today. Also – I agree with everyone’s assessment we didn’t need to clear the fire hydrants – that’s reserved for the January 2016 event……
  5. Thank you also to those who did not place their shoveled snow into the street when they released their vehicles from the snow load – that helps the plows and the sun to melt what we have on the roadways.


  1. We are trying to get another plow in but it’s difficult due to downed trees (closed streets), fuel impediments, and now the temperature.
  2. You should expect another plow truck and a sand truck in tonight. Sand may not be that effective due to the expected low temperatures. I watched some water draining flash freeze in front of my eyes as I was trying to clear snow to get the water from around a speed hump.
  3. DRIVING IN OUR COMMUNITY IS TREACHEROUS TONIGHT. If you do not need to travel – please do not.


  1. We’ll get a final pass-through of a plow truck tomorrow along with another sanding to get ahead of these freeze temperatures overnight.
  2. TRASH: Patriot does not have a notice about tomorrow on their website. I DO NOT RECOMMEND you place trash out tonight. I do not think the trucks will be able to navigate our streets. Please refer to their website https://www.patriotdisposalservices.com/ for the latest information.

Beyond Tomorrow:
You’ll get another update tomorrow from me. For those with downed boughs and limbs around their properties. We will get our companies in to remove the downed debris however that may take some time due to the widespread damage this storm caused. You are always free to remove any debris that is on your property.

Stay safe. Please.
