MLK Day of Service – Rabbit Branch park area @ 9AM

All – please see below from Road Raiders for the Rabbit Branch Park cleanup tomorrow. Please consider giving an hour of your time tomorrow morning. See below for the Road Raiders request.



From: Tom McCook <>
Date: 1/19/2020
To: Tom McCook <>
Subject: MLK Day of Service – Rabbit Branch park area @ 9AM

“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” Martin Luther King

** Bonus ** – MLK Holiday, January 20 at 9AM (start)- we are planning a community parks clean-up at Rabbit Branch Park (the park area). Unfortunately, it is filled with trash and we need to clean this area for our neighbors, friends and wildlife in the area.

“Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve” (Martin Luther King, Feb 1968).

Rabbit Branch park area is 1/4 mile east on Tapestry from Roberts Rd.

I hope we can see you tomorrow!

Tom McCook

Robinson Students – service hours can be earned!