Pool Opening Status (27 July 2020)

Good afternoon to you all. For today please see below for items related
to our pool opening:

  1. Pool Pass Distribution. Our last scheduled pool pass pickup is today (Monday, 27 July 2020) from 4:00pm through 7:00pm. If you want to get your pool passes for this season please follow the following rules:
    1A. Photo IDs are required for pass pickup and when entering the pool deck for a reservation.
    1B. At the time of pickup each adult (any person 16 or over) will be required to sign a legal waiver of liability, “Agreement to Assume Risk and Release”. Each adult must sign. One representative from a specific address may bring signed waivers from the other members living at the address. Adults will sign for any children under 16 residing at the address.
    1C. We are working on follow-on dates and times for pass pickup but those dates are undetermined at the current moment. In the interim please email pool@parkwestcommunity.org for further information.
  2. First Day of Pool Operations. Friday, 31 July 2020. The pool will open at 11:00am.
  3. Pool Operational Hours. Our planned hours of operations will be 11:00am – 8:00pm seven days a week until Labor Day. This may be adjusted based on staffing or pandemic-related external inputs.
  4. Reservation System. The system is almost ready for operations. Reservations will be allowed 1 day prior. All residences are limited to a maximum of two reservations per day. Please see specifics in the Operations Plan. Specifically,
    4A. Recreation Area #1 had direct step access. Reservations should be limited to medical needs or small children only.
    4B. All areas are limited to 5 people living in one residence.
    4C. The lap lane is limited to one person for exercise only with the exception of people gaining access to Recreation Swim Areas #6 and #7. They will access through the lap lane during periods of time where the lap lane user is more then ten (10) feet away.
  5. All individuals stepping onto the pool deck will be required to sign two different waivers. One waiver will be signed during the pool pass pickup, another pool use waiver will be signed when you physically arrive at the pool for your reservation.
  6. Social distancing rules (10 feet) are in effect. See the Operating Plan for further information.

Lastly, as I previously requested please adhere to the Operating Plan guidance and be gracious as we work through some of the challenges we will face to ensure equitable accessibility to our pool. Our plan relies on you to act responsibly, adhere to guidelines and rules and to stay at home if you exhibit symptoms or have a fever.

Thanks again, please stay safe and well and enjoy our pool responsibly.

All the Best,

Mark Griffin

Pool Opening Status

Good morning to all. I’m happy to report to you that due to several volunteers’ efforts we plan to have the pool open this season!

Here’s a synopsis of information contained in the attachments to this email:

1. First day is anticipated to be between Wednesday (29 July) and Friday (31 July)
2. A reservation system will be operating – no reservation, no entry to the pool deck. Further information to follow on the specifics of the reservation system.
3. All individuals stepping onto the pool deck will be required to sign two different waivers. One waiver will be signed during the pool pass pickup, another pool use waiver will be signed when you physically arrive at the pool for your reservation.
4. Social distancing rules (10 feet) are in effect. See the Operating Plan for further information.

Specific information on Pool Pass Distribution:

  • Pool passes will be distributed at the pool starting today, Friday (24 July) through Monday (27 July) from 4:00PM to 7:00PM each day.
  • Photo IDs are required for pass pickup and when entering the pool deck for a reservation.
  • At the time of pickup each adult (any person 16 or over) will be required to sign a legal waiver of liability, “Agreement to Assume Risk and Release” Each adult must sign. One representative from a specific address may bring signed waivers from the other members living at the address. Adults will sign for any children under 16 residing at the address.
  • A current status of passes processed is included in the attachments. If your address is not on the list please submit another application either via email to pool@parkwestcommunity.org or by dropping off an application at the pool during the designated dates and times. A pool pass application is attached.

These are challenging times – if you elect to utilize the pool this season please adhere to the Operating Plan guidance and be gracious as we work through some of the challenges to ensure equitable accessibility to our pool.

All the best,

Mark Griffin

Last night’s fire (April 11, 2020)

All, good morning. As many of you are aware, we had a fire in our community last night.

The fire occurred at 4717 Gainsborough Drive and had varying effect on the two neighboring residences. No occupants were harmed during this event. The cause was determined to be accidental/electrical.

Please keep the impacted occupants in your thoughts and prayers.

Also – as a reminder. In this time, when extra-ordinary events occur please remember to maintain your social distancing. We do not want an outbreak to occur within this community due to lapses in attention.

Stay safe and well,
