Two Items For You

Good evening y’all! Two quick items for you today. I’ll follow-up with a more traditional President message later.

1. POOL. Our abbreviated season has flown by but a reminder to all that Monday (Labor Day) is our last day for the 2020 season. My thanks to all those who came to enjoy our pool – you followed our rules and by all accounts I’ve heard have enjoyed the time. If you haven’t come out, see previous messages for the link to the reservation system and please take advantage of the fantastic weather this weekend to come by. Monday early evening we will be moving the furniture back into the pool house if anyone wants to volunteer a couple of hours to help us that would be appreciated. Contact me for additional information….

2. CONCRETE WORK. Is scheduled to begin on September 23rd. Those homes and parking spaces impacted will get notices in your door on specific dates and times for the work. The seal coat has been delayed until 2021 due to the lateness of the season.

All for now. Whatever your weekend plans are, please stay safe and well.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (August 2020, Message #1)

Good afternoon. Please find listed below a few updates for you today.

CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins GLobal COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


  1. NEWSLETTER, AUGUST 2020 EDITION. The newsletter has been published to our website. This edition is digital-only once again due to pandemic social distancing guidelines. If you would like a hard copy of the edition, please contact communications@parkwestcommunity,org for assistance.
  2. POOL. As we enter our second week of operations, I’d like to thank those who are enjoying the pool this season. I’ve received several comments from our guards as to your courteousness and willingness to follow our additional/revised pool rules under these environmental conditions. If you need, please see the newsletter and associated documents for all the details on our pool operations for the season.
  3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, AUGUST 18, 7:00PM. The August board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2020), then the meeting (20200818). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.
  4. SEAL COAT PROJECT AND ASSOCIATED CONCRETE WORK. Please see the newsletter for information on the upcoming project, what to expect during the project, and information should you desire to have some private concrete work performed in conjunction with the Association’s overall project.


  1. ACC: All rules remain in effect. Out-of-cycle ACC violation processes are ongoing. The Spring 2020 Home Inspection has been canceled.
  2. COMMUNICATIONS: The August 2020 newsletter is digital-only due to the COVID-19 impacts – if you need a hard copy please contact
  3. ECC: All rules remain in effect.

7.1. BULK WASTE PICKUP. Advanced notice is required for any bulk item pickup. Fees will be increased slightly to cover the additional handling costs due to COVID-19. Bulk items include furniture, mattresses, grills, exercise equipment, construction debris, or any other large item that would normally be collected with a rear-load trash truck.

7.2. GLASS RECYCLING (PURPLE CONTAINERS): Glass recycling has resumed and the purple recycling containers are throughout Fairfax County.

7.3. RECYCLING AND TRASH. Should you see someone placing trash or recycling out at an unauthorized time, feel free to take their picture (to include the residence they are coming from/returning to) and email the pictures to

7.4. YARD DEBRIS PICKUP. Yard Debris is picked up on TUESDAY and FRIDAY in a specific yard debris truck. All yard waste requirements and constraints are in effect as normal. Some reminders: #1 – our window opens at 6:00AM and we are occasionally the first pickup community. #2 – our contractor WILL NOT pick up yard waste in plastic bags (Fairfax COunty requirement), please place yard debris in paper bags or containers labeled ‘YARD WASTE’.

7.5. TOT LOT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the playground has been opened as of 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

7.6. BASKETBALL COURT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the basketball court has been opened as of 17 June 2020. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Users must stay ten (10) feet apart. The basketball court will be coated during the seal coat project and therefore will be unavailable for three-to-five days later this season.

7.7. LENDING LIBRARY PATIO. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the patio itself has been opened as of 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

7.8. LENDING LIBRARY (CLOSED). In accordance with Phase 3 of the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the Library remains CLOSED due to the restrictions on shared equipment.

7.9. COMMON AREAS. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the common areas have been opened as of 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

  1. PARKING: All rules remain in effect. The Resident Owner and Non-Resident Owner Parking Permit (Hangtag) Renewals remain postponed until further notice.
  2. SOCIAL: We continue to assess viability of future events based on pandemic guidance issued through the state and county.
  3. COMMUNITY SUPPORT REQUEST. This request remains active – thank you to those who have responded so far.

Stay safe and well,


Pool Opening Status (29 July 2020)

Good afternoon to you all.  We continue to track for an opening of the pool at 11:00AM tomorrow, Friday, 31 July 2020.  The weather may not be as cooperative this weekend as it has been recently but we’ll make the best of it.

For pool passes – if you have not picked up your pool passes there is a window of opportunity for you to do so from 6:30PM – 7:00PM tonight at the pool house.  Additionally, there will be windows of opportunity from 7:00PM – 8:00PM on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  If you miss all those, please contact for assistance.  Lifeguards will not hand out pool passes.

Now – here’s additional information regarding the season.  This is in addition to the Pool Operating Plan requirements and overall pool rules.

These rules are subject to update and modification at any time.

 – The reservation system in use for this season is through SignUpGenius.
 – Reservations are only allowed for the next day. Each address is limited to two reservations per day.
 – There are 6 windows each day. Each window contains 1 lap lane, 10 general recreation swim areas, and one wading pool area.
 – The reservation screen will require you to include your name, address, the number of attendees and name of each attendee (each of whom must have a pool pass), phone number, email, and confirmation of a pandemic-related question.
 – The signup framework is active.  You may access the signup at:

 – Complete the Pool User Acknowledgement form prior to coming to the pool for your reservation.
 – Get in line to check-in observing all social distancing rules.  Maintain 6 feet of separation outside the pool fence, 10 feet of separation inside the pool fence.  Wear a mask while in line to check-in and when you cannot maintain 10 feet of separation to non-household individuals on the pool deck.
 – When arriving at guard desk, you will show a photo ID, your 2020 pool pass, and your completed Pool User Acknowledgement form for all adults.
 — Any Adult card holder (18 or older) may also check-in Child pass holders.  The adult will also sign for any children under their care.
 — For adults less than 18 years old, we recommend the parent sign the Pool User Acknowledgement form to include the children being included in the reservation.
 — Children must have a pool pass and be signed for by an adult.
 – The guards will verify your Pool User Acknowledgement form responses.  If you exhibit any signs specified in the form, decline to follow the social distancing rules, or have not verified you have not been more than 75 miles away from the community in the previous 14 days – you will not be allowed to enter the pool deck.
 – The guards will then assign you a swimming area (if applicable), and direct you to the area on the pool deck corresponding to the swim area.
 – Congratulations!  You have passed the check and may enter the pool

 – Each window is 60-minutes long.  You must take all items you brought with you when you leave.
 – No Lost and Found is being maintained.  All items left will be put into a trash can.  Should you be missing something you’ll have to look through the trash – we are not keeping any items.
 – You may remain out on the pool parking lot if you have a reservation for the succeeding hour.  You will complete the check-in process as delineated in item 1 for your second reservation.

The pool committee will set up additional dates and times to distribute pool passes. Guards cannot provide pool passes for you – you will have to wait. Email for further information.

– Ensure you are familiar with ALL pool rules for the season.  Pandemic-related rules are published in the Operating Plan and are found on signs located on the pool fence.
– Stay within your designated area.  The only exception are entry and egress from Swim Areas #6 and #7.  You will enter through the Lap Lane when the individual using the lap lane is more then 10 feet away from you and heading away from you.
– All furniture you bring must remain in your designated area.

Finally, We are relying on you to take personal responsibility for yourself and those around you and adhere to the requirements.  Volunteers will be conducting social distancing management.  You may be asked to leave the pool deck area if you are not adhering to safety protocols.

There you go – you’ve got the latest information we have.  These rules will be adjusted on the-fly as needed.  Please be gracious as we together achieve one small victory in this unprecedented time of our lives.

Stay safe,

Mark Griffin

Pool Opening Status (27 July 2020)

Good afternoon to you all. For today please see below for items related
to our pool opening:

  1. Pool Pass Distribution. Our last scheduled pool pass pickup is today (Monday, 27 July 2020) from 4:00pm through 7:00pm. If you want to get your pool passes for this season please follow the following rules:
    1A. Photo IDs are required for pass pickup and when entering the pool deck for a reservation.
    1B. At the time of pickup each adult (any person 16 or over) will be required to sign a legal waiver of liability, “Agreement to Assume Risk and Release”. Each adult must sign. One representative from a specific address may bring signed waivers from the other members living at the address. Adults will sign for any children under 16 residing at the address.
    1C. We are working on follow-on dates and times for pass pickup but those dates are undetermined at the current moment. In the interim please email for further information.
  2. First Day of Pool Operations. Friday, 31 July 2020. The pool will open at 11:00am.
  3. Pool Operational Hours. Our planned hours of operations will be 11:00am – 8:00pm seven days a week until Labor Day. This may be adjusted based on staffing or pandemic-related external inputs.
  4. Reservation System. The system is almost ready for operations. Reservations will be allowed 1 day prior. All residences are limited to a maximum of two reservations per day. Please see specifics in the Operations Plan. Specifically,
    4A. Recreation Area #1 had direct step access. Reservations should be limited to medical needs or small children only.
    4B. All areas are limited to 5 people living in one residence.
    4C. The lap lane is limited to one person for exercise only with the exception of people gaining access to Recreation Swim Areas #6 and #7. They will access through the lap lane during periods of time where the lap lane user is more then ten (10) feet away.
  5. All individuals stepping onto the pool deck will be required to sign two different waivers. One waiver will be signed during the pool pass pickup, another pool use waiver will be signed when you physically arrive at the pool for your reservation.
  6. Social distancing rules (10 feet) are in effect. See the Operating Plan for further information.

Lastly, as I previously requested please adhere to the Operating Plan guidance and be gracious as we work through some of the challenges we will face to ensure equitable accessibility to our pool. Our plan relies on you to act responsibly, adhere to guidelines and rules and to stay at home if you exhibit symptoms or have a fever.

Thanks again, please stay safe and well and enjoy our pool responsibly.

All the Best,

Mark Griffin

Pool Opening Status

Good morning to all. I’m happy to report to you that due to several volunteers’ efforts we plan to have the pool open this season!

Here’s a synopsis of information contained in the attachments to this email:

1. First day is anticipated to be between Wednesday (29 July) and Friday (31 July)
2. A reservation system will be operating – no reservation, no entry to the pool deck. Further information to follow on the specifics of the reservation system.
3. All individuals stepping onto the pool deck will be required to sign two different waivers. One waiver will be signed during the pool pass pickup, another pool use waiver will be signed when you physically arrive at the pool for your reservation.
4. Social distancing rules (10 feet) are in effect. See the Operating Plan for further information.

Specific information on Pool Pass Distribution:

  • Pool passes will be distributed at the pool starting today, Friday (24 July) through Monday (27 July) from 4:00PM to 7:00PM each day.
  • Photo IDs are required for pass pickup and when entering the pool deck for a reservation.
  • At the time of pickup each adult (any person 16 or over) will be required to sign a legal waiver of liability, “Agreement to Assume Risk and Release” Each adult must sign. One representative from a specific address may bring signed waivers from the other members living at the address. Adults will sign for any children under 16 residing at the address.
  • A current status of passes processed is included in the attachments. If your address is not on the list please submit another application either via email to or by dropping off an application at the pool during the designated dates and times. A pool pass application is attached.

These are challenging times – if you elect to utilize the pool this season please adhere to the Operating Plan guidance and be gracious as we work through some of the challenges to ensure equitable accessibility to our pool.

All the best,

Mark Griffin