PWCA Information for Members and Residents (April 2022, Message #3)

Good morning. Busy month so a variety of items for your consideration.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Parking Link:

2022 Pool Pass Application:
2022 Pool Season Documents:
ACC Documents:

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins Global COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


1.  POOL PASS APPLICATIONS; DEADLINE TOMORROW (SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2022) TO HAVE PASSES AT OPENING DAY.   Pool season countdown clock at less than ONE MONTH!  Please complete your applications by tomorrow evening to give our volunteers time to create the passes in a measured manner.  We are creating passes after applications are received.  Be aware – due to the amount of actions ongoing if you do not have your application in by tomorrow you will not have passes available for you to pick up in time for Opening Day.

2.  SPRING 2022 ACC INSPECTION; TOMORROW; SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2022; 10:00AM; POOL.  Our spring inspection will occur tomorrow morning!  The inspection will be conducted by teams.  Each team will be led by either a Director or a Summit representative.  All teams will have at least one person with previous experience accomplishing the inspection.  Please consider giving a few hours of your time to assist on an inspection team – no experience necessary.

3.  PLAYGROUND WORK, PLANNED START DATE 9 MAY 2022.  For those who patronize the playground – we will be undertaking replacement of the edge walls starting on or shortly after the 9th of May.   You can expect up to two weeks of playground closure during this project.  Once the edge walls are replaced we will install a certified safety surface of loose fill engineered wood fiber.  Please do not use the playground during this timeframe.  See the monthly meeting minutes for further information.

4.  BASKETBALL COURT, IMPACT TO ACCESS OR POTENTIAL CLOSURE; ON OR AFTER MAY 9, 2022.  Due to the edge wall installation project for the playground, the basketball court may have limited access or even no access during the project.

5.  POOL PASS DISTRIBUTION; SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022; 2:00PM to 4:00PM and SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2022; 1:00PM to 3:00PM; POOL PARKING LOT.  For those who will have submitted their application by tomorrow and meet the criteria listed on the application, the 2022 pool pass distribution will occur at the pool on the two dates listed above.  Photo IDs are required for pass pickup and when entering the pool deck.

6.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2022; 7:00PM. The May board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2022), then the meeting (20220517). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

7.  POOL OPENING DAY; May 28, 2022; 11:00AM.  Pool operations will follow the same basic rules as last year.  Hours of operations will be as normal through Labor Day with the option for the next weekend after Labor Day weekend also possible.  This schedule may be adjusted based on pandemic-related external inputs.  Sign-in to the pool will again be accomplished through the SIgnUpGenius framework as accomplished last year.  Please be courteous to our lifeguards and accomplish your sign-in – this is part of our safety rules and protocols.  The pool staff, PWCA Board and PWCA Pool Volunteers reserve the right to refuse entry to any patron exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms and to eject any member not adhering to safety protocols or pool rules.

8.  LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION CLASSES, POOL DECK.  Our pool management contractor will be conducting lifeguard certification classes on our pool deck at various times during the month of May.

9.  OPEN DIRECTOR POSITION. Request your consideration to place your name forward to fill an open Director position.  We continue to look for people who are invested in making a better community for all who reside here.  If you are interested please complete and submit an Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website.  The Nominating Committee will reach out to you after you complete that step. If you have questions I’m also available to speak with you about more specifics.

10.  RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT (HANG TAG) RENEWALS. Our annual owner guest (“hangtag”) permit renewal usually scheduled for April/May 2022 will be deferred to April/May 2023.  Owners with concerns or questions may call the Parking Committee Chair for further information.

11.  TREE WORK.  Part of our Spring 2022 Tree Work will occur on May 24th and May 25th.  The remainder is planned to occur between May 9th and May 13th.  Residences/parking to be impacted will be notified as the timeframe near/becomes more clear.

12.  GROUNDS CARE REMINDERS.  Thank you to those who have responded to this topic in my previous message.  Including once more in this message.  Please keep the following in mind to help our community: #1 – keep your vehicle bumpers off the curb during mowing days as the crew cannot mow, edge or trim (as appropriate) when your vehicle is parked on top of the turf.  #2 – For those of you who have landscaped up to the sidewalk – you are responsible to keep the sidewalk edge nearest your residence clean if the edger cannot be operated safely.  #3 – Keep all items stored inside your fence / or your property for those without rear fences.   See the ACC and ECC Rules for additional information.

Enjoy your weekend – hope you see you soon! (perhaps even tomorrow???)…….

