2020-2021 Snow Event #2, Initial Notice

Good morning.

The PWCA has declared a Snow Emergency based on the projected snow totals for the upcoming event. Between the two storms this event projects a total of 5 to 11 inches occurring between Sunday and Monday. This overall total may be reduced due to freezing rain / sleet accumulations.

The following is in effect:

1. All white-painted curbs on Gainsborough Drive are No Parking Zones as of Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 6:00PM. ANY vehicle parked in No Parking Zones are subject to towing at owner expense.
2. The pool parking lot is opened for parking effective Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 5:00PM. Vehicles may park in the pool parking lot with valid permits during this event. Please remove your vehicles once the event is complete. Further notice will be provided for when open parking is terminated at the pool parking lot.

Please review the 2020-2021 Snow Removal Policy. Request you clear any sidewalks in front and to the rear (if appropriate) of your home. If the snow totals are sufficient, please consider removing snow around your mailboxes and fire hydrants.

The Snow Emergency will be in effect until canceled via email blast for the specific Gainsborough Drive snow emergency zones. Message board notices will be removed once all snow emergency no parking zones are cleared after the snow event.

Appreciate your help – the goal is to be prepared. See the December 2020 newsletter for our Cold Weather Preparation article. Please use today to get your home and vehicles ready for winter events.

Stay safe and be prepared.


PWCA Information for Members and Residents (January 2021, Message #2)

Good evening. This is not a full message – just a couple of items for you that are important.

Stay safe,


1. VEHICLE BREAK-INS. Last night we had some vehicles broken in to in our community. If this should occur to you, please call the Police non-emergency number (703) 691-2131 to report the break-in. As a reminder, consider leaving your porch lights on throughout the night and remember to lock your vehicle and home doors and secure any windows should we enjoy some warmer weather.

2. CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. Reminder – if you have any construction debris you must call Patriot Disposal to schedule a special pickup. Construction debris is not picked up with normal trash. If you have questions on what constitutes ‘construction debris” please contact Patriot Disposal or see the Fairfax County website https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicworks/recycling-trash/residential-materials
for specifics.

3. MLK DAY OF SERVICE, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2021, 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Please consider giving some time to better Rabbit Branch Park. This is the park that adjoins our property on Roberts Road and Tapestry Drive – the meeting location will be on Tapestry Drive at the Rabbit Branch Park sign. Please see below for the invitation.


Neighbors, Scouts & Students,

Our annual MLK Day of Service park clean up is planned for Monday, January 18th. 8-10AM. We hope you can participate.

See attached flyer, and two FCPA based release forms (Volunteer Acknowledgement Form and Sign-in Form). If you can print, sign & bring these with you, thanks. I’ll have copies at the park to sign, too.

Objective: Spend two hours to discover nature in this small park, clean it up and improve our community.

Please be prepared to walk through wooded and potentially wet areas of the park. Boots, work-gloves and appropriate weather related clothing. We’ll have trash bags to distribute.

COVID precautions – face masks are mandatory. Socially distancing – please clean-up together only in your “family-based bubble” we do not want to chance spreading this terrible virus. If you feel sick, please stay home – there will be many more opportunities in the future to help our community.

Next event – President’s day holiday, February 15th, similar activities planned at Crooked Creek Park (8-10AM).

Any questions, please send me an email or call.

Tom McCook

PWCA Information for Members and Residents (January 2021, Message #1)

Good afternoon and Happy New Year! Several items for you today as we start 2021.

CDC guidance: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Johns Hopkins GLobal COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
State-wide analysis and guidance: http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/
County-specific guidance: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/covid19/
County Emergency Preparedness: https://fairfaxcountyemergency.wpcomstaging.com/category/coronavirus-covid-19/


1. JANUARY 2021 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. From our Community Manager: The first quarter 2021 invoice coupons are running late due to a new software system at Summit as well as a new vendor for invoicing. On top of that, the post office still seems behind in their deliveries. If you want to make a payment now instead of waiting for the invoice/coupon book, you can mail a check to:

Park West Community
c/o Summit Management, Processing Center
PO Box 95366
Las Vegas, NV 89193-5366

Please make sure your Kings Park West Townhomes address is on the check. Summit apologizes for the delay.

Other options for assessment payment may be found on the website under the ‘Living in PWCA’ section.

2. CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION (first two weeks of January). Occurs on Tuesday, January 5, 2021; Friday, January 8, 2021; Tuesday, January 12, 2021; and Friday, January 15, 2021.

3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, JANUARY 19, 2021, 7:00PM. The January board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2021), then the meeting (20210119). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

4. PAINT DISPOSAL PROCEDURES. Due to some individuals depositing paint cans out at collection points, please review the following procedures. See our website or
https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicworks/recycling-trash/household-hazardous-waste for more information.

4.1 Latex Paint. Let air dry and throw solidified container in the regular trash. (Tip: You may pour the paint onto newspaper. Once it dries, roll up the newspaper and dispose of it in the regular trash.) Other options include using a latex paint hardener or kitty litter to solidify the latex paint. Once solidified, dispose of it in the regular trash. If you are unable to let the latex paint dry, you may take the container to a Household Hazardous Waste Site. Reusable FULL or near full cans of latex paint should be taken to Household Hazardous Site for donation to Habitat for Humanity. Notify staff of any reusable FULL or near full cans of latex paint for donation.

4.2 Oil or Lead-based Paint. Take to Household Hazardous Waste Site. If container is empty, it can be disposed of in the trash. DO NOT attempt to dry out or solidify oil-based paint.

4.3 Aerosol (Spray Cans, Compressed Gas Cartridges). All aerosol cans, whether empty, full, or partially full, must be recycled at the Household Hazardous Waste drop-off sites at I-66 Transfer Station located at 4618 West Ox Road or at the I-95 Landfill Complex. Do NOT
place them in your recycling bin or at the curb for trash pickup. All types of aerosol cans are compressed containers, which are regulated as hazardous waste by the EPA. Drop off small, compressed gas cartridges (CO2, NO2, Oxygen, Helium) typically used in dispensers (e.g., helium, whipped cream, soda) at Household Hazardous Waste drop-off sites.


1. ACC. All rules remain in effect. Out-of-cycle ACC violation processes are ongoing. The Spring 2021 Home Inspection will occur in March 2021.

2. COMMUNICATIONS. The November/December 2020 newsletter is digital-only due to the COVID-19 impacts – if you need a hard copy please contact communications@parkwestcommunity.org.

3. ECC: All rules remain in effect.

3.1. BULK WASTE PICKUP. Advanced notice is required for any bulk item pickup. Fees will be increased slightly to cover the additional handling costs due to COVID-19. Bulk items include furniture, mattresses, appliances, grills, exercise equipment, construction debris, or any other large item that would normally be collected with a rear-load trash truck.

3.2. GLASS RECYCLING (PURPLE CONTAINERS). Glass recycling has resumed and the purple recycling containers are throughout Fairfax County.

3.3. RECYCLING AND TRASH. Should you see someone placing trash or recycling out at an unauthorized time, feel free to take their picture (to include the residence they are coming from/returning to) and email the pictures to environment@parkwestcommunity.org.

3.4. YARD DEBRIS PICKUP. Yard Debris is picked up with regular trash until March 2021. From March 2021 through the summer, Yard Waste will be picked up on TUESDAY and FRIDAY in a specific yard debris truck. All yard waste requirements and constraints are in effect as normal. See the Community Rules Section 3.7 for information.

3.5. TOT LOT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the playground was opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

3.6. BASKETBALL COURT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the basketball court was opened effective 17 June 2020. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Users must stay ten (10) feet apart.

3.7. LENDING LIBRARY PATIO. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the patio itself was opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

3.8. LENDING LIBRARY (CLOSED). In accordance with Phase 3 of the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the Library remains CLOSED due to the restrictions on shared equipment.

3.9. COMMON AREAS. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the common areas were opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

4. PARKING. All rules remain in effect. The Resident Owner and Non-Resident Owner Parking Permit (Hangtag) Renewals for 22021 distribution remains planned for April 2021.

5. SOCIAL. 2021 planned Association-sponsored social events will be assessed for viability based on pandemic guidance issued through the state and county when applicable.

Stay safe and well,


NO TRASH COLLECTION TOMORROW, January 1, 2021 (New Years Day)

All – As stated on our message boards – there is no trash collection tomorrow. The next trash collection will be on Tuesday. January 5th.

If you have placed trash out please take your trash back to your home and place out for collection on Monday evening.

Please stay safe in whatever your plans are to welcome 2021 and say adios to 2020!



Here’s the updated section on this subject.


4.1. YARD WASTE. All yard waste will be picked up with regular trash until March 2021.

4.3. NEW YEAR’S SCHEDULE. NO TRASH COLLECTION on Friday, January 1, 2021, next Trash collection will occur Tuesday, January 5, 2021.

4.4. CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION (first two weeks of January). Occurs on Tuesday, January 5, 2021; Friday, January 8, 2021; Tuesday, January 12, 2021; and Friday, January 15, 2021.

NO TRASH COLLECTION TOMORROW, December 25, 2020 (Christmas)

All – several residences have placed trash out tonight. There is no trash collection tomorrow. The next trash collection will be on Tuesday. There will be no trash collection next Friday either.

If you have placed trash out tonight please take your trash back to your home and place out for collection on Monday evening.

Have a safe and happy holiday season!


Here’s the last President Message concerning this subject.


4.1. YARD WASTE. The final dedicated yard waste pickup will be Friday, December 18. After this date yard waste will be picked up with regular trash.

4.2. CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE. NO TRASH COLLECTION on Friday, December 25, 2020, the next Trash collection will occur Tuesday, December 29, 2020.

4.3. NEW YEAR’S SCHEDULE. NO TRASH COLLECTION on Friday, January 1, 2021, next Trash collection will occur Tuesday, January 5, 2021.

4.4. CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION (first two weeks of January). Occurs on Tuesday, January 5, 2021; Friday, January 8, 2021; Tuesday, January 12, 2021; and Friday, January 15, 2021.