PWCA Information for Members and Residents – March 2022, Message #1

Good evening. Several items for your consideration on this cool evening.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Parking Link:

2021-2022 Snow Removal Policy:

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins Global COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


1.  ROAD RAIDERS CLEANUP EVENT; MARCH 19, 2022; 8AM; 5306 Richardson Drive.  From Tom McCook: “Did you know that there is a historical “Fairfax family” cemetery in KPW?  Yes, there is and we will improve it this Saturday morning from 8-9AM  by better landscaping, site improvements and cutting back some overgrown bushes.  If we have the volunteers, we may improve the headstones in the cemetery per these standards:  Additionally, based on the number of volunteers to help, we will improve the path to the Lakeside Park – soccer fields by some minor landscaping and maybe adding mulch to the muddy path near the soccer field shed.”  Please see attached file or the link from our website for further information.

2.  PWCA COMMUNITY CLEAN-UP EVENT.  With Spring upon us the ECC is in the early planning stages for our Spring community cleanup in the next few weeks.  Earth Day is April 22nd but we probably won’t be waiting that long to accomplish our cleanup.  Please come out to help rid our community of the loose trash that winds up in our naturalized areas. As a reminder, both our events and the Road Raider events do qualify for service hours should anyone need a few hours of civic involvement…..

3.  EASTER EGG HUNT; SATURDAY APRIL 16, 2022; 11:00 AM; Tot Lot.  Our first social event in a REALLY long time!  The event is planned to occur with some modifications from prior events barring any negative trends at the time.  The location may have to adjusted depending on any tot lot projects that may be going on concurrently.  Children under the age of 12 are invited to participate in the hunt.  Volunteers to help set up the event would be greatly appreciated – setup will occur at 9:30AM at or near the Tot Lot.

4.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; APRIL 19, 2022; 7:00PM. The April board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2022), then the meeting (20220419). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

5.  SPRING 2022 ACC INSPECTION; SATURDAY, April 30, 2022.  Our spring inspection will be here before you know it.  Please consider giving some of your time to assist on an inspection team. Further information to follow.

6.  TREE WORK.  Our Fall 2021 Tree Work and cleanup from the January 2022 storms is complete.  We just approved the Spring 2022 Tree Work – I anticipate this work to begin in another month or two.  More information to follow.

7.  PLAYGROUND WORK.  For those who patronize the playground – we will be undertaking replacement of the edge walls in the near-term.  Installation timeline is dependent on when the material is delivered to our contractor.  You can expect up to two weeks of playground closure during this project.  Once the edge walls are replaced we will also be installing a certified safety surface of loose fill engineered wood fiber.  Please do not use the playground during this timeframe.  More information to follow as the timeline becomes clear.

8.  POOL SEASON, 2022.  We are just over two (2!) months away from our pool opening for the season.  We have had 11 residences submit their application as of today – please complete your applications as soon as practical to give our volunteers time to create the passes in a measured manner.  We are creating passes after applications are received to reduce the workload on our volunteers so be aware if you wait too long to submit your application you will not have your passes at the beginning of the season.

9.  OPEN DIRECTOR POSITION. Thank you to an owner who has stepped forward to volunteer so far.  We still request your consideration to place your name forward to fill open Director positions. We are looking for people who are invested in making a better community for all who reside here. If you are interested please complete and submit an Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website. The Nominating Committee will reach out to you after you complete that step. If you have questions I’m also available to speak with you about more specifics.

10.  RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT (HANG TAG) RENEWALS. Our annual owner guest (“hangtag”) permit renewal usually scheduled for April/May 2022 will be deferred to April/May 2023.  Owners with concerns or questions may call the Parking Committee Chair for further information.

I hope you enjoy your week, see you around the community!



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (February 2022, Message #1

Good evening. Several items for your consideration on this cool evening.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Parking Link:

2021-2022 Snow Removal Policy:

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins Global COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


  1. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; MARCH 15, 2022; 7:00PM. The March board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2022), then the meeting (20220315). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.
  2. EASTER EGG HUNT; SATURDAY APRIL 16, 2022; 11:00 AM; Tot Lot. Our first social event in a REALLY long time! The event is planned to occur with some modifications from prior events barring any negative trends at the time. The location may have to adjusted depending on any tot lot projects that may be going on concurrently. Children under the age of 12 are invited to participate in the hunt. Volunteers to help set up the event would be greatly appreciated – setup will occur at 9:30AM at or near the Tot Lot.
  3. TREE WORK; TUESDAY 1 March, WEDNESDAY 2 March and FRIDAY 4 March 2022. Both programmed and storm damage work continues. Lower Carriagepark Road (odd-numbered addresses) will have several trees removed on Tuesday and potentially Wednesday (1 and 2 March). Residences and curb parking effected by this work have been identified today. Additionally, Malone Court will have a stump ground during this time. The Pool Parking Lot will be opened at 1900 (7:00PM) on Monday evening for any overflow parking. Vehicles parking in the Pool Parking Lot must comply with all community rules or are subject to tow. Furthermore, another crew will be throughout the community on Friday (4 March 2022) working on other trees, more information to follow on parking impacts for that work.
  4. TRASH. I find myself having to dwell on this subject far too often. We have had repeated occurrences of owners placing construction debris – or in this case, toilets and shower enclosure walls – out for regular trash pickup. THESE TYPES OF ITEMS ARE SPECIAL PICKUP ITEMS AND MUST BE SCHEDULED WITH PATRIOT. Please see linked or attached to this message documents covering special items, paint disposal, and hazardous waste. THANK YOU to the owner who to it upon himself this morning to dispose of the items left on the Carriagepark Road island. For everyone – if you see someone discarding special items either address them or take their picture along with a picture of them entering their residence and the Association will move forward with communication and any resulting actions.
  5. POOL SEASON, 2022. We are less than 3 months away from our pool opening for the season. The February newsletter contained the 2022 Pool Application or it may be found on our website. Please complete your applications as soon as practical to give our volunteers time to create the passes in a measured manner.
  6. OPEN DIRECTOR POSITIONS. Thank you to an owner who has stepped forward to volunteer so far. We still request your consideration to place your name forward to fill open Director positions. We are looking for people who are invested in making a better community for all who reside here. If you are interested please complete and submit an Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website. The Nominating Committee will reach out to you after you complete that step. If you have questions I’m also available to speak with you about more specifics.
  7. RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT (HANG TAG) RENEWALS. Our annual owner guest (“hangtag”) permit renewal usually scheduled for April/May 2022 will be deferred to April/May 2023. Owners with concerns or questions may call or email the Parking Committee Chair for further information.
  8. SPRING 2022 ACC INSPECTION; SATURDAY, April 30, 2022. Our spring inspection will be here before you know it. Please consider giving some of your time to assist on an inspection team. Further information to follow.

May your upcoming week be both positive and enjoyable.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (January 2022, Message #1)

Good evening. Several items for your consideration on this rather cold evening.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Parking Link:

2021-2022 Snow Removal Policy:

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins Global COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


  1. POOL HOUSE HOLIDAY LIGHTING PROJECT; SATURDAY; JANUARY 15, 2022; 10:00 AM; Pool Parking Lot. We will be removing the holiday lighting strings from the pool house at this time. Thanks to those who have already volunteered, we could use a couple more volunteers so please consider giving us 30 minutes of your morning to help with the teardown.
  2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING; JANUARY 18, 2022; 7:00PM. The monthly board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2022), then the meeting (20220118). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.
  3. STORM DAMAGE CLEANUP. The damage incurred in our community was much less than other communities in the nearby area. A tree crew is currently planned to be in our community starting Thursday; January 13, 2022 to remove and chip and damaged limbs and boughs throughout the community. This of course is both weather and any other more critical tasks jumping in front of us. Reminder, we only remove storm debris up to the fence line of a home unless alternative arrangements have been made in advance with the Association.
  4. TREE WORK. The already programmed tree work is still planned to occur over the next couple of months. Reserved parking spaces impacted by this work will be notified and non-reserved spaces and curbs marked prior to the commencement of work.
  5. MLK DAY OF SERVICE; MONDAY; JANUARY 17, 2022; 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Please consider giving some time to clean up Rabbit Branch Park. This is the park that adjoins our property on Roberts Road and Tapestry Drive – the meeting location will be on Tapestry Drive at the Rabbit Branch Park sign. Please see below for the invitation.


Meet at 9AM at Rabbit Branch Park, off Tapestry Drive.

Spend two hours discovering nature, clean up this park and improve our community.

Please be prepared to clean up and walk through wooded and potentially wet areas of the park. Please wear boots, work-gloves and appropriate weather related clothing. We will have trash bags to distribute.

We ask that everyone practice appropriate social distancing and wear face coverings (mask/bandanna).

  1. 2022 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT TIMELINE. For those who may have forgotten, the first quarter of the 2022 Annual Assessment was due January 1st. The assessment for 2022 is $375.00 per quarter.
  2. OPEN DIRECTOR POSITIONS. Request your consideration to place your name forward to fill open Director positions. We are looking for people who are invested in making a better community for all who reside here. If you are interested please complete and submit an Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website. The Nominating Committee will reach out to you after you complete that step. If you have questions I’m also available to speak with you about more specifics.
  3. REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS. The Communications Committee is looking for a volunteer or two to help with the message board updates at both entrances. The Pool and Social Committees are also in great need of some additional volunteers to help make the activities they are responsible for a success – so far we have had had one volunteer step forward to help with the Social Committee – THANK YOU.

Have a great rest of your week and hope you both enjoy and take some time for service on this long weekend.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (December 2021, Message #2)

Good evening.  A few items for your review tonight along with a repeat of several items as they remain pertinent.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Parking Link:

2021-2022 Snow Removal Policy:

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins Global COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


1. HOLIDAY TEMPORARY PARKING PASS REQUESTS – NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2021.  Please provide your temporary parking permit requests no later than December 19th (that’s TOMORROW) for visitors you may have through the New Year. We would like to provide our volunteers who create those passes for you the time to spend with their families and several of them are departing the local area during the week so you will not have them as assets either.  Please see the website for a current list of parking officials.  If you miss the deadline, have patience as it may take longer to generate passes for you.

2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, DECEMBER 21, 2021, 7:00PM.  The December board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2021), then the meeting (20211221). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

3. 2022 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT TIMELINE.  The Annual Assessment for 2022 will increase to $375.00 per quarter due on the first day of each quarterly assessment period. The 2022 Assessment Notice and the Quarterly Assessment Timeline have been mailed/emailed to you and may also be found on the website.

4.  TREE WORK.  We will be conducting arbor care work over the next couple of months.  Reserved parking spaces impacted by this work will be notified and non-reserved spaces and curbs marked prior to the commencement of work.

5. HOLIDAY TRASH, RECYCLING and YARD WASTE SCHEDULE.  There are no calendar changes for this year’s holidays.  Christmas trees are usually picked up during the first two weeks of January.  See our website for details on how to prepare the tree for pickup.

6. COMMUNITY SECURITY.  With the holiday season upon us please remember to secure your packages, vehicles and homes. Keep your assets locked and thereby prevent a thief from having an easy opportunity. As a reminder, the Police non-emergency number is (703) 691-2131 to report any suspicious activity or break-ins. Also consider leaving your porch lights on throughout the night.

7. REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS. The Communications Committee is looking for a volunteer or two to help with the message board updates at both entrances. The Pool and Social Committees are also in great need of some additional volunteers to help make the activities they are responsible for a success – so far we have had had one volunteer step forward to help with the Social Committee – THANK YOU.

8.  PAINT DISPOSAL.  Lastly, for Malone Court.  Request the owner who dumped the large quantity of paint cans please collect and dispose of them.  For all – please see the website for the proper ways to dispose of your used paint cans.  There are several options but putting out liquid filled containers for the trash collection is not one of them, nor will the other professional companies we have contacted pick them up.

Please have a safe and joyous holiday week.  As I in the last message, I really appreciate all of your efforts in making the holiday season bright and festive.  Thank you for taking the time and care to generate such a welcoming environment.

Stay safe and well,


PWCA Information for Members and Residents (December 2021, Message #1)

Good evening.  A few items for your review tonight along with a repeat of several items as they remain pertinent.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Parking Link:

2021-2022 Snow Removal Policy:

COVID-19 Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins Global COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


1.  POOL HOUSE HOLIDAY LIGHTING PROJECT, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4,2021, 1:00 PM, POOL PARKING LOT.  We  will light the pool house and fence for the season this Saturday.  Thanks to those who have already volunteered, look forward to seeing you.  We could use a couple more volunteers so please consider giving us 30 minutes of your afternoon to help with the setup.

2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, DECEMBER 21, 2021, 7:00PM.  The December board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2021), then the meeting (20211221). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

3. OPEN DIRECTOR POSITION.  Request your consideration to place your name forward to fill the open position. We are looking for people who are invested in making a better community for all who reside here. If you are interested please complete and submit an Application for Candidacy that may be found on our website. The Nominating Committee will reach out to you after you complete that step. If you have questions I’m also available to speak with you about more specifics.

4. 2022 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT TIMELINE.  The Annual Assessment for 2022 will increase to $375.00 per quarter due on the first day of each quarterly assessment period. The 2022 Assessment Notice and the Quarterly Assessment Timeline have been mailed/emailed to you and may also be found on the website.

5. HOLIDAY TEMPORARY PARKING PASS REQUESTS – NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2021.  Please provide your temporary parking permit requests no later than December 19th for visitors you may have through the New Year. We would like to provide our volunteers who create those passes for you the time to spend with their families. Please see the website for a current list of parking officials.

6.  TREE WORK.  We will be conducting arbor care work over the next couple of months.  Reserved parking spaces impacted by this work will be notified and non-reserved spaces and curbs marked prior to the commencement of work.

7. HOLIDAY TRASH, RECYCLING and YARD WASTE SCHEDULE.  There are no calendar changes for this year’s holidays.  Christmas trees are usually picked up during the first two weeks of January.  See our website for details on how to prepare the tree for pickup.

8. COMMUNITY SECURITY.  With the holiday season upon us please remember to secure your packages, vehicles and homes. Keep your assets locked and thereby prevent a thief from having an easy opportunity. As a reminder, the Police non-emergency number is (703) 691-2131 to report any suspicious activity or break-ins. Also consider leaving your porch lights on throughout the night.

9. REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS. The Communications Committee is looking for a volunteer or two to help with the message board updates at both entrances. The Pool and Social Committees are also in great need of some additional volunteers to help make the activities they are responsible for a success.

I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving weekend.  The community continues to look more vibrant by the day/night as more homes are decorated for the season – thank you for taking the time and care to generate such a welcoming environment.

Stay safe and well,
