Seal Coat Project – Section Error on a subset of Notice Letters

To all – I made a mistake on the mail merge. The ‘Section’ on the letter you received corresponds to the repaving section, not to the seal coat section. There were 84 residences that have a different section identifier for seal coat than were actually printed on their notice. These residences are located on Carriagepark Court, a portion of Carrigepark Road (4800s, even addresses only), and a portion of Gainsborough Drive (specific addresses between 4714 and 4752 along with 4760 through 4774).

The specific residences impacted by this error are receiving an updated notice on their front doors as I type.

For all – the map (slide/page 5) is accurate – if you have a question please reference the map for your section and duration of closure for your section.

Section 4 – we have received several questions on the pool parking lot being closed as part of this section. I understand this is an additional complication for you but this is the way we were ably to shoehorn the community into four sections/two weeks. The four sections were briefed during the June 2021 Board meeting. Section decisions were made based on the assumption we would have the George Mason University parking lot available for parking. However – that parking option is not finalized as of this moment in time.

I’ve attached the latest information slides on the project again to this message.

Thank you in advance for your forbearance and understanding during this temporary inconvenience required to protect the investment in our community streets and parking areas.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (July 2021, Message #1)

Good afternoon/evening to each of you. please find the latest information I have for you below.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Pool Link:

Direct Pool Sign-In Link:

  1. ASPHALT SEAL COAT PROJECT – START DATE 19 JULY 2021. We are just over ONE week to the start of the seal coat project. Each residence in the community will receive a notice regarding the work over the next few days. This notice will include your specific section identifier along with the numbers of your two assigned parking spaces and the related duration of the immediate impact to you. A sample letter is attached/linked to this message along with the information slides regarding the project. You should expect the same level of impact to your schedule as with the 2017 repaving project and consider alternative arrangements should that impact be a challenge for you and/or your family. To summarize: plan for no access to your parking spaces, no trash service at your collection point, no mail, no summer school bus service within the community.
  2. PARKING DURING THE ASPHALT SEAL COAT PROJECT. Your alternate parking choices are currently the pool parking lot, non-assigned parking in other sections of the community, or street parking on Roberts Road or Sideburn Road. The pool parking lot will be open to permitted vehicles until the Section 4 work (July 28th through 30th). Should the George Mason University parking areas be approved we will notify you through this distribution list.
  3. BASKETBALL COURT RESURFACING PROJECT. Start date still undetermined due to scheduling challenges. The court will be closed for a week during this project.
  4. POOL INFORMATION. I do not believe we are having any issues with patrons at our pool but as our pool management company has requested all their clients to send information to all community members I’m attaching/linking the latest update on the staffing challenge being experienced this season. In support of Atlantic’s efforts to hire additional staff, another lifeguard certification will occur on Sunday, July 11th from 4pm through closure of the pool to patrons at 8pm. There will not be many attendees at this certification course but please be aware if you patronize the pool during that period of time that parts of the pool and pool deck will be reserved for the certification course.
  5. TUESDAY’s TALES, EACH TUESDAY, 10:00AM, Lending Library Patio. Tuesday’s Tales is in full swing! All children are welcome, the books are oriented toward pre-K through 2nd graders. There will be a story read by one of your KPW neighbors, followed by a fun activity! Please bring a blanket or beach towel to sit on so that we can practice social distancing. All children should wear a mask. See the website or the notice at the pool house for further information.
  6. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, July 20, 2021; 7:00PM; Virtual. The July board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2021), then the meeting (20210720). Document #01-01 contains the information to join the meeting
  7. LABOR DAY SOCIAL. We have had a couple of volunteers step forward but could use some additional help to plan the event. A sign-up is available for you to volunteer and is also linked from the pool sign-in framework. The Pool and Social Committees are jointly leading this effort, please contact or with any questions.
  8. ACC SPRING 2021 HOME INSPECTION, FIRST LETTER DISTRIBUTION ERROR. For those residences who received only recommendations for this past inspection – we experienced a distribution error. The letters were printed double sided so half the residences received both their letter and another residence’s letter. This has been corrected and the residences that did not receive their letter have had another letter printed and mailed to them. No residences that received letters with Required Items were impacted by this error. We apologize for the error.

Thank you for reading this – please take any necessary steps this upcoming week to prepare for the seal coat project’s specific impact to you and/or your family.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (June 2021, Message #3)

Good evening to each of you! A couple of items for you tonight.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Pool Link:

Direct Pool Sign-In Link:

1. TUESDAY’s TALES, starting JUNE 29, 2021, 10:00AM, Lending Library Patio. With 2020 as it was, we had to delay our first story-telling at the Lending Library Patio for our younger residents! We plan to meet weekly (barring adverse weather). While all children are welcome, the books will be geared toward pre-K through 2nd graders. There will be a story read by one of your KPW neighbors, followed by a fun activity! Please bring a blanket or beach towel to sit on so that we can practice social distancing. All children should wear a mask. See the attachment/link for further information.

2. LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION COURSE, Pool, Saturday, June 26th, 7:30am. For those of you who may go to the pool around opening on Saturday; our pool management company will be conducting a lifeguard certification session at the pool this Saturday. They plan to be out of the pool prior to the 11:00am opening, but will be on the pool deck until noon finishing the certification requirements.

3. LABOR DAY SOCIAL. We are in the process of planning for this event to occur but we need some volunteers to help. A sign-up is available for you to volunteer and is also linked from the pool sign-in framework. The Pool and Social Committees are jointly leading this effort, please contact or with any questions.

4. REMINDER: ASPHALT SEAL COAT AND BASKETBALL COURT RESURFACING – START DATE 19 JULY 2021. Less than four weeks away to MAJOR impacts to your parking and driving capability within the community….. See my previous message for more information.

Several other items are still pertinent from the previous message and may be found on our website.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (June 2021, Message #2)

Good evening to all. Several items (three of them related to the pool) for your review.

PWCA Website:
PWCA Pool Link:

Direct Pool Sign-In Link:

  1. ASPHALT SEAL COAT AND BASKETBALL COURT RESURFACING – START DATE 19 JULY 2021. The reseal project will begin 19 JULY 2021. The community will be divided into four sections. Each section will be closed for a three-day duration. Expect the same level of impact to your schedule as with the 2017 repaving project and start to consider alternative arrangements should that impact be a challenge for you or your family. To summarize: plan for no access to your parking spaces, no trash service at your collection point, no mail, no summer school bus service within the community. Please review the slides associated with the project on the website for specifics.
  2. COMMUNITY SECURITY. Please remember to secure your vehicles and homes and thereby prevent a thief from having an easy opportunity. As a reminder, the Police non emergency number is (703) 691-2131 to report any suspicious activity or break-ins. Also consider leaving your porch lights on throughout the night.
  3. Administrative Resolution #01, “Regarding Board Procedures” Update. As a result of new state law taking effect on 1 July 2021, a section has been added to cover virtual meetings.
  4. Pool Pass Distribution. The following addresses have not yet picked up their passes:
    • Carriagepark Court: 10411, 10435, 10453.
    • Carriagepark Road: 4815, 4867, 4937.
    • Gainsborough Drive: 4711, 4794.
    • Malone Court: 10445.
    • Treasure Court: 4810, 4820.
    • Passes may be picked up at the Guest Pass Distribution dates listed below, or by appointment from the Pool Chair. If your address is not on this list and you have not picked up your passes, we have not received your application, or there is an issue. Contact the Pool Chair at 703-362-9228 or
  5. Guest Pass Usage and Distribution. We anticipate allowing guest pass usage beginning next Saturday, June 26th. You will be required to present a valid guest pass, and guests will be required to sign in using Sign Up Genius. Each residence that submitted a valid pool pass application is entitled to receive a guest pass card with 10 guest entries. Additional cards, called Sunshine Dollars, may be purchased for $20 ($2 per entry) from the pool chair. Sunshine Dollars do not expire. If you have not yet picked up your 2021 guest pass card, cards will be distributed at the pool from 6:00pm to 6:30pm on Wednesday June 23rd and 11:00am to 11:30am on Saturday June 26th.
  6. Unaccompanied Minor Swim Test (Ages 12 – 15). Beginning on Saturday, June 26, children ages 12 to 15 may take a swim test to be allowed to come to the pool unaccompanied. Children must be able to swim a lap (two lengths) of the pool and to tread water for one minute unassisted. Guards will administer the test during the adult swim breaks. Children who pass will be added to a list of approved unaccompanied minors, and receive a sticker for their pool pass. Unaccompanied minors must still sign in via Sign Up genius, and we reserve the right to cancel the privilege for any child the guards identify who regularly does not follow pool rules.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (June 2021, Message #1)

Good evening to all. Several items for your review this time…

PWCA Website:
PWCA Pool Link:

Direct Pool Sign-In Link:

COVID-Related Links:
CDC guidance:
Johns Hopkins GLobal COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources:
State-wide analysis and guidance:
County-specific guidance:
County Emergency Preparedness:


1. LENDING LIBRARY, June 6, 2021. In accordance with current State of Virginia guidance and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the Lending Library will open on June 6, 2021. We plan to host some book readings for our young children over the summer. If you’d like to help or have some thoughts on books please contact me and I’ll put you in contact with the appropriate individual.

2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, June 15, 2021; 7:00PM; Virtual. The June board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2021), then the meeting (20210615). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

3. CONCRETE REPLACEMENT PROJECT. Complete except for a few remediation actions.

4. ASPHALT SEAL COAT AND BASKETBALL COURT RESURFACING. Due to the ongoing cicada (Brood X) impacts the seal coat and resurfacing projects are delayed. Currently target a mid-to-late July start for the projects. Summary: major parts of our community will be impacted throughout the three week duration of the project. For those who were here for the 2017 repaving project – expect the same level of impact to your schedule and start to consider alternative arrangements should that impact be a challenge for you or your family. Please see the notes associated with this project on the website.

5. RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT (HANG TAG) RENEWALS. If you have not picked up your hang tags please contact the Parking Committee for future pickup windows. The previous hang tags are currently subject to tow as an expired permit. No owner stickers and no tenant stickers or hang tags were effected by this transition.

6. 2021 POOL PASSES. If you have not picked up your pool passes please contact the Pool Committee for future pickup windows. Please email for further information.

7. TREASURE COURT BLOCK CAPTAIN NEEDED. For those of you residing on Treasure Court, please consider volunteering to become a block captain. Please send an email to if you’d like further information.

8. TREASURE COURT STREETLIGHT OUTAGE. We continue to have two street lights out at Treasure Court. Efforts are ongoing to make these lights operational.


1. ACC. All rules remain in effect. The Spring 2021 Home Inspection occurred on May 15, 2021. See the Community Rules Section 2 for specific ACC information.

2. COMMUNICATIONS. The May 2021 newsletter is published on the website. This edition is digital-only due to the COVID-19 impacts – if you would like a hard copy please contact

3. ECC. All rules remain in effect. See the Community Rules Section 3 for specific ECC information.

3.1. BULK WASTE PICKUP. Advanced notice is required for any bulk itempickup. Fees will be increased slightly to cover the additional handling costs due to COVID-19. Bulk items include furniture, mattresses, appliances, grills, exercise equipment, construction debris, or any other large item that would normally be collected with a rear-load trash truck. See the Special Item Pickup Rules in the ‘Living in PWCA’ tab of the website.

3.2. GLASS RECYCLING (PURPLE CONTAINERS). Glass recycling has resumed and the purple recycling containers are throughout Fairfax County.

3.3. RECYCLING AND TRASH. Should you see someone placing trash or recycling out at an unauthorized time, feel free to take their picture (to include the residence they are coming from/returning to) and email the pictures to See the Community Rules Section 3.4 through 3.10 for information.

3.3.1 TRASH. Collected on TUESDAY and FRIDAY. Black bags or trash containers should be placed out no earlier than 6:00 PM on Monday evening and Thursday evening, no later than 6:00 AM on Tuesday morning and Friday morning.

3.3.2 RECYCLING. Collected on WEDNESDAY. Recycling containers and flattened cardboard should be placed out no earlier than 6:00 PM on Tuesday evening and no later than 6:00 AM on Wednesday morning.

3.4. YARD DEBRIS PICKUP. Yard Debris is picked up on TUESDAY and FRIDAY in a specific yard debris truck. All yard waste requirements and constraints are in effect as normal. See the Community Rules Section 3.7 for information.

3.5. TOT LOT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the playground was opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface. Adhere to applicable social distancing requirements.

3.6. BASKETBALL COURT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the basketball court was opened effective 17 June 2020. Adhere to applicable social distancing requirements.

3.7. LENDING LIBRARY PATIO. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the patio itself was opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface. Adhere to applicable social distancing requirements.

3.8. LENDING LIBRARY. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the lending library will open 6 June 2021. There is no special cleaning on any surface.

3.9. COMMON AREAS. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the common areas were opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface. Adhere to applicable social distancing requirements.

4. PARKING. All rules remain in effect. See the Community Rules Section 4 for specific parking information.

5. POOL. The pool is open. Sign-in is through SignUpGenius. You may sign-in prior to your arrival at: or when arriving at the pool. Each individual must sign-in.

6. SOCIAL: 2021 planned events will be assessed for viability based on pandemic guidance issued through the state and county.

Stay safe and well,
