2021 Pool Season Information

Good afternoon!

We are very excited about the pool opening tomorrow, despite the chilly weather we are expecting.

First off – here’s the county guidance on COVID as related to community pool operations.

“As of May 28, 2021, Executive Order 79 is in effect which terminates Seventh Amended Number Seventy-Two removing all previous restrictions. However, all unvaccinated individuals in the Commonwealth aged five and older should cover their mouth and nose with a mask in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance.”

With that stated, we would like to share information regarding the pool operations as of Opening Day:

1. Entrance Procedures. Entry (and exit) will once again be through the bathrooms in the pool house, rather than the front gate. Please do not enter through the guards’ office. While we will no longer be limiting the number of residents who can use the pool due to social distancing, we will once again be using Sign Up Genius to track entry into the pool. Each person will need to sign in individually. We will no longer be using paper forms for the Agreement to Assume Risk and Release (known as the Waiver) for Pool Use and the Pool User Acknowledgement. By signing in and entering the pool deck, all attendees in your reservation agree to and accept the 2021 Waiver for Pool Use and agree to abide by the requirements of the 2021 Pool User Acknowledgement, as attached to the signup and via posted signage. For children under 16 years of age, the signing adult is considered to have accepted the Waiver and User Acknowledgement on behalf of the child.

You will be able to sign up either the day before or the day of your visit. There will be a tablet available for you to sign up at the pool if you forget to do so at home. If you plan to attend frequently, we recommend you create a Sign Up Genius account and save your contact information. The link to the Sign Up is below:


2. Pool Furniture. Pool furniture has been placed on the deck for use. It will not be cleaned between uses. It is your responsibility to clean the furniture before use if you so desire. In addition, please do not use furniture marked with yellow caution tape – it has been identified for removal or needs repair.

3. Pool toys and Flotation Devices. We are not currently providing pool toys or flotation devices with the exception of the two pool basketballs. Please bring your own if you so desire and take them with you when you depart or they will be removed and discarded.

4. Guest Passes. We are starting to distribute guest passes and anticipate that we will allow guests at some point this summer. For now, we request only residents use the pool. A future announcement will be made when guests are permitted.

5. Pool Pass and Guest Pass Distribution. If you have not picked up your pool passes or guest passes, they will be available to pick up at the pool on Monday, May 31, from 11:00 to 11:30. We are still working through the backlog of late pool pass applications and change requests – if you entered an email address on your pool pass application, you will receive an email prior to the Monday distribution window letting you know that the passes will be available.

6. Social Events. Currently most of the social events for the summer, such as National Night Out and Sundaes on Sunday, are still on hold. National Night Out is planned to go via the County but we have no volunteer to organize the event – if you’d like to volunteer please email your interest to us. An announcement will be made if we are able to reinstate them. Regarding our traditional Fourth of July Party, due to the long lead times in planning required, the Board does not anticipate that it will go forward this year. An alternate plan for some kind of Labor Day / Pool Closing Social is under consideration. We need volunteers to make this happen! A volunteer Sign Up Genius will be published shortly; in the meantime, if you are interested in volunteering please contact pool@parkwestcommunity.org or social@parkwestcommunity.org. A decision will be made at the June Board of Directors Meeting based on the level of interest and willingness to volunteer that is expressed.

7. Grill Use. Use of the grill is not currently available, though we anticipate it will be available soon. When it becomes available, an announcement will be made, and a reservation tab added to the Sign Up Genius.

8. Private Parties. Reservation of space for private parties is not currently available. If it becomes available, an announcement will be made, and a reservation tab added to the Sign Up Genius.

Alright – lots of information. The website will be updated with the SignUpGenius link shortly.

My thanks to the volunteers who helped get the myriad details accomplished that were critical to get us to an opening day in light of the rapid changes in policy over the last few weeks. Look forward to seeing you at the pool in the near future….



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (May 2021, Message #3)

Good evening to all. A few items for your review and hopefully to consider participating in – this is not a full message:

1. SPRING 2021 ACC INSPECTION; May 15, 2021; 10:00AM; Pool Parking Lot. This is TOMORROW! The Spring home inspection will occur on May 15th. Please consider giving some of your time to assist on an inspection team.

2. RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT (HANG TAG) RENEWALS; May 15 and 16, 2021; 11:00AM – 1:00PM; Pool Parking Lot. 2021 owner hang-tag distribution will occur at the pool in conjunction with the pool pass distribution. Reminder – your current hang tags expire May 23rd. Vehicles using the current hang tags after that date are subject to towing for an expired tag. Tenants – you are NOT impacted by
this distribution – your hang-tag expiration corresponds to the date your current lease expires. Please bring your current hangtag(s) with you to exchange them for the new hangtags.

3. POOL PASS DISTRIBUTION; May 15 and 16, 2021; 11:00AM – 1:00PM; Pool Parking Lot. We will not have blank pool passes at the distribution. If you sent your application in electronically – you should of have received a response email from pool@parkwestcommunity.org telling you your application was received. As such, your passes will be available on the 15th. If you have not received a response email then we do not currently have your application and you will not have passes for pickup on the 15th. Photo IDs are required for pass pickup and when entering the pool deck for a reservation. For 2021 you will not be required to sign the “Agreement to Assume Risk and Release” document but you will have to agree with the document within the reservation system.

4. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, May 18, 2021; 7:00PM; Virtual. The May board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2021), then the meeting (20210518). Document #01-1 contains the information to join the meeting.

5. CONCRETE REPLACEMENT PROJECT; May 19 through 21, 2021. The concrete replacement will occur between May 19th and May 21st. Parking spaces will be impacted throughout the community. We will get notices out to effected residences. ProPave will mark the areas prior to the work commencing but if you receive a letter in your door that is your official notification from the Association. Please see the notes associated with this project on the website and attached/linked to this message.

All for now – enjoy your evening and hope to see you soon.



PWCA Information for Members and Residents (May 2021, Message #2)

Good evening to all. I realize this is really soon to get another message from me but there’s several items I’d like to update you on. This will be short. All information in the preceding messages remain in effect – this just provides some amplifying information as I had to send the message out tonight.

1. FOOTPATH WORK; REAR OF 4837/4839 CARRIAGEPARK ROAD (CPR); May 10, 2021. In preparation for the concrete work to occur on May 19th, tomorrow we will be impacting part of the footpath to install an erosion control system. Please try to avoid the area tomorrow and exercise care when walking across the construction area from tomorrow till we close the footpath to replace it. Residents in the area – please avoid using the open space between 4837 and 4839 for movement of material as the drainage system will be unfinished until after the completion of the concrete work at the end of next week. Please take trash and recycling around the ends of the blocks (4851 CPR or 4827 CPR).

2. RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT (HANG TAG) RENEWALS; May 15 and 16, 2021; 11:00AM – 1:00PM; Pool Parking Lot. In response to some repeated questions: we are not requiring any additional paperwork to be filled out for this hangtag exchange. Please bring your current hangtag(s) with you to exchange them for the new hangtags.

3. POOL PASS DISTRIBUTION; May 15 and 16, 2021; 11:00AM – 1:00PM; Pool Parking Lot. We will not have blank pool passes at the distribution. If you sent your application in electronically – you should of have received a response email from pool@parkwestcommunity.org telling you your application was received. As such, your passes will be available on the 15th. If you have not received a response email then we do not currently have your application and you will not have passes for pickup on the 15th. For those who physically mailed or dropped off your application – we have received 15 of those applications and can further assist you upon request.

That’s it – thanks for taking a minute to review this.

Stay safe and well,


PWCA Information for Members and Residents (May 2021, Message #1)

Good evening. Several items for your review this time…

COVID-Related Links:
CDC guidance: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Johns Hopkins GLobal COVID-19 Map and Coronavirus Resources: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
State-wide analysis and guidance: http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/
County-specific guidance: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/covid19/
County Emergency Preparedness: https://fairfaxcountyemergency.wpcomstaging.com/category/coronavirus-covid-19/

Permanent Links:
PWCA Website: www.parkwestcommunity.org


1. SPRING 2021 ACC INSPECTION; May 15, 2021; 10:00AM; Pool Parking Lot. The Spring home inspection will occur on May 15th. Please consider giving some of your time to assist on an inspection team. Further information to follow.

2. RESIDENT OWNER AND NON-RESIDENT OWNER PARKING PERMIT (HANG TAG) RENEWALS; May 15 and 16, 2021; 11:00AM – 1:00PM; Pool Parking Lot. 2021 owner hang-tag distribution will occur at the pool in conjunction with the pool pass distribution. Post cards were either mailed out or delivered to your inbox on April 12th providing further information to you. Reminder – your current hang tags expire May 23rd. Vehicles using the current hang tags after that date are subject to towing for an expired tag. Tenants – you are NOT impacted by this distribution – your hang-tag expiration corresponds to the date your current lease expires.

3. POOL PASS DISTRIBUTION; May 15 and 16, 2021; 11:00AM – 1:00PM; Pool Parking Lot. Pool pass applications were due by April 30th. If you have not turned in an application your passes may not be ready for distribution by Opening Day. For those who have submitted applications, 2021 pool pass distribution will occur at the pool in conjunction with the owner hang tag distribution. Photo IDs are required for pass pickup and when entering the pool deck for a reservation. For 2021 you will not be required to sign the “Agreement to Assume Risk and Release” document but you will have to agree with the document within the reservation system. Follow-on dates and times for pass pickup are currently undetermined. Please email pool@parkwestcommunity.org for further information.

4. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, May 18, 2021; 7:00PM; Virtual. The May board meeting will be conducted via the RingCentral virtual meeting framework. See the website under ‘Meetings’, select the year (2021), then the meeting (20210518). Document #01-01 contains the information to join the meeting.

5. POOL OPENING DAY; May 29, 2021; 11:00AM. Pool operations will follow the same basic rules as last year. Hours of operations will be as normal through Labor Day with the option for the next weekend after Labor Day weekend also possible. This schedule may be adjusted based on pandemic-related external inputs. Please review the current Operating Plan for specifics related to our operations in the current Virginia Phase 3 operating environment. There is no entry without a reservation. The reservation system will be a SignUpGenius framework almost the same as last year. All patrons of the pool will sign a user acknowledgement prior to entering the pool deck. Pandemic-related pool rules will be posted on the pool deck fence. The pool staff, PWCA Board and PWCA volunteers reserve the right to refuse entry to any patron exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms and to eject any member not adhering to safety protocols.

6. CONCRETE REPLACEMENT PROJECT; May 19 through 21, 2021. The concrete replacement will occur between May 19th and May 21st. Parking spaces will be impacted throughout the community. We will get notices out to effected residences. ProPave will mark the areas prior to the work commencing but if you receive a letter in your door that is your official notification from the Association. Please see the notes associated with this project on the website and attached/linked to this message.

7. ASPHALT SEAL COAT AND BASKETBALL COURT RESURFACING. Due to the projected cicada (Brood X) impacts the seal coat and resurfacing projects are hereby delayed to the July-August timeframe. In a nutshell – major parts of our community will be impacted throughout the three weeks. For those who were here for the 2017 repaving project – expect the same level of impact to your schedule and start to consider alternative arrangements should that impact be a challenge for you or your family. Please see the notes associated with this project on the website and attached/linked to this message.

8. TREASURE COURT BLOCK CAPTAIN NEEDED. For those of you residing on Treasure Court, please consider volunteering to become a block captain. Please send an email to hospitality@parkwestcommunity.org if you’d like further information.

9. TREASURE COURT STREETLIGHT OUTAGE. We continue to have two street lights out at Treasure Court. Efforts are ongoing to make these lights operational.


1. ACC: All rules remain in effect. Out-of-cycle ACC violation processes are ongoing. The Spring 2021 Home Inspection will occur starting on May 15, 2021. See the Community Rules Section 2 for specific ACC information.

2. COMMUNICATIONS: The May 2021 newsletter is published on the website. This edition is digital-only due to the COVID-19 impacts – if you need a hard copy please contact communications@parkwestcommunity.org.

3. ECC: All rules remain in effect. See the Community Rules Section 3 for specific ECC information.

3.1. BULK WASTE PICKUP. Advanced notice is required for any bulk item pickup. Fees will be increased slightly to cover the additional handling costs due to COVID-19. Bulk items include furniture, mattresses, appliances, grills, exercise equipment, construction debris, or any other large item that would normally be collected with a rear-load trash truck. See the Special Item Pickup Rules in the ‘Living in PWCA’ tab of the website.

3.2. GLASS RECYCLING (PURPLE CONTAINERS): Glass recycling has resumed and the purple recycling containers are throughout Fairfax County.

3.3. RECYCLING AND TRASH. Should you see someone placing trash or recycling out at an unauthorized time, feel free to take their picture (to include the residence they are coming from/returning to) and email the pictures to environment@parkwestcommunity.org. See the Community Rules Section 3.4 through 3.10 for information.

3.3.1 TRASH. Collected on TUESDAY and FRIDAY. Black bags or trash containers should be placed out no earlier than 6:00 PM on Monday evening and Thursday evening, no later than 6:00 AM on Tuesday morning and Friday morning.

3.3.2 RECYCLING. Collected on WEDNESDAY. Recycling containers and flattened cardboard should be placed out no earlier than 6:00 PM on Tuesday evening and no later than 6:00 AM on Wednesday morning.

3.4. YARD DEBRIS PICKUP. Yard Debris is picked up on TUESDAY and FRIDAY in a specific yard debris truck. All yard waste requirements and constraints are in effect as normal. See the Community Rules Section 3.7 for information.

3.5. TOT LOT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the playground was opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

3.6. BASKETBALL COURT. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the basketball court was opened effective 17 June 2020. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Users must stay ten (10) feet apart.

3.7. LENDING LIBRARY PATIO. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the patio itself was opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

3.8. LENDING LIBRARY (CLOSED). In accordance with Phase 3 of the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the Library remains CLOSED due to the restrictions on shared equipment.

3.9. COMMON AREAS. In accordance with the Forward Virginia Blueprint and resulting Fairfax County guidance, the common areas were opened effective 17 June 2020. There is no special cleaning on any surface – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Adhere to social distancing requirements.

4. PARKING. All rules remain in effect. The Resident Owner and Non-Resident Owner Parking Permit (Hangtag) Renewals for 2021 will occur on May 15th and May 16th from 11:00AM through 1:00PM. See the Community Rules Section 4 for specific parking information.

5. POOL. The pool will open on May 29, 2021 – the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Rules will be implemented as for the 2020 pool season. Pool pass applications were due April 30th – applications received now may not be ready in time for Opening Day. Pool passes will be distributed May 15th and May 16th.

6. SOCIAL. 2021 planned events will be assessed for viability based on pandemic guidance issued through the state and county.

Stay safe and well,


Reminder … Park clean-up – next Saturday, April 10, 8-11AM

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom McCook kpwroadraiders@gmail.com
Date: 4/7/2021
To: Tom McCook trmccook@gmail.com
Subject: Reminder … Park clean-up – next Saturday, April 10, 8-11AM

Just a friendly reminder, I think the rain will hold off till late Saturday and “most of the Boy Scouts” will be delivering mulch, so we need as many neighbors as possible to volunteer.

I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday.

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Tom McCook kpwroadraiders@gmail.com
Date: Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 12:43 PM

Neighbors, Scouts, Students & friends,

Our annual spring park clean up at Lakeside (off Pommeroy) and Royal Lake (off Gainsborough) parks is this coming Saturday, April 10, 8-11AM
We need your help for as much time as you can commit (start early, leave early, start late, leave late, etc.).

We are approaching this effort, to clean-up, pick up plastics as much at the source as possible. We want to eliminate the trash prior to getting to Lake Royal, Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay.
We are asking the volunteers to walk up-stream into “crooked creek/ rabbit branch” and Shane’s creek as feasible, along with the trail along the lake and just beyond the dam up-to Guinea road.
Lots of areas to clean, we need your help, of all ages to participate, a great family & friends activity, socially distant that you can support.

Still in the pandemic, the virus is still around us, so we ask everyone to participate with face masks and be respectful of social distancing.
I have attached two forms from FCPA on COVID release and the park volunteer team activities. We’ll have copies at the parks during check-in, but it is easier if you can complete prior to.
Recommend gloves & “long pants” some plants have numerous thorns. We’ll supply trash bags. We’ll have “hand-sanitizer” and face masks as needed.

April 10, just as spring is starting to “pop into wonder” before the new growth is so thick that we cannot see the trash!
Greg Sykes will be leading a separate effort to pull a very invasive plant – “garlic mustard” into the Shanes creek area. If you are interested to support this invasive management activity, please contact me or Greg Sykes for further details (at the same time/location for check-in at Royal Lake Park, greg@grsykes.com).

Students – a great chance for service hours, please come & explore nature while cleaning up our trash.
Scouts – many great opportunities for volunteer leadership. I have many projects just “waiting for you” Please give me an email/call to coordinate.

Goals as always …

  1. Explore & discover nature in our wonderful park system
  2. Clean up our trash for wildlife and neighbors in the park

Rain day – unless it is raining “VERY HARD” we intend to clean up next Saturday; in case of extreme weather/ thunderstorms; we’ll reschedule as early as possible.

Next opportunity – May 15, Friends of Royal Lake (FORL) will be sponsoring a “trail maintenance day”
Our focus is support proper and effective rain-water control on the trail, so the wetlands are preserved, erosion is minimized and the trail is kept “as dry as possible” this is a long-term endeavor and we need your support (& wheel barrows) to preserve our wonderful Lake Royal park for the future!

Any questions, please give me a call AND please forward this email to family, friends, neighbors and interested students.

Tom McCook